It is essential to restore election integrity. The Four for the Core program is a good start. You can do this program in your own county.

It is essential to restore election integrity. The Four for the Core program is a good start. You can do this program in your own county.
In a startling escalation, some 50 MAGA/Trump allies were served subpoenas within the past couple of weeks. They have been summoned before a grand jury for the ‘crime’ of questioning whether or not fraud occurred in the 2020 election. Some have had their phones seized. The FBI has been pounding on the subjects’ doors as early as 6 a.m.
The subpoena includes a request for any communication that questions the 2020 election or any communication about alternate electors. Communication with a list of freedom fighters, including Sidney Powell and Ruddy Giuliani plus many more, are requested.
Subpoenas were served on Amy and Kylie Kremer the organizers of the Save America Rally where President Trump spoke to 250,000 people on January 6, 2021.
Steve Bannon, host of War Room on Real America’s Voice is among those being targeted and persecuted. He was indicted and arrested on September 8th on charges concerning the “We Build the Wall” effort by the New York Attorney General’s office.
These subpoenas and raids are just as and more outrageous than the raid conducted on President Trumps Mar-a Lago home.
These subpoenas are an obvious abrogation of the first amendment, which reads
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
We have literally descended into fascist repression, where corrupt government officials and entities, including the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, team up with corrupt media, which, for the most part, fails to report these egregious violations of our rights.
Where are our elected leaders of all parties??? Are they speaking out in defense of freedom of speech? Or are they complicit? Any Federal, or for that matter, state elected official should speak out now about this egregious situation. This is a bald-faced attempt to intimidate those who support Donald Trump. But it is also an attempt to intimidate anyone who would question the US government’s narrative.
Some ¼ of a million people rallied on January 6th, 2021 to support President Trump. I was there at his speech myself. Many also walked to the Capitol to express legitimate concerns over election integrity. As I have previously pointed out, those who are corrupt and want to keep their positions of power on both sides of the aisle, have misconstrued what happened on January 6th, 2021. A trap was set at the US Capitol. FBI collaborators incited violence. The Capitol police opened the doors and let protesters inside the Capitol. Later, they were rounded up and arrested for trespassing.
Mitch McConnell famously said he would run a vendetta against anyone who participated by searching for them and making sure that they pay for their ‘crimes’, and he certainly has made good on that, along with his Democrat and Republican cohorts.
There is a lot of credible evidence that fraud occurred in the 2020 elections. Just watch the 2000 Mules movie, or even the testimony of both Democrats and Republicans who were poll watchers in the contested states.
Everyone should contact their elected Federal officials and ask them what they are doing about the obviously political abuse of power by our Federal agencies.
In light of the many irregularities and outright fraud, nationwide in the 2020 elections, it is essential that West Virginia moves to protect the integrity of elections in West Virginia. Here are some key points:
• Eliminate early voting. All voting will be on Election Day.
• Mail in voting should not be allowed at all, unless a citizen lives outside of the United States. That is what the great majority of other countries do. See this analysis of other countries: For those living outside the county, a Photo ID must be submitted with the request for a ballot.
• Eliminate using electronic voting machines. Use paper ballots.
• Do not use Clarity voting or any other third party reporting system. All counting and reporting must remain in the state.
• In case of a challenge of the election results, failure to follow rules will automatically invalidate any contested election and a new election must be called i.e. if observers are not allowed to view ballot processing, or if ballots are destroyed or voting machine audit records erased. An additional approach is to make violations a felony, as Arizona is moving to do.
• Use paper ballots to speed up voting and eliminate fraud.
• Tabulate votes, when not done manually, using two machines from different manufacturers. Results must match. Results will be recorded by each county and records will be retained on local servers and backed up by physical records of ballot counts. No third-party processing of election results is allowed.
What is the most core issue facing the United States and all of us? Have all the cards been played regarding election fraud?
What is the most core issue facing the United States and all of us? Have all the cards been played regarding election fraud?
Was the US Capitol breach set up as a False Flag and smokescreen to draw attention away for the treason and coup occurring as 71% of Senators and Representatives voted not to object to false electors? How are Mitch McConnell and other legislators tied to China?
God gives a strong message that Joe Biden’s affairs will be revealed and punished.
President Trump must not resign. Nancy Pelosi needs to be denounced for her demonic attacks on President Trump. President Trump should do whatever is best for the nation and world. President Trump was rightly elected for his second term, unlike Joe Biden, who is attempting to stage a coup.
President Trump must not resign. Nancy Pelosi needs to be denounced for her demonic attacks on President Trump. President Trump should do whatever is best for the nation and world. President Trump was rightly elected for his second term, unlike Joe Biden, who is attempting to stage a coup.
Why did the Capitol Police apparently let in some protestors? Was excessive force used in the murder of Ashli Babbitt? What good can come out of the current situation?