
(Video) All Black Lives Matter-Planned Parenthood’s Black Genocide

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5770 black children are aborted every week in the United States. That is 30% of abortions with blacks being 13.4 % of the population. Many black pastors sanction this black genocide. Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist.

Sexual Abstinence

Why Abstinence Matters-4: Sex Outside of Marriage Harms Society

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By all accounts, children growing up without fathers experience negative effects. Purchase the recording of the Urban Life Training Chapter Workshop:

Sexual Abstinence

Why Abstinence Matters-3; Fatherlessness and Rage

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Learn from Jonetta Rose Barras and Rev. Jesse Lee Petersen how anger and rage are a toxic result of fatherlessness. See how race baiting exacerbates this problem among black males.

Sexual Abstinence

Why Abstinence Matters-2: We Have Become Diseased Spiritually and Physically

What are the spiritual and physical consequences of sex outside of marriage?

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Sexual Abstinence

Why Abstinence Matters-1: The Fall of Man

Why is Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage so Crucial. What is the meaning of the Fall of Man? Study the teaching of Rev. Sun Myung Moon:

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Homosexuality Sexual Abstinence

What is the Black Lives Matter Ideology?

What does Black Lives Matter actually believe, in their own words? Is it godly? Does it promote peace or conflict?

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Social Issues

All Lives Matter

Why are we only hearing about George Floyd and not those black lives killed during the looting and shooting. Are these protests godly, Is the Black Lives Matter movement honest, and do they promote fear and hatred?

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Civil Liberties Sexual Abstinence Vaccine Choice

Will We Seek Blessing and Love or Anarchy and Chaos?

President Trump did the right thing by going to St. Johns’ Episcopal Church with a Bible. Terrance Floyd told people not to riot and destroy their communities, yet protests and riots continue. What is behind this chaos?

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Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Vaccine Choice West Virginia Politics

NSA Surveils All Americans and Lies About It

WatchWhat Has Happened to Our God-given Freedoms?

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Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now Presidential Politics Vaccine Choice

Fauci’s Department Funded (illegal?) Gain of Function Research in Wuhan China

Watch Fire Anthony Fauci for Conflicts of Interest and Creating a Political Disease

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It was announced on October 28, 2019 that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a part of the NIH would receive $100 million in grants for HIV and sickle cell research from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.