I can conclude that absolute sexual ethics is built on the foundation of a solid and stable family centered on absolute principles and values, and especially centered on the perfect love of God. And that is why all organizations in the world must fight to protect this family model and if not, they must disappear.
The Principle of Creation presentation, reviewed by Juan N.
It is clear that Satan’s strategy has always been the same from the beginning to the present day. And it is making God’s children eat the forbidden fruit before maturity to have control over them.
The Agenda to Sexualize Our Children– Speaker Rebecca Friedrichs, reviewed by Juan N.
Laws needs to be changed and I agree that something needs to be done with the Teacher’s Unions. This is a disgrace before God that this is going on and our child/children are subjected to this behavior. Also she stated that in some states under age children are taken to the hospital by the school nurse and the parents are not allow to get the medical report, which is called a secret abortion.
The Agenda to Sexualize Our Children– Speaker Rebecca Friedrichs, reviewed by Pastor Patricia S.
Great information, what I learn as she suggested for us to recognized to tell our child/children to say the following: NO, YELL & TELL, very important for adults as well to understand the power within us to protect us to keep us safe, but we have to mean it and make sure that we report.
Discover your inner power to stay safe and healthy-Speaker Stephanie Mann, reviewed by Pastor Patricia S.
Great presentation to understand that we need to education ourselves with upgrading our computers, be true parents, promote abstinence until marriage and educate ourselves to sexual ethics to make sure that I child/children can understand God’s plan of action for our lives. We need to be sure not to be judgmental, but preach and teach the truth according to the Word of God and not religion.
Call to Action-Richard Urban, Reviewed by Pastor Patricia S
As a provider, giving children/adults the support that they need in decision making and suggesting them to graduate from high school, get a full time job and wait to have sex until they are 21 before getting married.
Changing the Toxic and Abusive Sexual Culture-Speaker Richard Panzer, Reviewed by Pastor Patricia S.