The Great Fraud-The Covid-19 Agenda Part 2: What Are the Real Number of Deaths?


Good evening, welcome, to this evening’s edition of the Richard urban show. I’m your host Richard Urban I’m coming to you from historic Harper’s Ferry West Virginia. This is the second part of an eight-part series titled, “The Great fraud, the Covid-19 agenda. Tonight’s episode, is what are the real number of deaths and Covid-19 cases?

So, we’re going to look at that question tonight. Also we should consider what data can be trusted. So I’m not going to look at any data from Communist China.

You can’t trust any data that comes out of Communist China; it’s not verifiable.

We are going to look at, though a number of other sources of data, obviously.

So in the Journal of the American Medical Association research paper published March 23, there was a review of the reported deaths in Italy and as we know Italy had one of the highest reports of Covid-19 disease deaths, so the paper reviewed 355 patients, and they found that the mean age of the patients was 79 and a half years old, and that each of the patients had on average, 2.7 co-morbidity factors. So that that means that one, two or three, and obviously see the majority had more than one, so two or three factors that contributed to their death. Out of the 355 patients only three patients, that’s less than one percent had no pre-existing conditions, so if they died and were tested positive for the SARS CoV2 virus, then they counted that as a corona virus death, whereas actually only three people could be definitively defined as that was the cause of death because they had no other factors.

In other words, these people could well have died from their other conditions, but they counted it as a Covid-19 death that would explain the high death count. In Spain, all the deaths outside of the hospital, are counted as Covid-19 deaths, and in Great Britain they are now counting, also, deaths outside of the hospital. And even without testing, they are counting possible, Covid-19, they think might be for COVID-19. Does that sound similar? It’s the same game plan as they’re doing also in Italy, they’re doing the same thing.

So, in the United States also you see a similar pattern.

Most of the people are aged seventy or older and have underlying conditions but you don’t often hear about this.

In fact, if you look on the New York Times database, they say they have detailed information on the deaths, what does that mean? It means they’re trying to count as many as possible, that’s what it means. Well, their detailed information doesn’t include the age or the fact that the person had an underlying conditions which means it’s basically garbage, so you can just ignore that.

So if we’re really seeing a surge of deaths from COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS CoV2 virus that originated in Wuhan China, then we should see a lot more deaths in general, and hospitals overflowing with patients.

But do we see that?

Well, you may see pictures like this picture here of the Jacob Javits Center but you don’t see any patients in their do you? And there are many other people taking pictures of hospitals that aren’t busy at all or that are completely empty. Also, we need to look at the overall morbidity. But look at the flu, for example, and see if this supposed pandemic is causing more deaths than the flu. In the worst flu season in recent years was the 2017-18 flu season in the United States. According to the CDC, there were 79,000 deaths from the flu. So far this flu season, CDC indicates for 23000 deaths, and 139 of those are children, and so far this flu season, there are 38 million cases of the flu, in the United States.

In 2017-18, some hospitals set up clinics in their parking lots because of this severe flu season.

Also in West Virginia, there were in 2017, 449 people died from the flu or pneumonia. 69% of those are age 75 years, or older.

Well right now so far it’s April 4th. Now we have two deaths in West Virginia, from the COVID-19 disease. One is an 88-year-old woman.

So did that woman die of COVID-19? Who knows? Another is a person of unspecified age and with several underlying health conditions.

There are some 192 cases in West Virginia, and the whole state is locked down or there’s a stay-at-home-order, so effectively businesses are shut down.

Does that make any sense at all, Governor Justice? Zero sense, There’s no evidence of excess mortality or hospitals overflowing. I am not just talking about West Virginia did, I’m talking about anywhere I’m taking ab2out in Germany, even in New York City, they don’t have information, no one’s reporting how many hospital beds are available. And you don’t see the picture of those of places in Jacob Javits center filled up.

So it seems like an agenda is being pushed to make this kind of case, not kind of, that we’re having this serious prices. Well, we’re not. We’re not seeing excess mortality and we’re not seeing hospitals overflowing with patients?

I like to read from article from The Spectator by John Lee. He is from Great Britain.

So I’m going to read from that now.

“Clearly, the various lockdowns will slow the spread of Covid-19 so there will be fewer cases. When we relax the measures, there will be more cases again. But this need not be a reason to keep the lockdown: the spread of cases is only something to fear if we are dealing with an unusually lethal virus. That’s why the way we record data will be hugely important. Unless we tighten criteria for recording death due only to the virus [as opposed to it being present in those who died from other conditions], the official figures may show a lot more deaths apparently caused by the virus than is actually the case. What then? How do we measure the health consequences of taking people’s lives, jobs, leisure and purpose away from them to protect them from an anticipated threat? Which causes least harm?

The moral debate is not lives vs money. It is lives vs lives. It will take months, perhaps years, if ever, before we can assess the wider implications of what we are doing. The damage to children’s education, the excess suicides, the increase in mental health problems, the taking away of resources from other health problems that we were dealing with effectively. Those who need medical help now but won’t seek it, or might not be offered it. And what about the effects on food production and global commerce, that will have unquantifiable consequences for people of all ages, perhaps especially in developing economies?

Governments everywhere say they are responding to the science. The policies in the UK are not the government’s fault. They are trying to act responsibly based on the scientific advice given. But governments must remember that rushed science is almost always bad science. We have decided on policies of extraordinary magnitude without concrete evidence of excess harm already occurring, and without proper scrutiny of the science used to justify them.

In the next few days and weeks, we must continue to look critically and dispassionately at the Covid-19 evidence as it comes in. Above all else, we must keep an open mind — and look for what is, not for what we fear might be.”

So that is John Lee writing in The Spectator.

So again, we don’t see excess mortality. And he mentions that early in the article.

We don’t see hospital beds overflowing. In fact, we say the opposite. If you go online you can see that many people are taking pictures of empty hospitals. And also, the fact that in New York City, you can’t get any data about how many hospital beds, are available. But I did find this article for Tennessee. It said that there are, just in Memphis only, 966 empty beds. And in a region one there are 338 empty beds. That’s a lot of empty beds.

But yet, they think they might need more.

That’s crazy.

Also in San Miguel County, Colorado, where they have instituted testing everyone who was to be tested or I think, yeah, is of course, voluntary, but they’re testing basic everyone. So, out of about 1000 people, they found less than 1% were effected. They said there were eight positive tests. However they’re not revealing many active cases there are.

Therefore, for all we know there might not be any. They did say that most of the people did not know they had the virus.

So many people don’t know they have the virus, I.e., is not serious, which means that the actual death rate is much lower. So, as I just said, there were no reported cases of deaths, among children in the United States and basically in the world, few, if any. So that means that it’s a very mild virus and that we’re looking at a massive fraud as in the title this series by medical authorities and the media.

So, I emphasize again, ask President Trump and all, the governors to open the country now.  Report real morbidity data, for instance, this year versus last year.

Like 449 people died in 2017 from the flu; there is always some delay in reporting.

Find out what’s the morbidity data in West Virginia for last year this time? Is this like skyrocketing past that?

Well, probably not, considering there have been two deaths in West Virginia.

So why is our state shut down? That makes zero sense, and that’s true of many, many other states, too. How many hospital beds are empty in West Virginia? I’ve heard reports from those who work at hospitals that they’re plenty of empty beds.

Well, let’s hear these numbers. How many empty beds?

Are we getting over run with cases?

So it appears, as I said, there is an agenda going on here. We’ll look at in the next episode and following ones, what could be, or is the motivation of pushing this agenda that’s causing this kind of mis-reporting and mass hysteria. So, Governor Justice President Trump, open the country now; open the state now! End this massive fraudulent lock down. How many people will commit suicide, how many people will lose their homes? How many people will have all of these consequences?  It’s crazy. In West Virginia there are very few cases.  And there are cases that are mild. As we see in Colorado people that did have it, didn’t even know they had it. There’s no evidence that social distancing, works. There are no studies that show it works, and we’re making that basis for our whole strategy?

