We are in an unprecedented time in the United States where established safety protocols are not being followed as the COVID 19 Vaccine has been rolled out.
At the same time, there is a massive dis-information campaign going on in the main stream media.
Dr. Peter McCullough weighs in on this disturbing phenomena.
COVID Home Treatment Protocols:
and https://drleemerritt.com/covid-information
Religious exemptions for COVID vaccines:
Tag: Peter McCullough

We are in an unprecedented time in the United States where established safety protocols are not being followed as the COVID 19 Vaccine has been rolled out.
At the same time, there is a massive dis-information campaign going on in the main stream media.
Dr. Peter McCullough weighs in on this disturbing phenomena.
COVID Home Treatment Protocols:
Religious exemptions for COVID vaccines:
We are in an unprecedented time in the United States where established safety protocols are not being followed as the COVID 19 Vaccine has been rolled out.
At the same time, there is a massive dis-information campaign going on in the main stream media. This is caused by the corruption of our political and regulatory system. Billions of dollars are being made as literally tens of thousands of United States citizens are killed. Frankly, this is murder by our own government agencies. Those responsible must be held accountable.
Another thread is the push to make these dangerous and deadly vaccines mandatory. Now, with FDA approval of the Pfizer biological product, the military is mandating all personnel to get the vaccine. As well, the Federal government is mandating that all workers get vaccinated or undergo repeated testing. New York City requires a vaccine card to dine out or go out for entertainment.
Let’s put this in perspective. In 1969, when a swine flu vaccine caused 3 deaths, the program was shut down in nine states. Fast forward to 2021. 13,068 deaths have been reported as of 8/26/2021. 54,142 hospitalizations have been reported. 81,850 serious adverse reactions have been reported. The actual number of deaths is at least 45,000, as reported to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
This is insane! How can this be? The main stream media, which makes billions of dollars from drug advertising, is colluding in suppressing this information, as well as information about early treatments that can be used at home, including vitamins, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and Azithromycin. See here and here for early at-home treatment information.
In an interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Dr. Peter McCullough shared.
Robert F Kennedy, Jr.: What about vaccine injuries and deaths? Are you seeing any of those?
Dr. McCullough: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is the only source right now. Our US FDA and the CDC, which are the joint sponsors of the public vaccine program, which is an investigation. You know they have no critical event committee, they have no data safety monitoring board; they have no human ethics board. This is an abrogation of standards of safety for participants in human clinical investigations. It is the only time that I’m aware of that we haven’t seen the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) step in on this.
We should have had a data safety monitoring board, with the size of this program, doing monthly reviews of safety and giving advice to the program on whether or not it should continue. On whether or not there should be modifications in the program. There was no data safety monitoring board involved. Looking backwards, we had a mortality signal with this program at 27 million Americans vaccinated, on January 22 (2021). The mortality was 186 patients, and that would exceed a confidence above a usual expected for the entire class of injections at 150 deaths.
So at January 22nd, if we would have had a data safety monitoring board review the data, the DSMB would have shut this down in February. And they would have had to look at the deaths and say, ‘where are they happening?’ ‘Are they happening in COVID recovered patients who shouldn’t be receiving the vaccine?’ ‘Are they happening in the frail and elderly?’ They would have asked some questions.
And shockingly, we’re in August and our vaccine program sponsors, the FDA and the CDC have yet to have a single press briefing or a single report on comprehensive safety. All we have is the self-queried VAERS report…..
We are at, now, 13,000 deaths that the CDC has told us has happened. Over 200,000 emergency room visits, clinic visits. And we have separate external analysis…,that have shown that fifty percent of these deaths occur within two days of getting the vaccine, eighty percent occur within a week. Most are seniors in their 70’s or 80’s who die and 86 percent of the time there is no other explanation. Someone healthy enough to walk into a vaccine center has died.
