Family Marriage Rev. Sun Myung Moon The Blessing

#142-Beat Your Swords Into Plowshares

What is the solution to a world where wars are killing our children? Why should we continue to sacrifice our children’s lives when there is a solution at hand?
Are we willing to listen to and work toward the solution?

God’s Ideal Family is the Model for World Peace

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Christianity Election Integrity Presidential Politics Rev. Sun Myung Moon

#140-President Trump Is Now Resurrecting

The two prophets in Revelation 11:9 were down and out for 3 1/2 “days” (years). Yet, all those who had been partying were terrified when the two prophets resurrected.

This is happening right now. Find out who the two prophets are, and what to expect to happen now.

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Presidential Politics Rev. Sun Myung Moon

#131-Make Love, Not War; Rev. Moon’s Solution to the War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine can be described as Biden’s war. Victoria Nuland was involved in encouraging and facilitating the coup that overthrew the legitimately elected president of Ukraine. In 2014, 97% of the residents in Crimea voted to be a part of Russia, yet the US and Europe did not recognize that referendum. Biden’s family is deeply embedded in Ukraine, receiving 100’s of thousands of dollars through various Ukrainian entities.
Yet, Rev. Sun Myung Moon many years ago, proposed a unique solution to this conflict. Listen to find out what it is.

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Rev. Moon speaking in Kyiv, Ukraine

Rev. Sun Myung Moon-Peace Message 10

Family Family Breakdown Marriage Rev. Sun Myung Moon

#129-Sliding IS Deciding

Many are on the fence, undecided, as to the merit of the work done by Rev. Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012). His biggest legacy is the Blessing of Marriage institution and ceremonies, plus his teaching about absolute sexual ethics; giving great clarity to the need for abstinence before marriage and faithful, Blessed marriage.
If you have heard about his work, and are not deciding to support this movement, then that stance itself is a decision that needs to be reevaluated.
Watch this show to find out why.

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Christianity Marriage Politics Rev. Sun Myung Moon Sexual Abstinence Sexual Ethics Unificationism

#124-Richard Urban-Solving Today’s Problems with a God-centered and Abstinence-Centered Worldview

    God must come first for any solution to the world’s problems to happen.  Furthermore, Richard discusses how the Unification Principle, revealed by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, presents a Biblical worldview with additional insight and understanding.  
    A core understanding is that The Human Fall involved a premature sexual relationship.  This understanding helps us to understand the world’s problems, and specifically the rampant sexual confusion and corruption.

See also:  Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution.

The Strengthening Families and Communities Forum is part of the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, sponsored by Visionroot.

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Christianity Family Family Breakdown Homosexuality Marriage Rev. Sun Myung Moon Salvation Sexual Abstinence

Why Is Society in Such a Mess?

Family breakdown is the factor driving all other problems in society. But why has rapid family breakdown and gender confusion occurred, especially in the last 15 years? Richard dives deeper into this critical issue.

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Christianity Politics Rev. Sun Myung Moon

We Need God-Fearing Leadership

True Father Sun Myung Moon explains the type of leadership that we need.

A true leader is one who wants, on behalf of God, to establish God’s Will and heavenly law on this earth. (11:172, July 9, 1961)

We should be like God’s shadow. Only when we become completely one with God as His object partner, like His shadow, can we lead others in any situation. Only then can we lift our heads and speak with authority. (237:144, November 13, 1992)

It is difficult to maintain order in the world and protect public prosperity and peace as long as political leaders conduct affairs while ignoring moral and spiritual values. No political power or earthly authority should stand above God and the heavenly law. (359:323, November 8, 2001)

Ideally, the president and representatives in Congress should all have Christian values. They should all pass that test. Does God approve of the separation of religion from politics? Is God only the God of religion? If the Christian nations continue to separate religion from politics, in the future they will face certain doom. Yet even now it is not too late for a movement to break down the barriers between denominations, in order that Christians may speak as one strong voice to the political leadership. Then the world will have a path to a bright future. The United Nations and the United States should be governed with the support of people with Christian values. Christians should also be at the forefront of the movement for world unity. (93:81-82, May 15, 1977)

Now the time has come for religious people to demonstrate their leadership. It cannot be leadership from blind faith, narrow-mindedness, arrogance, or self-righteousness. True leadership is altruistic and based upon God’s Will. We religious people should reflect deeply and recognize that we are responsible for many of the absurdities and problems in this age. We have not become exemplary in practicing love. We need to repent that we have not exerted ourselves for world salvation because we have been preoccupied with saving ourselves or benefiting our tribe. Now, truly, not only should we have faith, we also need to practice love. (234:273, August 26, 1992)

Who decides whether a policy is good or bad? What standard can you use to assess it? It is not for the leader of the free world or the leader of the communist world to make that judgment. It can only be made by the Owner who rules history and moves heaven and earth—by whatever name you call Him. (104:206, May 6, 1979)
World Scipture and the Teachings of Sun Myung Moon pp 1040-1041

This is exactly the problem in government and leadership today.  God is not sovereign in our government.  Many ungodly people exert their (evil) will and try to lord it over all people.  What God says is paramount.  And, by the way, how do we know what God says?  God has given a clear expression of His truth in the Exposition of the Divine Principle and the teachings of True Father Sun Myung Moon, and particularly in the teaching about absolute sexual ethics.  If we ignore or reject this teaching (ignoring is the same as rejecting), then we will reap the fruits of our intransigence.