It’s insane, it’s crazy. Stop! Stop! Governor Justice. This is insane.

You’re destroying our state we’re destroying our country.

So let’s look further into what’s going on as we continue this series.

I think you’re very much for joining us this evening.

I am your host Richard Urban. I am coming to you from historic Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. We will see tomorrow, and do be blessed.

The Great Fraud: The Covid-19 Agenda Part 1-Introduction


Good evening.  I am Richard Urban, the host of the Richard Urban show.

Thank you for joining us for this installment, on podcasts and video of Richard Urban Show. Tonight’s episode is The Great Fraud: The Covid-19 Agenda Part 1. Right now, we are in a state of spiritual emergency.

I know many people would say we’re in a state of physical emergency, but actually we’re most of all in a state of spiritual emergency. So, in this series, we’re going to be examining the Covid-19 agenda.

So right now, we’re having a crisis, I believe, like none, certainly, we’ve never experienced in our lifetimes. Maybe even in the lifetime of our nation. Will we have the where-with-all to overcome the current onslaught that is coming, an onslaught of repression, of denial of religious freedom, freedom of conscience. You may be aware that in many states churches are not allowed to gather.

We know that Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne made a point in Florida and Tampa, he was arrested. We know that more egregiously yet in New York Mayor, Bill de Blasio has said that if churches don’t shut down, or any House of Worship, he will close them permanently. I guess he’s now god, little g, of New York or the god of this world as it says in the Bible.

In other countries like the Philippines and India, orders have been given that if people don’t cooperate with stay at home orders, they will be shot.

So this is a state of unprecedented crisis. Now, the mainstream media would have you believe that it’s a crisis of hordes of people dying. Well, we’re going to look at that in this series, and we’re going to do a total, including this introductory segment of eight segments for the next 8 days, I believe this is a crucial time, this next week, 8 days leading up to the commemoration of Good Friday and then Easter, is a critical time in our nation. We’re going to be looking at, what are the real statistics of deaths and Covid-19 cases? ; Which data can be trusted?

That’s going to be episode two. Then, episode three is what are the real number of deaths?

So there are deaths reported, but what’s the real number? We’ll look at that, we’ll look at historical data for deaths as well, historical data for hospital visits, as much as we can find out, and anecdotal data as well, the fourth installment will be, what are the reasons or motivations for mis-reporting fatalities for each different countries or state or states, because they’re vast differences in the rates of deaths in different countries, what’s going on with that, why are there so many differences and what would be behind that?

The next episode will look at what is the connection between conflicts of interest with big Pharma, with elites like Bill Gates, with people, including Dr. Anthony Fauci. How is he involved in conflicts of interest, and also other elites? We’re going to look at that. What effect could that have on this crisis, and this fraud, the next installment will look at what are other similar examples of false narratives? Such as a measles outbreaks in California, in New York State. What is the nexus between that and the current crisis, so-called, supposed of The Covid-19?

We’ll look in the seventh episode at what is the timeline and the significance of the timeline for the outbreak of Covid-19 in these United States. In the final installment, which will be on the commemoration of Good Friday, we look at, what is the role of the spiritual revival of spiritual revival in general, even looking at the revival brought by Jonathan Edwards and his followers and what is the role specifically of Reverend Sun Myung Moon in the United States?

So how is that connected to everything we’re talking about?

In this first episode, I would like to give a call to action, I will give a call to action.

1. Open the country now President Trump, all governors, rescind immediately, these repressive and restrictive guidelines that are based on false or no science. There’s no support that no scientific evidence that social distancing works. Why are we asking all people to stay at home? That’s not a traditional method of quarantining people, to ask everyone to stay at home. That needs to be rescinded immediately.

2. Secondly, use real data on morbidity and hospital usage versus data showing that data, like how many people are in the hospital now, I was just reading today that for instance, in New York City, no data is available or reported for how many hospital beds are open or not.

Why is that?

Use real data, showing us really what’s going on and use real data on morbidity. How many people died as of during this time by this time, during the last year and the year before that?

Is it more, is it less? Why can’t we have that data, we need that day?

3. Thirdly, expose conflicts of interest. Bring in independent voices like John Ioannidis, who have differing, alternate viewpoints and who are not part of the big pharma, big government conglomerate, or the vaccine industrial complex.  Certainly Dr. Fauci is a part of that complex. He has huge conflict of interest.

His department has received a huge grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He needs to be removed from that position of being on this Corona virus team, Wrong, he’s not the right person for that. Huge conflicts of interest. How can he be in there?

4. Fourthly, include spiritual leaders. Spiritual leaders, of course, every American, but spiritual leaders and all people, are affected because these restrictions and guidelines, and mandates are restricting freedom of conscience and they are restricting freedom of worship.

As I said, this is not just an external crisis, but a spiritual crisis.

How can you not include spiritual leaders at such a time as this? They need to be included and they’re also directly being impacted by these mandates in many, many states.

Like not to gather, not to worship.

So they must be included.

So I hope you will continue to join us each day.

Do subscribe. If you’re watching this on YouTube, subscribe to our YouTube channel. Also, you can download the podcast from your favorite provider, and the easiest way will be just to go to, and you can paste our link for our podcast feed in your favorite, podcast service, like Stitcher or Castbox or any other, and you will be subscribed to our podcast. And you can also find the transcripts and short articles, summarizing the content at

I do thank you for joining us.

And I know that together we will not cede our ground to this fraudulent crisis. This is really a spiritual crisis were having. Because the people who have conscience, have to rise up. We can never let restrictions of government violate freedom of conscious. That’s called tyranny, that’s called communism. That’s not acceptable, that’s not we are about, that’s not what our forefathers fought for. And we cannot voluntarily give away our freedom.

So I know we will not. We’ll get through this together. Mr. President, rescind your recommendations immediately. Follow your gut. Don’t keep doing these bad lock-downs based on bad data and advice by conflicted, people like Anthony Fauci. Bring in some real statisticians like John Ioannidis and others. Look at the real data. Tell us how many people die this year versus last year, how many hospital beds right now are being used versus last year. Let’s get real data, not this baloney, scare data. We’ll be examining all these topics and we are very, very grateful that you have joined us this evening for this podcast and video presentation.

I am your host Richard Urban. This is the Richard Urban Show. We are coming to you from historic Harpers Ferry West Virginia. Do be blessed, and we will see you tomorrow.

Good Night.

The Godless Agenda of Those Promoting the Covid-19 Crisis

Those promoting the suppression of individual freedoms as a response to the Covid-19 crisis are the very same ones who have already repressed their own people. Is this any coincidence? Watch this video to find out.

Referenced in this video:


Good evening, welcome to this edition, the Richard Urban Show. I am your host Richard Urban coming to from historic Harpers Ferry West Virginia. Tonight’s episode is “The godless Agenda of Those promoting the Covid-19 Crisis”.

So I’d like to talk more in detail about what is going on and tie all the pieces and dots together about this current, supposed crisis for the Chinese Covid-19 Corona virus.

So the people who are bringing you, so to speak, the Chinese corona virus, or Covid-19 virus are the very same ones who brought you the brutal suppression of the people of Wuhan China and the very same ones who took away the religious rights of people in California and New York, and are trying to do that in New Jersey, and are working on doing it in other places. These are the same people who are gung ho on this response to the Chinese corona virus.

So there are a lot of strange “coincidences” going on and I’d like to go through them and show you why what is going on is godless.

And since it is godless, it cannot be Godly, that means it is not of God and it’s evil, or satanic. Let’s jump into that.

