What problem is at the root of all other problems facing society? Find out in this video, plus practical steps to solve this problem.
Category: Social Issues
From the educatorsforfreedom.com website:
Docket No. 21-2711https://www.google.com/amp/s/dockets.justia.com/docket/new-york/nysdce/1:2021cv08773/568661%3fampAll contributions will go toward protecting religious freedom rights in the workplace. We have been denied our Constitutional right, freedom of religion, by our employer the NYC Department of Education, the City of New York and the NYC Health Commissioner. This is not only affecting us, but every single citizen of the United States. A very concerning precedent has been set here in NYC, as well as across the country and we MUST STOP it now. If we don’t stand up and fight for our basic Constitutional rights now, it will affect all of us, our children, and families in the future. The Religious Exemption process they forced us to partake in was unconstitutional, illegal, unfair, blatantly discriminatory, and without due process, which resulted in denials of our religious exemptions. Now we are all on unpaid leave, have a deadline to lose our health insurance benefits, and were told that we may not work or collect unemployment. Through all of this, we are still willing to fight this fight to maintain our constitutional rights for the greater good, for all of you and generations to come. This comes with a high monetary cost, and we need all the help we can get. We are looking to take it to the highest court of our nation. The attorneys representing us specialize in religious law and will pursue the suit based on our first amendment right. If we win this case, everyone wins, even if you’re not part of the lawsuit. It will set a precedent across our country that will help every single person being denied their First Amendment right. Let’s make history!
Letter to the Editor submitted to the Spirit of Jefferson and printed on September 15th, 2021 (this original version was slightly edited).
Last week, Edward Belmonte Jr., a health teacher at Jefferson High School was arrested after allegedly having sex multiple times, including inside a school closet, with a 17 year old student.
Notably, Belmonte testified that abstinence-centered education does not work and should not be taught at the January 11th Jefferson County Board of Education Meeting. He was responding to my comments about the importance of abstinence-centered health education.
What kind of person does not want school age youth to abstain from sex before marriage? We can see clearly in this case that it is a person who wants to have sex with underage children!
This is not the first time this has happened in Jefferson County and at Jefferson High School. In 2016, Joel Michael Ziler, a music teacher and choir director was convicted of having sexual relations with two female students. Other sexually related incidents where teachers where fired and their licenses were revoked occurred in Jefferson County in 2005, 2009, 2018 and 2019. Belmonte also is a graduate of Jefferson High School.
In my testimony at the January 11th Board of Education meeting, I shared:
“SIECUS promotes so called comprehensive sex education. That means that school age youth are not encouraged to abstain from sexual activity. Sexual exploration is seen as being healthy, as long as contraceptives are used.
This contrasts with abstinence-centered sexual health education, which is the real comprehensive sexual health education. This is because, sexual abstinence is stated as the expected standard for school age youth, in line with Federal Title V standards. Virtually 100% of parents agree with this approach.”
Urban Life Training, the nonprofit organization that my wife Stacey and I founded in 2003, has helped over 3000 students along the path to success by teaching the benefits of sexual abstinence before marriage. We would like to offer this program to all middle and high schools in Jefferson County that want it, free of charge to the schools.
But to do this we need your help. Both curriculum presenters and Teen Choice Service Club leaders are needed, as well as financial support to fund the program.
If you would like to help, please contact Richard Urban at 202-544-5081 or email info2@urbanlifetraining.org. Our website is urbanlifetraining.org.
We are in an unprecedented time in the United States where established safety protocols are not being followed as the COVID 19 Vaccine has been rolled out.
At the same time, there is a massive dis-information campaign going on in the main stream media.
Dr. Peter McCullough weighs in on this disturbing phenomena.
COVID Home Treatment Protocols:
and https://drleemerritt.com/covid-information
Religious exemptions for COVID vaccines:
January 6th US Capitol False Flag Entrapment Operation Needs to be Investigated
Matthew 25:
33 He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 34 Then the king will say to those on his right, “My father has blessed you! Come and receive the kingdom that was prepared for you before the world was created. 35 When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me, 36 and when I was naked, you gave me clothes to wear. When I was sick, you took care of me, and when I was in jail, you visited me.”
37 Then the ones who pleased the Lord will ask, “When did we give you something to eat or drink? 38 When did we welcome you as a stranger or give you clothes to wear 39 or visit you while you were sick or in jail?”