Family Family Breakdown Rev. Sun Myung Moon

#105-Strengthening Families & Communities Forum-Michael Marshall

UPI Editor Emeritus Michael Marshall speaks on the importance of family structure for societal stability, and, especially, for the welfare of children.  He decries the change from a “we” culture to a “me” culture.  The current 41% outside of marriage childbearing rate is one of the many informative statistics shared.

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Family Breakdown Marriage Rev. Sun Myung Moon Salvation Sexual Abstinence

What is the Most Important Problem Facing Society?

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Scripture Reading

    At the time of Creation, God created man and woman with the sexual organs as their emblem. As result, that which controls the sexual organs is connected to all structural elements of the human body. For this reason, a man and woman unite as one in the act of making love and give birth to a child. What would happen during childbirth? Whom would the baby take after? The baby becomes attached to the mother’s nervous system so its own develops in a similar way. Can branches grow if there are no roots? The logic in this cannot be denied.

    When a man and a woman become excited during love-making, it is a principle that the mind and body unite into one. That is logical. Then through which organ can love, life and lineage can be connected continually through the generations? It is the sexual organs. What comes first, love or life? In this question lies the problem. Similar to the problems of the world today, which are caused by materialistic philosophy, and the questioning of whether it is the mind or the body that comes first, we also need to ask ourselves: What is more precious, love or life? This is the problem. What comes first? The order of importance must be determined. The answer is that love comes first.

    When God first established the ideal of creation, He did not do so centering upon Himself. Instead, it was centered upon love, and that is why He created the world of reciprocal relationships. This is logically correct. (193-145, 1989.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1514  Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The most important problem facing society today is family breakdown.  This is directly related to the misuse of love and sex.  Let’s look at some of the statistics for how the family is breaking down.

According to the Census Bureau, since 1968 the number of children living with two parents has declined from 85 % to 70%, but the definition of a family was changed in 2007 to be two parents living together, whether they are married or not, which is not accurate.

Furthermore, in families were two unmarried parents are living together, we see that those with young children ages one to five comprise 50 percent of that category.  But those with children 12 to 17 comprise only 18 percent.  Why?  These families are unstable and tend to break up.  For married parents, as you would expect, the number of children living with both parents is steady across age groups.

The Pew Research Center study shows that in 1960, children lived with two parents in their first marriage 76% of the time, but only 46% of the time in 2014.  Children living with remarried parents held steady over the years at about 15 percent.  In summary,
90 percent of children lived with married parents in 1960, vs. 61 percent in 2014, a
29 percent drop.  Seven percent of couples were cohabiting in 2014.  Single parents increased from 9 percent to 26 percent.  In 2014, one in 20 children did not live with either parent. 

You are twice as likely to get divorced if you have children before marriage.

What should be done about family breakdown?

From a God-centered viewpoint; you cannot enter heaven without a family.
You need not just marriage but Blessed marriage.

You need children to enter heaven.  You need all the aspects of love, parental, brother-sister, conjugal and filial.  You cannot just enter heaven as a happy couple, only.

All the problems of society are linked to the decline of the family.  If children are not living with their married parents, all kinds of problems occur.  Children living with a mother and her boyfriend are much more likely to be sexually abused.  Even in high crime inner-city neighborhoods, those living with their married parents are much less likely to be involved in crime or delinquency.
What about our economy.  There is a worker shortage.  Why?  One reason is that fertility is declining.  In the 60’s and 70’s, 40 percent of women had four children.  Now it is reversed.  Forty percent of women only have two children.

What about the uncivility of society.  Many are mad or “pissed-off”.  Why?  A lot of it has to do with anger over not having a father, for both men and women.  This may not be acknowledged, but it is there, none the less.

What can be done about the problem of family breakdown? 

First, regardless of whether you grew up with both parents or not, and whether you practiced sexual abstinence before marriage or not, you can decide for your future or current children that you would like to make a stable environment for them.

What will you tell your future or current children?  Would you not like them to wait until marriage for sexual activity?  We need to break the generational cycle of out of wedlock birth.  Youth are happy to learn the message of pre-marital abstinence.   It is a no-brainer to teach this to our youth, especially in local schools.  See  We have trainings quarterly.

Secondly, practice and teach Blessed marriage, the marriage Blessing instituted by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, as True Parents.  We can change our lineage from the devil (John 8:44) to God’s lineage.  We can change our marriage from being outside the Garden of Eden to being in the state before the Fall of Man.  See Blessed Marriage here.

Thirdly, read the Word of God every Day.  We are now in the Completed Testament era.  A convenient way to read the Completed Testament Scriptures is to subscribe to the Daily Inspiration.

Fourth, you need to share this good news with others.  Rev. Moon taught us the ministry of Home Church.  You minister to 360 homes in your neighborhood.  It is not just evangelizing, asking them if they have accepted Jesus or True Parents, Rev. and Mrs. Moon.  It is serving your neighbors in practical ways.  Know your neighbors, love your neighbors and help your neighbors.

What do you think? Share your comments below.

Family Breakdown Marriage Rev. Sun Myung Moon Sexual Abstinence

#101-What Is the Most Important Problem Facing Society?

What problem is at the root of all other problems facing society? Find out in this video, plus practical steps to solve this problem.

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