This is an article from Children’s Health defense. “Does the Corona Virus Pandemic Serve a global Agenda?”

“For those who follow the global immunization agenda and its implementation on different continents, the announcement of a new pandemic didn’t come as a surprise.

Pandemic preparedness has been a well-funded and a buzz word for a long time before becoming prior to the last G7, Summits, the Davos World Economic Forum and other meetings of global governors.

The last simulation for preparedness was Event 201 a rehearsal of a corona virus pandemic organized on October 18, 2910, in New York by Johns Hopkins University, the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. The article goes on to explain that the Global Health Security Agency was formed in 2014, just after whistleblower William Thompson raised concerns that the CDC Centers for Disease Control was committing fraud in their MMR vaccine safety study.

So, since there was distrust in vaccination US Health and Human Service Department, World Health Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Alliance for Vaccination and immunization and health officials from dozens of countries decided to create a healthy security agenda for the world. They agreed on a priority to achieve 90% measles vaccination coverage around the globe, so soon after that we had the big measles scare, so called in Disneyland in 2014, the Vaxxed movie came out, but unfortunately, the Vaccine Safety Commission which was to be led by Robert F. Kennedy never happened.”

And right now there’s attack on vaccine freedom and freedom in all, basically all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

So what is this agenda 201? Well, the John Hopkins Center for Health Security held a table game, which is usually referred to war games. This exercise was on October 18, 2019. And it’s interesting that this exercise had many of the elements of the current crisis in it to her. We see the article here, “What Can We Learn from a Pandemic Table Top Exercise?” So this as I said, happened on October 18, 2019.

Interestingly, it was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, one of the main websites that is tracking the current pandemic. And it is also hosted by the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and 15 participants.

Check out who participated. One of the participants was George Gao, Director General Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

And a host of who’s who from industry and government. So actually the exercise was about a corona virus that showed up in bats and then pigs and then jumped to humans. In the exercise there were travel bans, economic collapse, talk of disinformation and misinformation.

Massive numbers of people dying. Does this sound familiar? Very interesting, isn’t it? That this would be what they were promoting?

So it’s also very interesting to note that one of the countries where there was a large number of cases, which is northern Italy, was also a place where there was a large backlash against vaccine mandates?

Okay, let’s tie all these threads together.

This article and Federalist talks about Communist China Attempts to Hide yet Another Mass Protests Against Its Authoritarian Rule”. Where was this protest? This protest was in Wuhan, China. It was in Yangluo a suburb of Wuhan. This is posted July 9, 2019.

“Thousands of people in Yangluo, a suburb of Wuhan–and only 18 miles from downtown and a designated economic and technology development zone–have been protesting a proposed waste incineration plant in their neighborhood. They have every reason to be angry. Their city used to be a beautiful place with hundreds of picturesque lakes. Relaxed seniors could often be seen practicing Taiji near waving willow trees at the lakeside.

Now, most lakes are gone, replaced by factories, high-rise apartment buildings, and landfills for garbage. People have lived with smog and terrible smells for years. Seniors can’t do their morning exercises, and parents won’t let their children play outside. People complain that they can smell the terrible smell from the landfill several miles away. Residents keep their windows shut all year round, in a futile effort to keep the disgusting smell out.”

So this is very unusual in China. Remember this is a city of 11 million people.

“Government officials were caught off guard by this demonstration because public protest carries significant personal risk in China.

“People are well trained from a young age that going up against the government is like “hitting a rock with an egg”: it never ends well and will only cause self-harm. Therefore, they rarely take to the streets unless they have no other viable options. That’s exactly what happened in Yangluo.”

The article’s subtitle asks “Are the Hong Kong Protests Spreading to the Mainland?”

So people are concerned about the terrible environmental pollution, and terrible ground water pollution. So they had a real problem on their hands, here.

And we can see if we watch these posts and videos that, like right here that there was a lot of violence going on in the city, and it was repressed brutally by the police. Here we see the riot police coming, remember this is Wuhan China, the same place where the corona virus broke out.

So you see the violent response to the protesters and the people are dragged off there.

Here’s another post on Twitter where we see also violence, people brutally beaten. A lot of police brutality can be seen during the protest.

This is in Wuhan China. The same place exactly.

You could see the violence going on there, the police brutally suppressing the people, beating them.

Okay, so this is what’s been going on in Communist China. As I mentioned in my other videos, could there be a nexus here? Could the coronavirus have been, and is a pretext, to suppress their own people. Because, as I was pointing out, as others have pointed out, yes, they started surveilling their people extensively on the pretext that had to measure their temperature, they had to restrict their movement, so suddenly it was a convenient excuse to restrict the movement of freedom and conscience.

Let’s move on to the United States here. This is an article that says “NY Measles Outbreak Hoax? No Confirmed Cases of Measles in NY”. This is about the 2019 outbreak of measles in New York as I just said.

Well, the problem was that, of course, they’re supposed to test the cases to see if it was caused by wild measles virus or by vaccine strain virus, and they never did that, so we don’t know if the virus even caused by wild measles virus strain. It could have been caused by vaccinated carriers.

Of course, they don’t want people to know that?

“It is important for the Department of Health to alert the public that it was a vaccine strain that caused the illness because a vaccine strain illness should not be equated with a public health emergency.”

For instance, he’s saying, it could have been a vaccine strain, that was not properly attenuated that caused a lot of people to get sick. So again, not complete information, obfuscation, that’s the common thread right there.

So what should happen here?

Well, governors should test a city, or a county, or a town to see how widespread the infection rate is. The difference with this virus is that many people are asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms, so they can easily be going around. They don’t know they have the virus and also they could spread it.

So is quarantine, and stay at home orders a sane response? I would say no, especially without the lack of sufficient data.

Why aren’t the governors of New York, New Jersey, California testing to see the real prevalence of this virus? Maybe they don’t want people to know what the real situation is. They’re using scare tactics, instead. As I said with the measles they didn’t see whether it came from vaccinated or unvaccinated, they don’t want people to know that vaccinated carriers can spread the disease.

What about the H1N1 virus 2009 scare?

Well, they didn’t want people to know that it turned out very few people had H1N1, they suppressed that information.

What about the study in 2005 that showed that the flu vaccine didn’t work and that even mortality rates went up? Well they suppressed that.  They don’t want people to know that.

What about the vaccine mandates? The fact that no vaccine has ever been shown to be more effective, help people more, than harmful? In other words, there’s no studies done to show that more people won’t die from the vaccine, and or be injured then in the case of those who never get the vaccine. Why don’t they do that? It’s clear, it’s the same game plan.

So this is all involves suppression and repression of people’s freedom, and people following their conscience whether it’s in communist China, in Wuhan, where there was a hot bed of protest that was even compared to the protests in Hong Kong. Then suddenly there’s a great terrible pandemic and we need to have this repressive police state.

Then switch to the United States and other Western countries.

California. It’s a great pandemic! We need to lock every one down. If you go outside, we might arrest you. New York, ditto. And these are the very same states where there’s a very strong movement of those who are strongly opposed to forced vaccination. New Jersey and really throughout the country. So it is very interesting when there’s this strong movement developing, that suddenly there’s this crisis that supposedly invokes everyone, first of all, trying to make people afraid, and secondly, repressing all their freedoms.

It is completely ungodly. Finally I would like to turn toward the danger of conflicts of interest between the government, military, and science. President Eisenhower spoke eloquently about this.

President Eisenhower said in his farewell address in 1961:

“Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence–economic, political, even spiritual–is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved. So is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

And President Eisenhower also talked about the centralization of funding for science”

“Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government… The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite”

In conclusion, what should we do? We should demand that our governors do proper testing, in other words, test whole areas, not just people who are very sick, so they can really see where this is going. And stop the repression of people’s conscience and individual freedoms. This is ungodly. It’s evil, it’s satanic. Clearly.