40 The king will answer, “Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.”
41 Then the king will say to those on his left, “Get away from me! You are under God’s curse. Go into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels! 42 I was hungry, but you did not give me anything to eat, and I was thirsty, but you did not give me anything to drink. 43 I was a stranger, but you did not welcome me, and I was naked, but you did not give me any clothes to wear. I was sick and in jail, but you did not take care of me.”
44 Then the people will ask, “Lord, when did we fail to help you when you were hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in jail?”
45 The king will say to them, “Whenever you failed to help any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you failed to do it for me.”
46 Then Jesus said, “Those people will be punished forever. But the ones who pleased God will have eternal life.”
Matthew 25
Dozens of January 6th 2021 US Capitol False Flag Entrapment Operation Detainees are still being held in the Washington DC Detention Center/Jail. What terrible and dangerous crimes did these falsely called “insurrectionists” commit? Let’s review a few facts:
- Not one person has been charged with bringing a firearm into the US Capitol. The only person injured or killed by a firearm was United States veteran Ashley Babbitt, who was murdered by a still unnamed US Capitol Police officer.
- These prisoners are being held as political prisoners of the Biden Administration. Julie Kelly at American Justice shared on the Mark Levin show: “The US government, Joe Biden’s Justice Department, is holding political prisoners in a jail in Washington DC opened up to house January 6th defendants awaiting trial. They’ve been denied bail. They’re living in harsh, almost solitary confinement conditions in this jail….This is a political persecution against Trump supporters.”
Regarding Black Lives matter protestors in places like Portland Oregano she says “They’re not only not being rounded up, their cases are being dropped; their records are being expunged.” - Most of those arrested were simply walking around in the US Capitol building. They were not destroying anything or committing any altercations. Over 600 people have been charged as of August 4th, 2021 The most common charge is “Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted; building or grounds without lawful authority; disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly or disruptive conduct on Capitol grounds; parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.” In other words, the supposedly riotous insurrectionists were walking around the US Capitol Building, even being directed by Capitol Police officers. The prosecutor in charge, Michael Sherwin, called this a “Shock and Awe” operation. In other words it is political persecution of Donald Trump supporters by the Biden Administration.
- Capitol Police let protestors into the US Capitol. For example, Michael Curzio was arrested and detained for more than six months. He has now been released. Curzio stated on Dinesh D’Souza’s show: “I walked through a door where there was approximately six officers standing 20 feet away from it, that we’re just letting people walk in. And nobody told us to stop. Nobody told us to leave…”
Since the Capitol Police let the protestors in, as seen in numerous videos, and as would be seen on the so far unreleased Capitol security videos, why are protestors being charged with trespassing? This is clear entrapment. - The US Capitol Police and the FBI knew there would be trouble, and they decided not to prepare properly. Why? Who told the US Capitol Police to effectively stand down?
Recently, US Representatives Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Louie Gohmert were denied entrance to the DC Jail. What are the DC jailors hiding?
This entire investigation is backwards. The still unnamed officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt should be investigated and his name revealed. The FBI informants who are unindicted coconspirators should be investigated for possible charges of entrapment. Whoever issued the stand down order at the US Capitol, such as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi should be investigated. In addition to the officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, the Capitol Police should be investigated for possible collusion in the false flag entrapment operation, such as letting in protestors and allowing them to visit various areas of the US Capitol building. Show us the US Capitol security footage to prove that this is not true.
Law Enforcement Today wrote:
However, a “secret history” of the 2020 campaign reveals that radical organizations, major corporations, and party operatives assessed that there would likely be a riot if Trump lost and they could blame the president for “inciting it.”
Law Enforcement Today
Speaker Pelosi’s role in calling the shots on Congressional security was confirmed by the now-resigned House Sergeant at Arms. It is clear that the Democrats knew that there would be an explosive situation outside the Electoral College as early as March of 2020.
It is not indisputable that the Capitol Police and National Guard were told not to do their jobs effectively by being issued “stand down” orders from their leaders.
There are also reports that Capitol Police fired incendiary tear gas canisters and possibly committed other abuses while protestors were gathering and before any kind of altercation occurred. Show us the US Capitol security footage if this is not true. What are the Capitol Police hiding?
