Medical Freedom Religious Freedom Vaccine Choice West Virginia Politics

#184-Vaccine Choice for West Virginia-Kudos to Governor Patrick Morrisey

On his first full day in office, January 14, 2025, West Virginia’s new governor, Patrick Morrisey, issued an executive order giving all West Virginians the ability to seek religious exemptions for vaccinations required for school attendance.

West Virginians have battled for decades to have this basic right.

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abstinence-centered education Family Family Breakdown Marriage

#174-Tricia Jackson on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Richard and Tricia Jackson, primary candidate for West Virginia Treasurer, discuss how to tackle the issue of almost one half of all West Virginia births being outside of marriage. They talk about the need to present clear expectations and standards to children and youth. Helping children to develop emotional intelligence, and not just going by their feelings, was discussed as an important element of tackling this issue.
Richard discusses the idea of developing STAR (Students Teaching Abstinence & Responsibility) and other leadership clubs that emphasize character development and sexual abstinence.

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abstinence-centered education Family Breakdown Marriage Sexual Abstinence Sexual Ethics

#173-Kevin “KC” Christian on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Richard and Kevin KC” Christian, primary candidate for West Virginia Governor, discuss the benefits and efficacy of character and abstinence-centered education for youth.  They dive into the process for forming an Urban Life Training Chapter in your local community.  Kevin shares about the importance of putting base desires in check while looking forward to a successful marriage and future.

Link for forming an Urban Life Training Chapter:

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abstinence-centered education Family Family Breakdown Marriage Sexual Abstinence Sexual Ethics

#172-Joe Earley on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Joe Earley, primary candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in West Virginia, discussed how the continued upward spiral of outside of wedlock births drives all types of societal problems.
Joe discusses the deleterious effect of unfettered internet access on our children, and much more.

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abstinence-centered education Christianity Family Breakdown Marriage Politics School Boards Sexual Abstinence Sexual Ethics

#171-Jack Hefestay on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Jack Hefestay and Richard discuss the root cause of societal decline, the breakdown of the family. Richard presents a practical plan to tackle this issue.
Jack and Richard discuss the current dynamic of discussing God in the public square.

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abstinence-centered education Family Family Breakdown Marriage Sexual Abstinence Sexual Ethics

#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families

Richie Robb and Richard Urban discuss the importance of focusing on the cause of societal problems, which is family breakdown.  In West Virginia, about one in two children are born outside of marriage. 
How can generational change occur?
Could part of the solution be banning cell phones in schools?

Join this crucial discussion by commenting below.

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Family School Boards Sexual Ethics

#169-Michael Marshall on Mandatory LBGTQ Indoctrination in Montgomery County Maryland Schools

Guest Michael Marshall discusses how Montgomery County Md. makes LGBTQ indoctrination mandatory. LGBTQ books are included in English lessons for grades as young as pre-school. Since these are not part of the Family Life Education classes, parents are not notified and are not allowed to opt out their children.
This has caused an uproar from a diverse group of parents across the county.

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Freedom of Speech Politics Presidential Politics

#149-Our Nation Is at an Inflection Point

Many events happened on February 16th, 2024, including the $400 million plus judgement against President Trump that show that this is an inflection point.  Find out about these events and where we are headed and what is needed.

Mentioned in the podcast:

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Marriage Sexual Abstinence The Blessing

#148: Parental Involvement In Your Child’s Marriage Is Crucial

The most important factor in success or failure in life is preparing yourself for marriage with abstinence and character development and then finding a God-centered marriage partner.  Many young adults are struggling with this, and the role of parents in helping them is crucial.

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abstinence-centered education Christianity Family Family Breakdown Sexual Ethics

#145-Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities-Discussion

What is behind the push to indoctrinate young public school children to reject their biological sex?
What can we do about this indoctrination?
What is the role of the church in this problem?

See the movie here:

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