And as I said, a lot of this is due to conflicts of interest between big government and big Pharma. Between what Eisenhower called the Military-Industrial Complex, I call the Vaccine Industrial Complex. It’s the same dynamic, where science comes, and technology are in bed with the government and there is this scientific elite, and there’s this government where they’re hand-in-hand through corruption and obfuscation, suppressing people’s conscience and free will. It’s a real danger.

So this whole supposed response to the coronavirus is completely ungodly, it’s evil, it’s satanic. It’s wrong. The conscience is given by God. We cannot suppress people’s conscience and religious freedom. Remember, the first places shut down were what? A mega church in Seoul, a synagogue in New York. Now, all kinds of churches and places of worship.

That was the same place people, the Hasidic Jews that under attack because they didn’t vaccinate it’s the same phenomenon.

So we have to see and realize that it’s our responsibility to take action, as I said, contact you governor, speak out, such as I am on this platform.

We have to realize Christ is not returning on the clouds of heaven. Okay? We have our own human responsibility to fulfill, and then we can know that due to the victory that has already been won, then we will not be repressed. There’s no need to have war and conflict, but we can and will succeed. This is the type of war in the sense that these ungodly forces are trying to take dominion, but they cannot and will not prevail, unless we let them prevail.

So, tell your governor, tell your legislators as well that you do not want your freedoms abolished. Tell them to testing of all citizens in a given area to find out the real prevalence of the virus and devise data-driven response, as needed.

To solve this crisis, or this supposed crisis, we need to see from God’s viewpoint. The suppression of conscious and freedom is ungodly, it’s evil, it’s satanic. It does not serve God’s purpose, as we reviewed closely in this video with the Chinese communist suppression and the suppression as well in the Western countries in places like California and New York.

Speak out now! Make your voice heard.

This has been the Richard Urban Show on the VisionRoot channel, where we have been talking about the crisis of the godless response to the Covid-19 virus. I do thank you for listening today and I hope that you will be blessed and you will join us next time, on the Richard Urban Show. We thank you joining us for “The Godless Agenda of Those Promoting the Covid-19 Crisis”.

Thank you and good night.

The Emperor Has No Clothes On; Stop the Madness and Lockdowns

Is the current furor over the COVID-19 virus godly or ungodly?
Is it based on sound data or not?
Does the government response honor conscience, have integrity and is it fear based or not?
Referenced in this video:

High Wire: Corona Virus Quarantine-3/19/20:

A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data, By JOHN P.A. IOANNIDIS:

Stunning insights into the Corona-panic by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:


Good afternoon, and welcome to this afternoon’s edition of the VisionRoot video blog, and now podcast I am your host Richard Urban. I’m coming to you from historic Harpers Ferry West Virginia.

This afternoon’s episode is “The Emperor Has No Clothes On; Stop the Madness and Lockdowns”.

Well, I’d like to address the whole craziness going on about the Covid-19 or something’s called the SARS CoV-2 virus. And I would like to review right now a scripture reading and then we’ll jump right into our discussion for today.

The Scripture is from the Divine Principle, the basic teaching of the Unification movement founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, from the Principle of Creation.

Section 4.3.2 Good and Evil. An act or the result of an act is considered good when it fulfills God’s purpose of creation. This takes place when a subject partner and object partner unite through the harmonious and spirited give and take of loveand beauty, become the third object partner to God, and form the four position foundation. On the other hand, an act or its result is called evil when it violates God’s purpose of creation by forming a four position foundation under the dominion of Satan.

So we see from that quote that something can not be good and evil at the same time. So let’s look at what’s going on with all the excitement and craziest about the SARS CoV-2 virus. So about two years ago, I talked about the vaccine industrial complex, and you can look back in my videos to find that on January 2, 2018. So that’s really something we have to keep aware of. Do we have this kind of gargantuan monster dominating our society? So I would like to bring up three main points in this video.

So the reason I gave that quote about good and evil, is that in the show, we’re gonna be giving news of us about and understanding that is bringing God’s point of view into the equation. So is what is happening as a response to everything godly. It is either godly or evil or good or satanic. One of the other, but not both.

So, three points here.

1. Does the decisions or do the decisions are being made Allow freedom of conscience whatever kind of decisions are being made, do they allow freedom, of conscience. Because we know that God created each of us. Okay, if we don’t recognize that God is our Creator, then we were lost, we’re lost. So does it allow freedom of conscience?

2. Secondly, are those making the calls or decisions, we can say honest or are they involved in corruption and obfuscation.

We talked in the last video about the H1N1 last, quote unquote pandemic in 2009, and how there was mis-reporting, obfuscation, lying, okay, we’ve been talking, extensively on this channel, about the vaccine issue and how no vaccine has ever been proven to be more safe then deadly. We see that the industry never test vaccines and there’ve been many, many corruption scandals, in that industry that is the pharmaceutical industry. So we see that the people making these kind of decisions. Or how do you say, advising the government to make these kind of decisions, that would be the World Health Organization and the CDC are not honest.

So, I gave the example last time, if you know a doctor is a crook or kills people, Do you want him to treat you?

No, you d2o not.

3. Thirdly, my third point. Do those making these decisions rely on a fear-based model? Now, I would say, definitely. It’s like, social distancing! ‘Oh my gosh, don’t come too close’. There are people who say, “Well if they’re right, oh my gosh.”

But we have no evidence to show they’re right. Anyway, regardless of whether they’re right or wrong. And obviously I don’t think they are right, and I’ll be showing that in this video and podcast then, is it based on fear? Fear makes people irrational.

It’s not the way you want to run your business. If you have a business, do you want your employees, constantly on the edge, that they’re going to be fired, that’s going to be a harmonious, good working relationship?

It doesn’t make for rational and good environment and, in fact, it’s of the devil. Because we’re talking about news and views from God’s point of view.

Okay, the devil wants you to be afraid like “Oh my gosh, I’m going to die.

Now that doesn’t mean be stupid and not follow natural law.

Don’t step off a cliff or something.

I’m talking about physical cliff here. Not the supposed cliff of whatever they’re making it out to be. We should not have a fear-based model. So if you look at what’s going on, all these three are in the red, danger zone. The decisions being made for shutting down businesses, locking down California, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New York, San Francisco. These decisions are not being made based on allowing people freedom of conscience.

What do I mean?

They’re decisions where mandates are being given that aren’t taking into account people’s individual freedoms. And I’m going to relate that to the other issues we’ve been talking about, like how these industries especially Pharma and so-called Science which is often pseudo-science, do they respect, and these mandates in different states, like vaccine madkates, respect people’s conscience?

Secondly, we already said that the CDC that is the Centers for Disease Control in the US, the World Health Organization. They’re not honest. They lie. They obfuscate.

They’re involved in dozens, hundreds, if not thousands, of corruption cover-ups over all these things. Like I mentioned in the last episode, How many watching this video, know that flu shots don’t work? Well congratulations! Maybe people who tend to watch videos like this do. But, a lot of people don’t.

And also, why 15 years after a huge study was done on the entire US population, statistical study, do they still promote that, for instance? Check my previous video on “Can we trust the CDC and the World Health Organization? Thirdly, do those making decisions rely on a fear-based model? We were talking about that. Yes, they do. They’ve got people scared, like scared ‘Oh my gosh, oh mygosh, oh my gosh, I might die’.

Okay, well that’s not a proper model for making decisions.

A feer-based model.

Now, I want to point out a few things about this.

One thing is, where did this whole thing start? It started in communist China, and there it is, a godless state clearly. And we’re relying a lot on their information, but can it be trusted? No. ABC have you been over there to fact check the Chi-Coms, the Chinese Communiststo see if their numbers are right?

And what is their motivation for doing the things they’re doing?