All prisoners in custody at the DC Jail should be released immediately. Any abuse by DC corrections official needs to be investigated. Enough is enough. Say NO! To the taking of political prisoners by the Biden Administration, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and their minions
Watch: #97-Why is the Truth about the January 6th US Capitol Protest Being Obfuscated? – VisionRoot
Scripture Quote:
That is why your conscience knows and perceives not only every action you have performed but also every thought you have entertained. Your conscience is aware of these things before your teachers, parents or even God are. Hence, if you were to live in absolute obedience to the commands of your conscience, which is your teacher for eternity, you would be absolutely guaranteed to have eternal life. Such is the way of God’s creation…..
A world governed by the heavenly way and heavenly laws is a natural world, an unobstructed world of truth and pure reason. It is a world at the “high noon” of absolute values, where there are no dark shadows.
Rev. Sun Myung Moon The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, which Is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom
According to Miriam-Webster, obfuscate means “to throw into shadow : DARKEN”. What we need in all areas of life is transparency. First we had the COVID-19 narratiave, with wildly inflated models of death, wildly inaccurate case counts, and grossly wrong and inaccurate, from a traditional medical point of view claims about the need for quarantines, lockdowns and mask wearing. That led into the obfuscation and lack of transparency in the 2020 election process. Finally the January 6th protest was planned as an operation to squelch opposition to the fraudulent election results. I spoke about this already in my January 9th, 2020 Richard Urban Show.
More and more evidence is coming out that the January 6th Capitol Protest event was, indeed, a False Flag operation. Consider the following Questions;
1) Why did Capitol Police let protestors into the building, as evidenced by video and reports?
2. Why have virtually none of the the thousands of hours of video recorded by US Capitol security cameras been released? What is being covered up?
3. Why has the name of the officer who murdered Ashley Babbitt not been released?
Regarding Ashley Babbitt, this is certainly not the first time Capitol Police have been involved in questionable shootings. On October 3rd, 2013, the vehicle driven by Miriam Carey and her infant child was shot at 26 times by Capitol Police and Secret Service officers. No one was ever prosecuted for or even disciplined for this quite obvious over use of deadly force.
Revolver News has reported that there are many “unindicted co-conspirators” in the cases filed against groups such as Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters. Who are these “unindicted co-conspirators”? Many times their actions as outlined in the charging documents indicate that they were active participants, or even instigators of the alleged criminal activity. Clearly the narrative that there was an intelligence failure is a false one. The FBI not only knew about the protests, but actively participated and encouraged those activities. This borders on, if not actually meeting the standard of entrapment, which is illegal.
Transparency will go a long way to dispelling the questions raised above. Yet, rather than being transparent, the Capitol Police, Secret Service, FBI and the US Congress use obfuscation or just downright stonewalling. Notice in this clip from 2015, the Miriam Carey’s sister, Valerie Carey, who is herself a former NYPD officer wants to know the names of the Capitol Police officers who murdered her sister:
VALARIE CAREY: I, along with my mother, would like to see justice, would like to have some transparency. We still to this day do not know the names of the officers involved in the incident. There are a lot of questions that are still surrounding. And the previous initial reports that came out about my sister ramming a White House gate or breaching the White House, which were false, it would be nice if those publications did a follow-up to actually tell the truth.
This is exactly the same thing that is happening in the case of Ashley Babbitt. The Capitol Police are accountable to no one, save Congress. They are not bound to the rules that apply to all other police departments. Again, a lack of transparency exists. Why does Congress allow this?
As of now, more than 535 individuals have been charged in the Capitol Protest January 6th incident. Many are in jail with no bail set. Why is that?
The investigation now needs to switch gears. Investigators must demand transparency. We must know what role the FBI played in the January 6th incident. Disturbingly, the very FBI director who oversaw the highly questionalble operation that supposedly inderdicted an assassination attempt on Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has been transferred and now oversees the prosecution of those accused of crimes for the January 6th US Capitol incident. Yet, three of five of the people who rode in the van to carry out the supposed Whitmer assassination attempt were actually FBI informants! We are seeing the same pattern in the January 6th indictments that are being brought forth.
We see a similar lack of transparency going on at the NSA, the National Security Agency. The NSA has been caught spying on Fox news reporter Tucker Carlson, which is illegal. See here and here.
