President Trump Rights January 6th Protest Injustices

President Trump made history by pardoning all of the January 6th, 2021 protestors who were arrested. This prosecution of President Trump’s supporters had been an ongoing witch hunt, orchestrated by the Biden Department of Justice. These pardons will go down in history as an historic restoration of justice.

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Vaccine Choice for West Virginia-Kudos to Governor Patrick Morrisey

On his first full day in office, January  14, 2025, West Virginia’s new governor, Patrick Morrisey, issued an executive order giving all West Virginians the ability to seek religious exemptions for vaccinations required for school attendance. 

West Virginians have battled for decades to have this basic right.

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Interview with Jack Hefestay-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Charles Town District-Jefferson County WV

Jack Hefestay and Richard discuss Jack’s worldview, the Excess School Levy, county budget allocations, public safety and EMS, Jefferson County’s Comprehensive Plan and much more.

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Interview with Erika Kolenich-Libertarian Candidate for WV Governor

Richard and Erika Kolenich discuss limiting tax increases, government waste, cutting government spending, vaccination choice, reducing unnecessary regulations, marijuana reforms and more.

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Interview with Bill Ridenour-Republican Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 100

Richard and Bill Ridenour discuss increasing workforce participation in West Virginia, capping property tax assessments, ensuring not accepting any election results that might come based on the assassination of a candidate or jailing of a candidate, vaccination choice, improving education and much more.

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Interview with Cara Keys-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District-Jefferson County WV

Richard and Cara Keys discuss solar in Jefferson County WV, development, fire and EMS and much more.

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Interview with Thornton Cooper-Democratic Candidate for WV Secretary of State

Richard and Thornton Cooper discuss election integrity, business registrations, if there is any election fraud in West Virginia or elsewhere and much more.

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Interview with Mary Ann Roebuck Claytor-Democratic Candidate for WV Auditor

Richard discusses Mary Ann Claytor’s experience as an actual auditor, the auditing of local school system expenditures, the need for transparency and not using the Auditor’s office as a political stepping stone, plus much more.

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Interview with Michael Mood-Republican Candidate for County commissioner-Middleway District-Jefferson County WV

Michael and Richard discuss development in Jefferson County WV, the effect of development on school enrollment, fire and ems, the county budget and much more.

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Interview with Steven Wendelin-Democratic Candidate for US House of Representatives-WV 2nd Congressional District

Richard discusses with Steven Wendelin his positions on balancing the Federal budget, abortion, vaccination choice, the coal industry in West Virginia and much more.

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