We have created this false, completely false narrative. So right now, I’m going to show a clip from the movie “The Matrix”. A great movie, 1999 movie, where we’re kind of in this matrix thing now. People are thinking that this is a supposed reality of this terrible crisis, but maybe there’s something else going on here.

Let’s watch this clip.

Have you ever had a dream neo that you were so sure was real?

What if you were unable to wake from that dream how would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Neo: This can’t be. Morpheus: Be what? Be real? Trinity: It’s going into replication. Morpheus: Apoc? Still nothing. Neo: It’s cold. It’s cold Morpheus: Tank, we’re going to need a signal soon. Trinity: I’ve got a fibrillation. Morpheus: Apoc, lLocation? Targeting almost there. Trinity: It’s going into arrest. Morpheus: Lock. Tank: I got him. Morpheus: Now, Tank, now!

[After going through a kind of birth, Neo wakes up attached to many cables in the real world, the machine world]

So suddenly we have this situation where we have this seeming, like, reality. ‘Oh my gosh, we have this virus. It’s spreading everywhere. Oh Oh my Gosh! . Sorry for yelling there a bit. But that is what’s going on in our society. Is this justified? Let’s look at this clip, and I’m going to read the translation. It is from Dr. Wodarg in Germany.

We’ll look at the clip, now.

Dr Wolfang Wodard:

Let us assume that in the previous years, we tested a seriously ill patients in the hospital on the corona virus. We would have expected to find 2000 to 3000 people dying of a flu each year that also had the Corona virus and we still are far away from these numbers.

Apparently it is the case of virologists created something very sensational here with their creation they really impressed the Chinese government as well. The Chinese Government made something really big, out of it.

Suddenly this was very important politically completely exceeding the virological frame.

All of a sudden, face recognition was installed everywhere; at the airports.

Fever is being measured, The clinical thermometer controls the traffic on Chinese streets and all this was so significant that it led to international consequences. Politicians had to deal with it, had to take a stand. Then the virologists came into play again. The government asked their own virologists. And they confirmed that this virus is a thing to worry about, and proposed to develop tests to help measure the virus, like in China. Something was woven around this. A network of information and opinions has been developed in certain expert groups. And the politicians turned to these expert groups who initially started all this, and they really absorbed this network, moved within it. This led to politicians who now are just resting on these arguments while using these arguments to evaluate who has to be helped to determine safety measures or what has to be permitted.

All these decisions have just been derived for these arguments, which means that now it’s going to be very hard for critics to say, ‘Stop, there’s nothing going on’, and this reminds me of this fairy tail, about the king without clothes on, and just a small child was able to say, ‘Hey, he is naked’. All the others on the courtyard suArounding the government asking the government for advice because they can’t know themselves, they all played along and joined the hype. And like the politicians are being courted by many scientists, scientists who want to be important in politics because they need money for their institutions. Scientists who just swim along in this main stream and also want their part. ‘We can help too. We made an app, we have a program for this’, so many people saying, “Hey we want to help too”, because they want to earn money with it and become important.

And what is missing at the moment is a rational way of looking at things we should ask questions like, “How have you found out that the virus is dangerous?”

“How was it before?”, : Didn’t we have the same thing last year?”

“Is it even something new?” That’s missing? And the king is naked.

End Dr. Wodarg.

Okay, so what’s going on here? We see Dr. Wodarg saying that this was politicized by the Chinese government to surveil their people.

Well, is this something new?

So could this be possibly employed by the Chinese government, increased surveillance on their own people?

Of course, it can be.

Can we trust the Chinese statistics? Of course we cannot. There’s no verification of those statistics.

We don’t even know, as he said, if this is a new virus and as I pointed out earlier in the video, that something like 7 to 15% of the viruses each year are different corona viruses.

So I’d like to now go to an article that’s very important by a Stanford professor, to understand more about this whole issue.

The article was entitled, “The fiasco in the Making; as the Corona Virus Pandemic Takes Hold, We Are Making Decisions Without Reliable Data by John PA  Ioannidis, Mar 17-2020.

The current Corona virus disease Covid-19 has been called the once in a century pandemic, but may also be a once-in-Century evidence fiasco. So he points out that draconian counter measures adopted in many countries as we know now, four plus states have shut down many and many states have shut down restaurants.

However, we don’t have clear data. For instance, on a set people who the whole population has been tested. How about Snohomish County, Washington; test all the people. We just collected data mostly on sick people, like in nursing homes, places like that, hospitals.

So we have tremendous uncertainty about the risk of dying from Covid-19.

He gives example of the diamond Princess cruise that was tested and 1% of th people died, but that was largely an elderly population. So he extrapolate that to the entire US and do to uncertainties of statistics, the range could be from.05% to 1% in his estimate.

Well.05%, he indicates here is lower than the seasonal influenza rate, so already, as he said, Corona viruses are common, and even common cold viruses can have a death rate as high as 8% in certain populations, like the elderly in nursing home, which is what we see half of the deeths, or many of the deaths, like 60 of the deaths in the US so far. One-third or a large number of them are from one nursing home.

Now, normally as was also pointed out in the video I just showed you; that doctor also says that most of time we don’t care what virus caused a person to die of influenza or pneumonia because there’s like 100 plus viruses, and nobody tests for them. So nobody knows. The Corona virus could well be implicated in an estimated 7 to 15% of all deaths, and in fact, out of all the flu, in the US, for example, so far this season, there have b een 1,073,976 specimens. 20.7% have tested positive for influenza. However it is estimated that there are 36,000,000 to 51,000,000 flu ilnesses and 22,000 to 55000 flu deaths.

So there is lot of uncertainty in these numbers, so that they’re making decisions without clear data.

That’s what he’s pointing out.

So, we need data clear data. And in fact, in Great Britain they are keeping the schools open, a completely different model.

So here we see the article that says “Herd Immunity. Will the UK’s Corona Virus Strategy Work? Ministers look to have given up on containment in favor of a novel approach Ssme experts are wary of. Herd immunity is a phrase normally used with large numbers of children have vaccines, the disease like measles, reducing the chance that others will get it. As a tactic for fighting a pandemic for which there’s no vaccine it is novel, and some say alarming. Actually that’s not totally accurate. Herd immunity traditionally refers to natural immunity, for example from getting the measles.

So, that’s approach they are taking in Great Britain.

As we look at this, we’ve got to ask some questions. As I stated in the beginning. Things either have to be godly, or they are evil, or satanic if you will. They’re not both, they can’t be both at the same time.

So we’ve shown three clear points why it’s not godly.

The things they are doing, like lockdown is violating people’s conscience rights.

Say you’re running a barber shop, and then you are told ‘Shut it down’.

But your conscience tells you; you want to continue going with it. That’s not right.

And also the people involved are dishonest, as we pointed out, the CDC, the WHO, government authorities; and it’s a fear-based model.

So what’s going on?

I pointed in the video that it started with the Chinese communists. Then, it spread around to Italy. By the way, all the cases there in a recent analysis except two, were very elderly people, and in fact they’re counting anybody who dies of some kind of flu-like illness, and they don’t even have the data. Surprise! Does that sound like the H1N1 virus?

So, no clear data there. And then what’s going on, which are the first states, to subjugate or take away people’s rights? California, the same state that took away religious freedom to not vaccinate and New York, the state that just took away, in a very subterfuge, tricky kind of way, took away the religious rights and made a big hulabaloo value about the measles, a supposed epidemic.

Well, what happened with the measles epidemic in New York?

They never tested to see what kind of measles it was, which is against the protocol.

They just said, “Oh people had measles. Well, was it measles that was transmitted by vaccinated carriers or was it really the wild type of measles?

Nobody knows it was complete subterfuge. Again, dishonesty.

Suspension of civil rights.