The investigation needs to focus on whether the FBI and other government agencies are carrying out illegal surveillance and conducting false flag operations to entrap and persecute and prosecute innocent United States citizens.
All US Capitol Surveillance video needs to be released. What are they hiding? Possible misconduct by Capitol Police officers, such as documented here by the World Tribune? The fact that protestors were actually let into the US Capitol by Capitol police officers?
We are nowhere near getting to the bottom of the January 6th incident. The real intention was to derail the legitimate questions being posed about the integrity of the November 3rd 2020 election. That operation was successful, as evidenced by even President Trump apologizing for the supposed violence occurring at the US Capitol.
But the larger attempt to use the force of the US Government to carry out an operation against patriotic United States citizens will not and cannot succeed. As I mentioned in the beginning scripture, this is not the age of darkness, but of light. The light will illuminate the darkness. Congressmen who are serious about serving their constituents and keeping their jobs should ask the hard questions to reveal who was really behind the January 6th incident.
Dr. McCullough shared, “What we have discovered is that the suppression of early treatment was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine, and the entire program—and in a sense, bioterrorism phase one— was rolled out, [and] was really about keeping the population in fear, and in isolation preparing them to accept the vaccine,
which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation.”
Full Interview with Dr. Peter McCullough: https://www.brighteon.com/aa6e0367-b00c-48f4-8890-d3802884592d
Watch #96-Bioterrorism by COVID Vaccination – VisionRoot
So far (accessed on June 25th, 2021) the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) has reported 6113 deaths and 21,780 hospitalizations from the COVID Vaccines, in less than six months. Due to underreporting, the actual number is at least 61,000 deaths and 217,000 hospitalizations. All other vaccines combined for the past ten years have produced 2560 deaths, for comparison!
Common sense tells us that something is very wrong. Dr. Peter McCullough, professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University describes the current push to have every man, woman and child as bioterrorism by vaccination. We must vigorously resist the push for forced vaccination and the push to vaccinate our children.
Dr. McCullough shared, “What we have discovered is that the suppression of early treatment was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine, and the entire program—and in a sense, bioterrorism phase one— was rolled out, [and] was really about keeping the population in fear, and in isolation preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation.”
There is vast maleficence among doctors, many of whom appear to be in a state of trance. He states: “Our agencies have done nothing to reduce the risks of the vaccine. It’s called risk mitigation….There is no critical event committee, there is no data safety monitoring board, there’s no human ethics committee. Those structures are mandatory for all large clinical investigations. The word that is really used for what’s going on is malfeasance. That’s used for those in positions of authority. And without any safety measures in place, you can see what’s going on. We’re administering… the largest application of a biological product with the greatest amount of morbidity and mortality in the history of our country.”
McCullough also shared “Their patients are taking the vaccine and dying and [have] thrombosis and the doctors are not doing anything. Injecting pregnant women with experimental messenger RNA. I mean this is like a horror. This is something that would never occur in good clinical practice. “
Early treatment is the key, shares McCullough, ” If we just treat the high risk patients. By treating patients with multi-drug treatment we reduce the duration of symptoms, we reduce the spread dramatically and we reduce hospitalizations and death….Vaccination will not do that… It’s mathematically impossible for the vaccine to have any impact.”
Dr. McCullough further shared on the danger of the spiked proteins produced both by COVID 19 and the COVID vaccines: “Our radiologists know that the breast becomes incredibly inflamed in a woman so much that they can’t read a mammogram….The spike protein is clearly pathogenic…This is a weapon of bioterrorism (The COVID vaccines) and to inject messenger RNA or adenoviral DNA and cause an uncontrolled production of the spike protein in the human body is a very, very biologically dangerous proposition.”
There is absolutely no clinical benefit for children to receive the COVID vaccine. Over 800 young people have developed myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart. In Toronto, officals offered ice cream and kept parents away while children their children were vaccinated.
Washington DC recently passed Act 23-532, which allows 11 year old minors, even those with religious exemptions to receive vaccinations without parental consent. DC residents should take action by joining a lawsuit to be filed by Children’s Health Defense. See this link.
Dr McCullough shared: “The kid’s shouldn’t be touched with a needle… I predict that it will come to forcible injection. They’re going to take it this far…. We have to stop it.
Letter to the Editor printed in the Spirit of Jefferson on June 23rd, 2021
This letter is to follow up on my testimony at the Jefferson County Board of Education meeting on June 14th, 2021.
