Are We A Police State?

The FBI is breaking down the doors of pro-life protestors and those who were at or in the US Capitol on January 6th. Police State, Dinesh D’Sousa’s latest film is a must see. Watch to get a better insight into the Police State and to take a clear stand for goodness.

Conflicts of Interest Corrupt Our Government

Local government officials, including Jefferson County West Virginia County Commission Chair Steve Stolipher, have conflicts of interest regarding the promotion of Solar Farms. These conflicts of interest are harmful to local citizens.
More broadly, self enrichment by government officials is a serious problem.
Transparency must be demanded, and government officials must realize that they are the servants of their constituents.

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Beat Your Swords Into Plowshares

What is the solution to a world where wars are killing our children? Why should we continue to sacrifice our children’s lives when there is a solution at hand?
Are we willing to listen to and work toward the solution?

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White House Caught Lying and Covering Up COVID Shot Dangers

In May of 2021, the White House learned of the deaths and injuries caused by the COVID shots. Instead of informing the public and stopping the shots, they created slides and materials explaining how to respond and cover up the facts.
Joe Biden and all of the staff involved, which includes the heads of top agencies, must resign, and also face criminal prosecution.

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President Trump Is Now Resurrecting

The two prophets in Revelation 11:9 were down and out for 3 1/2 “days” (years). Yet, all those who had been partying were terrified when the two prophets resurrected.

This is happening right now. Find out who the two prophets are, and what to expect to happen now.

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Father Bayo & Ayano Adrien

Father Bayo Adrien talks about US, Universal Siblings and Universal Solutions. We have to take ownership of the problems and the solutions. Abstinence-centered educaiton is needed not just in the schools but in the pulpits.

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Commissioner Jennifer Krouse-Stopping the Sexualization of Children

Jefferson County Commissioner Jennifer Krouse speaks on stopping the sexualization of children in Jefferson County Public Schools and Providing a Positive Alternative at the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum on July 22nd, 2023.

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Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution

Richard describes the disconnect between talking about societal breakdown and the cause of societal breakdown, which is the decline of two-parent families. With nearly 50% of all births in West Virginia (and elsewhere) coming outside of marriage, it is no wonder that schools are filled with out of control youth.
What is the solution?
A revolution of abstinence-centered education, looking forward to successful marriage as the goal.

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Dump Google

Google censors what you see by manipulating search results. Gmail decides which emails will go into your spam folder, sometimes even when you have marked them as not spam. Your Android phone tracks everywhere you go. Google Analytics follows you across the web and tracks what sites you visit. If you are a religious Google employee of the Christian faith, Google literally thinks you are insane. is a much better choice for an unbiased search engine.

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Restoring Election Integrity-The Four for the Core Program

It is essential to restore election integrity. The Four for the Core program is a good start. You can do this program in your own county.

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