What’s the connection to The Chi-Coms, Chinese communists? Chinese communists obviously our godless.

Suspending your religious freedom is godless. Like Gavin Newsome, like Governor Cuomo. I predict that’s going to backfire.

The people are going to be mad as hell once they wake up out of this stupor, as I pointed out in the Matrix clip, and they’re going to throw out Gavin Newsome, have a referendum, whatever, and he will be out. And also, Governor Cuomo will be out for their serious abuses.

So we’re waiting, and there’s very good blog by Del Bigtree about the whole reaction to this supposed crisis. And it’s certainly not of God, I’ll tell you that much. And it’s not even of common sense. So I think we’ve got to look at this. We see godless Chinese communists, we see godless people like the governors of California, and the people who are supporting that. And New York. Now other places; San Francisco, the first to shut down. Certainly a godless city there, as far as the administration and so on.

So I would say something’s going on here. There is a nexus between the godless Chinese Communists, and then this virus being used by godless people in our own nation to persecute effectively, people. All the people I think it is going to, I believe, and I proclaim it is going to backfire on those people, so maybe people will finally wake up and realize from their stupor that “Oh my gosh, what are these people doing? These people are evil.”

You can call it godless you can call it evil but it is clearly godless.

What happens when everybody’s out to work for weeks or months? They can’t buy medicine. Could people die from that? Uh, duh.

Del Bigtree points that out clearly. You know, they can’t feed their children. Has anybody proven that keeping kids home from school is better? Where are they going to go? A lot people go to grandpa’s house. Oh, I thought we were going to be protecting the older people that what they are doing in Great Britain, apparently not in the US.

All this hype, makes no sense. And let me point out about the governor of West Virginia. On Tuesday morning he said, “Hey go eat out at the restaurant. Then about five hours later, or four hours later, he said there was one case, one, one, uno. Not one death, one case in West Virginia. Now do more people have it, of course, more people have it.

As I said, there’s a lack of data, but one reported case, and he said, Okay all restaurant dining inside will be shut down.

Let’s take a little bit of perspective.

Imagine if the governor said, ‘We had one case of the flu. All restaurants will be shut down.’ There’d be probably riots, or something. But really, that’s the basic thing. We don’t know if this is any more or less dangerous than the flu. Crazy, insane, crazy. Sure, elderly people should be protected. It would be good if nursing homes could have greater protection somehow. Use common sense protection. But really, as I pointed out, according to the CDC 150 people about average 150 plus people die every day from pneumonia. So probably 300, when you consider mostly during the flu season, and nobody knows exactly what they died of or the might have died of multiple things And as Dr. Wodarg was saying, 7% to 15% of people who have the flu will have Corona Virus anyway. It may or may not have been the cause of death. Who knows? They don’t ever test it, the person gets flu/pneumonia and he dies.

They never tested everybody. So this whole thing is fabricated by the Chi-Coms.

And if you don’t have a problem with that, I do because, can you trust any data in statistics from the Chinese Communist? No!

And also, they say there’s no more cases. Who verifyied that? Who verified the cases that were there to begin with?

Remember they started surveiling their people more. Face recognition, so they can prevent them from traveling; prevent them from leaving the country, maybe organ harvest them; throw them in jail. Hello! Anybody home?

Crazy, crazy, crazy. And this kind of godless attitude, like in New York, Governor Cuomo, taking away, through subterfuge by the legislative assembly, the right to religious exemptions, then accusing the Hasidic Jews because they didn’t vaccinate. And not even testing what type of measles it was. Againk no data. Does that look familiar? Because they’ve never even tested, whether the cases were wild measles vaccine vaccinated type measles that you could get from vaccinated carriers or what kind they are. A completely fraudulent operation there.

So, that’s a result of a godless worldview. So what I’m trying to say is, man, becomes God.

In 1962 or 1963. when they decided to eradicate measles, they said they were going to do it, they being the scientists who came up with that idea, because he could. Well, they made a ____, you fill in the blank, out of this thing. No, they didn’t eradicate measles.

We’ve got one out of two children in the US have a development disability; one out of 42 have autism.

And don’t tell me there’s no connection between autism and vaccines. That’s baloney. There are over 60 plus studies that show correlation, not causation. Hello! Correlation. So we wrecked our youth and because we want to play God. So, does that fit the three points? Is that following conscience, following God. No! It’s godless. It’s satanic. It’s evil.

So you can see this response is not of God. And we need to wake up right now before we destroy our whole economy and realize, Hello! The emperor has no clothes on, as Mr. Woodarg was saying, ‘Hey, doctor, you don’t have any clothes on!’ ‘Oh my gosh!’

Hello! Show us the data. Show us the numbers. Look this is the mighty United States of America. Get the daggum test kits. You said now you can test 10 of thousands, whatever, thousands at a time. Do a daggum sampling of all the population in a certain county, like that county in Washington, or acounty in California. Test everybody. Let us know the real numbers, not this baloney knee jerk, evil, satanic, repressive craziness. Call it that. And this has another nexus to the Vaccine Choice movement, because no vaccine has ever been shown to be more effective than deadly.

Yes, that’s right. Hello! If you watch my videos, or studied other things, you know that. No vaccine, no, zero, zero, zero, has ever been shown to be more effective than deadly. ‘Oh, but I thought they were safe’. You thought wrong.

Look it up if you don’t believe me.

So, who benefit from this? Certainly pharmaceutical companies will benefit. They will benefit big-time.

So that’s the message I do want to share today, We’re pretty grateful that you could join us, we’re going to be bringing you more often news and views from a godly point of view. We thank you for joining us, either on this YouTube broadcast, as or on our new podcast. Do find the podcast on our website

We will have them up in a couple of days for you to download them on your favorite podcasting service like Castbox or any other. And thank you for joining us this afternoon. Do be blessed. Do stay sane and whole, and we will see you next time on the VisionRoot video blog and podcast. Good afternoon. And be blessed.

Can You Trust the CDC and the World Health Organization on Covid-19?

Evidence from the DTP Vaccine and H1N1 “pandemic” points to the fox guarding the chicken coup. Organizations that knowingly kill children and adults for profit cannot be trusted.

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View the video of this episode.


Good evening, and welcome to this evening’s edition of the VisionRoot video Blog. I am your host Richard Urban coming to you from historic Harpers Ferry West Virginia. Tonight’s installment is, “Can you trust the CDC and the World Health Organization on Covid-19: evidence from the DPT vaccine and H1N1 Pandemic?

So we’ve seen a lot of light and really fear-based about the Covid-19 virus. The organization entrusted really with overseeing Public Health, United States as the Centers for Disease Control or CDC, and on the world level, we have the World Health Organization.

So let’s look at how these organizations operate.

And I’d like to give an example, for instance, if you go to your doctor and you know that your doctor for instance, has when treating some other patients for something, you may not be the thing that was treating you for, has killed people and then the doctor is supposed to be doing a good job with whatever he’s helping you with.

So, you’re going to trust you, doctor, right?

No, I think you’re going to think twice, and thrice, about that.

So let’s have a look at this.

Can we trust the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization? I’d like to review the evidence for the DTP vaccine. So we’re going to look at some research from Peter Aaby. Well, what does the WHO have to do with that?

Well, the WHO is in charge, WHO being the World Health Organization, of the vaccination program throughout the world, like in countries of Africa, for instance, and let’s see how they’ve handled that situation.

And we’re also going to look at the statistics for the H1N1, the last pandemic that was declared by the World Health Organization in 2009 and we’re going to also look into other health issues, producing death such as the influence of vaccines and we’re going to see… As well as the DPT, I just said, how that is being handled.

And I kind of asked the question, “Why this incredible hype? Does it make any sense, in light of the real situation? So let’s dive into this.

