D-Day Was January 13th, 2020

Three major events all happened on January 13th, 2020. Find out why this was D-Day and what we can expect to happen in the next two years.

Seek First the Kingdom

Many churches closed during the COVID-19 situation in the past year. What good can come of this? What is the role of Rev. Sun Myung Moon? What is absolute sexual ethics? Why has Christianity weakened?

Referenced in the show:
The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, Which Is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal and the Global Kingdom

Principle Two Hour Diagrammed Lecture Manual

Exposition of the Divine Principle-3 Color

The Great Fraud-The COVID 19 Agenda-One Year Later

We need to be aware of and speak out about the continuing fraud. We must vigorously resist the push for vaccine passports. Richard discusses three key filters to determine if what is being said is correct or not.
Online Video and Podcast: The Great Fraud-the COVID 19 Agenda: https://www.visionroot.org/the-great-fraud-the-covid-19-agenda/

Seth Rich Murder and Cover-Up: New Evidence

Seth Rich was murdered after leaking DNC emails to WikiLeaks. New evidence shows that Rod Rosenstein was the key figure responsible for his murder.

Was Justice Antonin Scalia Murdered? New Evidence

In a shocking interview, a brave whistle blower shares about Justice John Roberts discussing the murder of other Supreme Court Justices What is the root of such wickedness in high places?

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The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics 10 Part Series
The Great Fraud: The Covid 19 Agenda 8 Part Series:
Fall of Man Explanation:
Original Root Substance of the Principle, p. 195:

Could Biden Only Be President for 40 Days?

What is the most core issue facing the United States and all of us? Have all the cards been played regarding election fraud?

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Mike Pence Represents Christianity

Why Did Mike Pence, a recognized Christian, betray President Trump? What is the connection between Rev. Sun Myung Moon and President Trump?

They Knowingly Abetted Treason and a Coup

Was the US Capitol breach set up as a False Flag and smokescreen to draw attention away for the treason and coup occurring as 71% of Senators and Representatives voted not to object to false electors? How are Mitch McConnell and other legislators tied to China?

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Joe Biden’s Lovers Will Be Revealed

God gives a strong message that Joe Biden’s affairs will be revealed and punished.

Don’t Change What God Has Said

Many Unification Church members have disregarded God’s and Rev. Moon’s direction to not change the textbooks that Rev. Moon designated as Holy Scriptures. The results are devastating.

Read or listen to Rev. Moon’s speech on September 23, 2005 in Washington DC: God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace

View: Christ Has Already Defined His Kingdom and It Is Not the Rod of Iron Kingdom

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