Dr McCullough estimates that in Australia, for example, 100 times more people are dying from the vaccine than from COVID. Consider also, from the above interview, that the number of deaths so far, at 45,000 deaths is 250 times or 25,000 % greater than the normal threshold for stopping a vaccine program! Dr McCullough adds:
On two occasions the CDC has very casually put out on their website, one in March (2021) and one in June (2021); they’ve put out a statement that the CDC doctors and FDA doctors have reviewed all the deaths, and none of them are related to the vaccine. None, not a single one. You know, that includes these immediate deaths that occur in the vaccine center, where the vaccine personnel are doing CPR, for instance. They concluded, and I tell you, at that point, when that first statement came out in March, I have to tell you, for me, that was probably the turning point for me. I was already behind on the mortality signal. That January 22nd landmark, I missed it, clinically I just missed it. In the middle of March, when they made that statement, I realized that something was going on. It’s the hardest thing for Americans to swallow this, but that’s malfeasance. That’s wrongdoing by those in position of authority. The FDA and the CDC in no way could have reviewed 1600 deaths. That takes forever.
Television journalist Ivory Hecker shares:
It’s also worth noting that had there been an existing, known, safe and effective treatment for COVID-19, emergency use authorization of a vaccine for the virus would be prohibited by law. Could that have been part of the motivation for the strange censorship of certain COVID-19 treatments that we witnessed over the past year at news and social media corporations? I’d like to know. I’d also like to know why so few journalists seem to report on what is happening at the human level, opting instead to report what a bureaucrat tells them. Today I send courage to corporate journalists everywhere, to ask the tough questions, seek the truth and demand that their corporate bosses publish the truth.
In light of the above knowledge, we must resist vaccine mandates with all of our being. Do not allow your job to mandate the vaccine. Request a religious exemption. More information is here and here. Do not resign from your job. Make them fire you, if it comes down to that. You have God-given constitutional rights. Do not cave in. Your life may literally depend on it.
Watch #96-Bioterrorism by COVID Vaccination – VisionRoot
So far (accessed on June 25th, 2021) the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) has reported 6113 deaths and 21,780 hospitalizations from the COVID Vaccines, in less than six months. Due to underreporting, the actual number is at least 61,000 deaths and 217,000 hospitalizations. All other vaccines combined for the past ten years have produced 2560 deaths, for comparison!
Common sense tells us that something is very wrong. Dr. Peter McCullough, professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University describes the current push to have every man, woman and child as bioterrorism by vaccination. We must vigorously resist the push for forced vaccination and the push to vaccinate our children.
Dr. McCullough shared, “What we have discovered is that the suppression of early treatment was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine, and the entire program—and in a sense, bioterrorism phase one— was rolled out, [and] was really about keeping the population in fear, and in isolation preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation.”
There is vast maleficence among doctors, many of whom appear to be in a state of trance. He states: “Our agencies have done nothing to reduce the risks of the vaccine. It’s called risk mitigation….There is no critical event committee, there is no data safety monitoring board, there’s no human ethics committee. Those structures are mandatory for all large clinical investigations. The word that is really used for what’s going on is malfeasance. That’s used for those in positions of authority. And without any safety measures in place, you can see what’s going on. We’re administering… the largest application of a biological product with the greatest amount of morbidity and mortality in the history of our country.”
McCullough also shared “Their patients are taking the vaccine and dying and [have] thrombosis and the doctors are not doing anything. Injecting pregnant women with experimental messenger RNA. I mean this is like a horror. This is something that would never occur in good clinical practice. “
Early treatment is the key, shares McCullough, ” If we just treat the high risk patients. By treating patients with multi-drug treatment we reduce the duration of symptoms, we reduce the spread dramatically and we reduce hospitalizations and death….Vaccination will not do that… It’s mathematically impossible for the vaccine to have any impact.”
Dr. McCullough further shared on the danger of the spiked proteins produced both by COVID 19 and the COVID vaccines: “Our radiologists know that the breast becomes incredibly inflamed in a woman so much that they can’t read a mammogram….The spike protein is clearly pathogenic…This is a weapon of bioterrorism (The COVID vaccines) and to inject messenger RNA or adenoviral DNA and cause an uncontrolled production of the spike protein in the human body is a very, very biologically dangerous proposition.”
There is absolutely no clinical benefit for children to receive the COVID vaccine. Over 800 young people have developed myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart. In Toronto, officals offered ice cream and kept parents away while children their children were vaccinated.
Washington DC recently passed Act 23-532, which allows 11 year old minors, even those with religious exemptions to receive vaccinations without parental consent. DC residents should take action by joining a lawsuit to be filed by Children’s Health Defense. See this link.
Dr McCullough shared: “The kid’s shouldn’t be touched with a needle… I predict that it will come to forcible injection. They’re going to take it this far…. We have to stop it.