So the World Health Organization is responsible for recommending vaccination for countries throughout the world, especially the countries of Africa.

So, here is Dr. Peter Aaby.  And he’s a world-renowned researcher who’s worked with vaccines for 40 years.

This is about vaccines, and I think it’s important to recognize that no routine vaccines tested for all the effect of mortality in randomized trials before being introduced, I guess, most of you think that we know what all the vaccines are doing, we don’t. Peter Aaby says that I wrote to World Health Organization and said, please check if any other people have used this vaccine. Is there anything going on here?

That’s a new measles vaccine he’s talking about. And so the World Health Organization wrote back and said that his data is not plausible. He was showing that the vaccine caused an increased mortality.

Second, they said that his experiment was unplanned, so he wrote back. Like telling them, “Hey you don’t… Can’t plan on killing children.

In other words, they’re giving him a bunch of BS.

He found that the girls were more affected.

So, later, we’re talking about the DTP vaccine DTP is Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis. It was also given here in the US until 1996, but it’s still given throughout the world. So we found out what the bottom line is if you read this article and is linked in our Eight Facts About Forced Vaccination

in the foot notes, is that you had a 2.3 times higher mortality if you are DTP vaccinated.

And actually it’s five times more for girls, but overall it’s 2.3 times higher mortality. In other words, they’re more likely to die whatever beneficial effect it might have, they are more likely to die. So it makes zero sense, to give this vaccine.

This is clearly an unnatural event. This vaccine is actually killing children. So this was published in 2003.

Hello, that’s 17 years ago.

So then they came up with some Vaccine Safety Committee, and their committee at the World Health Organization even though he’s been working all these years on a very large group of children, I think is a 200,000 or some very large number.

They said “There is no negative effect”.

So the way they came up with that is manipulate the data and throw out some of the data. And he explains here. And if you’re interested, the details, how they manipulated the data and that actually if they hadn’t manipulated the data it would be the same thing he said.

So now, here we are, some 17 years later, and they’re still getting the DPT vaccine.

Even though it causes 2.3 times higher mortality for children.

Now, this is the World Health Organization, so that means hundreds and thousands of children are being killed and in fact it says right here with the new malaria vaccine they’re actually testing it on children in Africa and the parents might not even understand what’s going on and be understanding the dangers. “If there’s anything to their own data we’re going to kill somewhere between 2000 and 5000 girls unnecessarily.

Now, that’s not 200 or 20, that’s 2000 and 5000 children dying. Now, could it be that they’re little kids in Africa, that nobody really cares about and get in Guinea Bissau? Maybe that has to do with it, or some people care about but apparently not the Pharma people.

Okay, so why am I bringing this up?

The World Health Organization is the same people that are bringing this “pandemic” yet they’re perfectly willing to kill two to 5000 children and kill thousands of children with the DTP vaccine that they know is killing them.

Yet they still do it. Now why would that be? Could it be because of conflicts of interest? Could it be because of huge money from Pharma?

Oh no, nothing like that. Of course it is.

Now, what was the last pandemic that was declared by the World Health Organization?

It was H1N1.

Well, if you do any research on that, you’ll discover and this is a very good blog right here by this lady Sharyl Atkinson.

So she did a lot of good work and she found out actually through her blog, the Sharyl Attkisson show here that in fact, the CDC now that’s the United States counterpart to the World Health Organization, The Centers for Disease Control told the doctors in July of 2009, to stop testing for H1N1. Now that was very strange. And she explained in this podcast, which you could fin if you search for Sheryl Atkinson [] you will find it, that… And this podcast is called Coronavirus, Fact vs. Panic.

But her podcast on the H1N1, this one is called “Corona Virus, Who’s Controlling the Information”: from February 17, 2020. She says that she found out after talking to people, that was because they either wanted to understate or hide what the real statistics were and they never gave her the statistics for how many people were infected with H1N1. So she had to go to each state and get them individually. they kept obfuscating and didn’t answer a freedom of information request.

So she found out that the states had, when they tested people for the virus, they had found out that there were from 1% to 17% actual cases.

So you see here in Florida, they were 8853 tests and only 17% were positive. In Alaska, there were seven 722 tests and only 1% were positive. In fact, most of them didn’t even have the seasonal flu so most of them didn’t even have the flu, never mind H1N1 flu.

So in other words, they covered up the fact that it wasn’t nearly as serious as what they said.

So this was a lot of the obfuscation and unreliable data from the last time.

And then there’s another interesting factor, is that in general as Ms. Attkisson points out in her podcast year that the flu vaccine doesn’t work. Okay, this study, February 14, 2005, “Impact of Influenza in Seasonal Mortality in the US Elderly Population”.

So they did a very large study looking at deaths over 33 flu seasons, that’s a big study from 1968 to 2001. Anyway, they turned the data that could not find that the influenza shot or flu shot, had reduced the mortality of elderly people.

Now, you probably didn’t ever hear about this, I wonder why? And this Atkinson explains in her article in her blog that of course they tried to not give this any publicity and in fact, they’re still recommending the flu shot.

Okay, so the entire US population over 65, was studied, so millions of members were in this study, as you could see, they are showing all winter deaths and showing the amount caused by the flu shot.

Now, before the flu shot came into use, here we see total US deaths 435,000, and then as the flu, shot use increased, we see the deaths going up to 500,000 and up now here in 2000 to 655,000. So, actually, more elderly people were dying as the flu shot use increased.

So that’s the opposite of what they expected.

So they told everybody ‘Don’t get a flu shot, it’s worthless at best, and might kill you at worst’, right?

No, they covered it up. So, that’s what Sharyl Attkisson is explaining.

So these are the same people we’re supposed to trust about the current so-called pandemic. I’d also like to point out one other thing, that it could well be as Dr. Peter Aaby pointed out in the information that I just talking about the DTP vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis is that there may be more mortality from a particular vaccination than not. And it just happened that the way they studied these children, some got the vaccine, and some didn’t get it until later, then they found the mortality but other than that they never have tested, and that was a coincidental test, for mortality, they only test vaccines against other people who got some other type of vaccine.

You say, why? Good question, why? And even they’re rushing to market now a vaccine that they’re testing on people. For the covid-19 that hasn’t even yet been tested in animals. That’s not even ethical.

So what am I getting at?

So, according to the VAERS system, that’s the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, influenza vaccines have caused in the last, 29 years, 1703 deaths, and 18,46545 serious injuries. But different sources indicate that they’re between 10 to 100 times under-reporting. Even many doctors don’t even know about how to report to the VAERS database, so that means there are least 17,030 to 170,300 deaths.

The influenza of vaccine has caused each year, 587 to 5870 deaths, that’s a conservative estimate.

It’s probably much a more likely toward the high-end.

And between 184,650 and 1,846,300 serious adverse reactions causing hospitalization including Guillain-Barre Syndrome, which means paralysis, and other very serious symptoms. That comes out to 6376 to 63,670 serious adverse reactions every year.

So has anybody heard about that? Chirp Chirp. That’s the crickets chirping. No! Why? Because the Fox is guarding the chicken coop. The CDC is completely in bed. Julie Gerberding, the former head of the CDC for 6 or 7 years is the head of vaccines at Merck Corporation. How convenient. So the organization tells you what we’re supposed to get for vaccines and the next thing you know, the director is over at Merck making the vaccines she told everybody to get. What the heck! The whole system is completely corrupt and crooked. So these are people who are supposed to be giving us information about the covid-19 disease. Why don’t we hear about all the kids doing in Africa from the DTP vaccine; why don’t we hear the fact that a best the flu vaccine doesn’t work, and at worst it kills a lot more people than it helps? Nobody knows if more people are killed by the flu vaccine then it helps.