While sharing two facts on the importance of family structure to the success of children, Board Chair Ms. Skinner interrupted, as noted below:
My comments: “Let’s not forget that intact family structure and parental support, not race, is the most important factor in student success. The Jefferson County Board of Education would be well advised to adopt policies that recognize this fact. Those youth who graduate from high school, get a full time job and don’t have children before marriage and before age 21 are ten times less likely to live in poverty [Ms. Skinner interjects: “Mr. Urban, please let’s just stick to the topic here and not wander off ”, I reply “That is related, I’m talking about student success. They‘re 10 times less likely to grow up in poverty. That’s an important thing for student success and well-being, emotionally”]. Children living with their mother and her boyfriend are six times more likely to be physically, emotionally, or educationally neglected [Ms. Skinner interjects “Mr. Urban you’ve really gone off topic and your time is actually up]. At this point my virtual meeting connection was disconnected while I was still speaking.
Two take-aways from the above give and take with Ms. Skinner.
- The Board of Education should hear citizens’ comments and not censor them.
- We need to turn the conversation toward which family structures promote student and youth well-being. Father Facts, 5th Edition gives the following data:
Using data drawn from the 1990 test results of 18,000 10th graders who took the Louisiana Graduation Exit Examination, it was found that the percentage of students from single-parent families in schools had a strong negative relation to standardized test scores, and the prevalence of students from single-parent families in schools was a better predictor of academic outcomes that the racial composition of schools.
We need to take a long-term, generational view. Regardless of current family structure, what would you, as a parent, recommend for your children? The overwhelming majority of parents will want their children to abstain from sex before marriage. And as just stated, this is directly linked to student well-being. Therefore, schools should adopt curricula and programs that help youth fulfill the success formula mentioned above; finish high school, get a full time job and don’t have children before marriage and before age 21.
Watch: #95-Black Math Genius Causes Controversy in Jefferson County WV Schools – VisionRoot
On June 2, 2021 the Jefferson County West Virginia Board of Education voted to approve the funding of the Black Math Genius summer program. The four week program is to cost $63,280 plus or over $1100 per student enrolled. The cost that parents can purchase the Black Math Genius program for online is $249, less than one fourth of the cost that taxpayers will pay per child.
There are several issue with bringing Black Math Genius to Jefferson County public schools. First, recruitment for the program began before the School Board approved hiring for the program. Teaching positions for the program were posted without School Board approval. There was little input from the community, with only one virtual special School Board meeting for discussion of the program.
The founder of the Black Math Genius program, Assata Moore, has stated that black children are intentionally not taught math properly. It is highly debatable that black children are intentionally singled out to receive an inferior education. Here she says at 4:39 in the video that public schools are “systemically racist”. It is true that in some school systems, such as the District of Columbia, black children often fare poorly. But is this because of systemic racism? If so, we must conclude that the mostly black teachers and mostly black administrators in the District of Columbia are systemically racist. This is clearly a false premise.
We see the Jefferson County School Board working to introduce a program that is not only very expensive, but where the program’s founder believes in systemic racism. These ideas are the same as those of Critical Race Theory, and derive from a Marxist/Communist point of view, i.e. where formerly the workers were pitted against the capitalists, now one race is pitted against another.
Jefferson County Schools should stick to teaching subjects in a way that does not introduce Marxist ideology, i.e. Critical Race Theory. This theory is false. We are all created by God. As the Declaration of Independence states, we are endowed by our Creator with Inalienable rights.
Are we to go back to segregation? No, we must categorically reject that approach.
Let’s not forget that intact family structure and parental support, not race, is the most important factor in student success. The Jefferson County Board of Education would be well advised to adopt policies that recognize this fact. Those youth who graduate from high school, get a full time job and don’t have children before marriage and before age 21 are ten times less likely to live in poverty than those who don’t follow this guidance Furthermore, children living with their mother and her boyfriend are six times more likely to be physically, emotionally, or educationally neglected than children living with their married biological parents, according to the Witherspoon Institute.
Let’s focus on what makes all children successful. Let’s reject divisive and false Critical Race Theory related programs and teachings. As Jefferson County parent Chris Keiter shared on The Richard Urban Show “we need to get race out of everything right now. … We are all Americans, we are all the human race.”