Family Breakdown Marriage Rev. Sun Myung Moon Sexual Abstinence

#101-What Is the Most Important Problem Facing Society?

What problem is at the root of all other problems facing society? Find out in this video, plus practical steps to solve this problem.

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Christianity Covid-19 Crisis Marriage Medical Freedom Presidential Politics Rev. Sun Myung Moon Sexual Abstinence

#94-D-Day was January 13th, 2020

Three major events all happened on January 13th, 2020. Find out why this was D-Day and what we can expect to happen in the next three and one-half years. Learn who the two witnesses in Revelation Chapter 11 are.

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Read D-Day Was January 13th, 2020

Christianity Marriage Salvation

#81-Who Will Give the Faithful Report?

Have the Unification Church and Christian Churches become corrupt? What is the role of Rev. Sun Myung Moon as the True Parent? Why is it important to give a faithful report?

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Marriage Sexual Abstinence

#76-The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 10 with Roy Ramey

What is the proper relationship between religion and politics? Are we living in the era after the coming of heaven? What is the foundation for a peaceful and ethical society and world? Read Peace Message 10:

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Marriage Sexual Abstinence

#74-The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 9 with Yun-a Johnson

Learn about the World Peace King Bridge-Tunnel that will link the Russian and North American land masses. The new heaven and new earth has already arrived. What is the basis of this Kingdom, and how can we live in it?

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Marriage Sexual Abstinence

#72-The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics Part 8- with Leila Johnson

Learn about cross cultural, international and interracial marriage, the Marriage Blessing and seeking first the Kingdom and His righteousness.

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Homosexuality Marriage

#70-The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 7 with Philip Sharp

What is the Kingdom of Heaven like? Why is the God-centered family the root of the Kingdom of Heaven. Is there marriage in Heaven? Join us for this important Discussion

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Marriage Sexual Abstinence

#68-The Family Rooted In Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 6-with Jamal Johnson

    Are you growing a healthy fruit or a wormy, rotten fruit through the actions that you are taking, especially centered on absolute sexual ethics? When you are not committed to the betterment of your children, or the children that may be created, you are doing a disservice to yourself and to society.
    What is the link between absolute sexual ethics and the current ballot fraud scandal?

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The Family Rooted In Absolute Sexual Ethics, which Is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom

Marriage Sexual Abstinence

#66-The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 5 with Stacey Urban

Learn about a life of true love and about the relationship between your physical self and the eternal spiritual self. Read the Principle, the teaching of Rev. Sun Myung Moon:

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2nd Amendment Rightrs Abortion Homosexuality Marriage Sexual Abstinence

#65-Freedom vs. Opression: Trump Vs. Biden

The choice could not be more clear. One candidate supports fulfilling God’s purpose of creation, and one does not. One is on the side of good, the other is on the side of evil.

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