And very likely, more people are killed like I said, by the flu vaccine than are helped by the flu vaccine. Also, another interesting fact is that the statistics for flu deaths include pneumonia deaths. So, even according to the CDC itself it says right here that influenza and pneumonia kill annually, 55,672 people.

Okay, so that’s a lot of people killed every single day.

So that’s about 153 people killed every day. And reporting is not clear on influenza and pneumonia, which is influenza, which is pneumonia. Is it one or the other or both, very likely, not many people die from influenza itself, but from complications like the pneumonia? But anyway, you cut the cake it’s 55,672 people, that’s a lot of people.

So we’re talking about a relatively small number of deaths from the so-called pandemic.

So why are we whipped up into such a hysteria when every day 165 people, are dying from pneumonia why isn’t everybody running around, saying “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh”.

And then 3000 to 5000 children will be killed in Africa, yes killed knowingly with trials of malaria vaccines and thousands of thousand children have been already killed and are continuing to be killed with the DTP vaccine, and I’m just talking about Africa that was used in the US and of course as we know, right here in West Virginia, they’re like 11 required vaccines and many others that aren’t necessarily required, but that people get, like the flu vaccine, HPV that caused tens of thousands of injuries and thousands of deaths. Would you hear about that? Chirp Chirp, Chirp Chirp (crickets chirping).


Because they’re focusing on something they can make money off of, first involved by rushing to get a vaccine that may or very likely will not help and might even kill more people than it helps, but they’ll either way, they’ll make a lot of money off of it.

So this hysteria is crazy, it’s insane, it’s ridiculous. Calm down, sure, get some groceries, get some toilet paper, my gosh, but don’t be insane. Use common sense, yeah, and there are many, many cover-ups like the Centers for Disease Control.

There’s the William, Thompson cover up that’s documented in the Vaxxed documentary. There’s also Vaxxed 2 now, I just mentioned Julie Gerberding; there are many, many other conflicts of interest. If you look on our website, Urban Life Training or our Facebook page, you can also see the testimonies posted. There’s so many really literally hundreds and thousands of cases of corruption, and reports being withdrawn that were negative. And I just mentioned the report of the flu vaccine. How many people know that the flu vaccine doesn’t even work?

Why is their government still pushing this crap when it does even work?

And very likely, almost certainly it is killing people.

Well, because the mortality rates have gone up since they have been using the vaccine, common sense would say that it’s killing people. So, it would be bad enough if it didn’t work, but yet it’s killing people. And what do you hear about it?

Chirp chirp [crickets].

Because they’re making money, they’re in bed with big Pharma. This is total bull crap, it’s ridiculous, and it’s criminal. These people should be in jail, never mind overseeing our health system and no one is ever held accountable. Noe of these people with all these conflicts of interest, is ever held accountable. No one in Congress has the guts or balls to investigate the William Thomson thing. Why not? Because all the Republicans, as well as the Democrats, are getting money from big Pharma. Don’t believe me? Look it up yourself, – check it out. Did anyone ever call William Thompson to testify on Capitol Hill?

That movie came out, what, six years ago? No, no one. And the guy is still a whistle-blower working in some capacity at the Centers for Disease Control.

It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous. Conflicts of interest, it’s criminal. There is literally criminal activity.

And then as I said in the beginning, these are the same people.

So these are the people who lie, obfuscate and literally kill people, and then they’re supposed to be the ones who are telling us, Oh, we have this terrible emergency.

So actually, let’s look at the data.

So I know this changes every day. This was as of March 17th, which was a couple of days ago. So, today is March 18, right now, but this as of yesterday, so 114 Corona deaths. Okay, let’s look at these First of all. 55 of them were in Washington State.

Okay, so that’s a lot.

In fact, that’s almost exactly half.  And in fact, 30 of them were at one nursing home.

That’s like about one-quarter.

Now, what kind of people are being killed by this virus?

Well, the average age actually is 80.Is that a good thing? Well, no, but we just pointed out that pneumonia/flu kills 153 people every day, every day, every day. Is that great thing? Well, no, but it is what it is.

So why the mass hysteria and pandemic designation? So a man in his 80s, a woman in her 70s, a man in his 80s, a woman 50, a woman in her 90s, 60s, this is at the same Life Care Center where a lot of people died.

Two women in their 90’s-80’s-70’s-80’s. So they’re definitely affecting elderly people. And also, I saw another report that in Italy and what’s going on in Italy. Well, the average age there is also 80 and they’re only like two cases that didn’t fall into that category, and they’re still investigating them.

A man, 71 with underlying health conditions.

Some, they don’t know, that’s another thing. A lot of the information came out at first was very vague, like “Oh Coronavirus is a pandemic it’s killing people.

Well, how does it kill them?

Like at first you looked it up it didn’t even say. It’s like what’s going on, you know what I mean?

Man 65: he had significant health conditions, man, 71, underlying health conditions. 80. This guys in 50s. So the point is that for most people it’s not a real threat. So, should we be shutting down the whole country, taking our economy? Could there be other motivations Well, I’d say definitely. I would not trust the Centers for Disease Control, or the World Health Organization, any more than I would trust a fox to guard your chicken coop, literally. Just like the analogy I gave. If you found out that the doctor, you’re trusting for your care had killed a lot of people, would you mind having that doctor oversee your case?

You know, he said, “Oh don’t worry about that.

We’re very trustworthy here. I don’t think you would do that.

So keep your level head. This doesn’t make any sense.

Who is behind all this hype? Could there be other motivations could people be trying to have other things going on? Other spurious motivations?

Certainly the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control are not to be trusted. Do your own research. This lady Sharyl Attkisson, her blogs are excellent. We have a lot of good information at Look these things up yourself and do your own research on it.

Stop the panic.

So I would definitely recommend a few things.

Yes, don’t panic. Use common sense, if you are elderly or frail or know people who are, yes, you don’t want to expose them.

That’s true. Also, I’d recommend for longer term that the CDC be removed from overseeing any vaccines or disease control, in the United States, it’s a completely conflicted organization, It’s completely corrupt organization. It should be overseeing by an independent organization.

Same goes for the Food and Drug Administration. It is corrupt, it’s funded by big Pharma itself. A lot of the money they get is from Big Pharma, the same conflicts of interest exist at the CDC, so those organizations should not be overseeing our health system or disease prevention. It’s insane. Completely in bed with Big Pharma who have proven through the information I gave that they cannot be trusted with anything and they’re literally willing to kill people for money.

Imagine, even in that article I was going over, it says, “Imagine if all of these children had been killed in Europe or the United States.?

Well, actually, that’s not totally true. If people realized it was from the vaccine, but now people don’t even realize, they say, “Oh children died after getting four vaccines. Oh, it was sudden infant death syndrome.

We don’t know what happened, we’re the most advanced country in world but we can’t figure it out.

Oh, sorry. What the heck! This is complete baloney, it’s criminal actually, and people need to be locked up for that in a sense that if they’ve committed fraud and broken laws and obfuscated and resulted in people’s deaths, they need to be held accountable. And you know what, this is not going to prevail. This whole pandemic thing, I predict it is going to be resolved and maybe a good result from it will be when people realize how, not just incompetent but corrupt the CDC is, the World Health Organization is, and they’ll start looking into these things even more and so their whole strategy is going to backfire.

It’s going to backfire. So I pray that everything will go according to God’s will and that we will see sense from this. I also urge the repeal of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which resulted in Pharmaceutical companies no longer being liable for injuries and deaths. We saw the number of vaccines skyrocket. That’s crazy. They need to be held accountable, that needs to be repealed.

So I do hope you will give this food for thought, and that we will calm down, we’ll get through this together and let’s not let the foxes guard our chicken coop. And do your own research and find out what is true and be blessed.

So, I am Richard Urban I’m reporting from historic Harpers Ferry West Virginia. Do be blessed.

We will see you again soon and good night.