Presidential Politics

#82-Mike Pence Is Judas Iscariot

The disciples were supposed to support and believe in Jesus. Similarly, Mike Pence is supposed to support the Constitution and President Trump by rejecting fraudulent electors. If he does not, he is just like Judas Iscariot.

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Homosexuality Presidential Politics Social Issues

#79-Foundation Day Is Now

What is behind the current crisis in our country? Why is Christianity disintegrating? What can be done?

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Presidential Politics

#78-Is Mob Rule Taking Over the United States?

Threats of violence or death are playing a major role in the dynamics of the coverage of election fraud. Many Republican elected officials are complicit or silent. At the same time, there is a mainstream media blackout of factual information. None the less, we the people, and President Trump, will prevail.

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Presidential Politics

#77-This Coup Will Not Succeed

The only real deadline in the current election for US President is noon, January 20, 2021. State legislators can still send a slate of electors for President Donald J. Trump. We will never accept the results of a fraudulent election.

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Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Presidential Politics

#75-Biden Supports Voter Suppression and Intimidation

State Legislators are the Constitutional arbiters of electoral votes. Hundreds of testimonies and sworn statements of poll challenger intimidation and suppression of legitimate votes by promotion of false votes cannot be ignored. State legislators must step up and appoint electors for the actual winner, Donald J. Trump.

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Presidential Politics

#73-State Legislators Do Your Job!

The United States Constitution gives state legislators the sole authority to select electors for the President of the United States. State Legislators in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada need to step up and do their job.

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Presidential Politics

#71-Do Not Concede or Consent

Only Godism can bring the nation together. Massive fraud must be condemned by those on all sides. Christianity needs the New Truth to resurrect itself.

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Presidential Politics

#69-Constitutional Crisis-Massive Voting Fraud Rocks Nation

Why is Joe Biden silent on massive voting fraud? Does he not want people to believe that he was elected fair and square? State legislatures in contested states should send electors that support the will of the voters in their states to Washington to vote for Donald J. Trump.

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Presidential Politics

Constitutional Crisis-Massive Voting Fraud Rocks Nation

by Richard Urban

In Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Detroit Michigan and other locations, poll watchers were prevented from observing the counting of ballots, allegedly due to COVID restrictions.  Even after court orders, they could still not observe ballot counting in Philadelphia.

Why hasn’t Joe Biden made a statement to the American people that he fully supports investigation of any and all allegations of voter fraud?  Does he not want people to be confident that his ‘stealth’ supposed ‘win’ is legitimate?  All honest officials of any party or none, should want only legitimate ballots counted.

As these allegations, which are very substantial, wind through the courts, state legislatures in contested states, or which all have Republican majorities except Nevada, should send their own slate of electors that support President Donald J Trump, to Washington. 

Article 2, Section 1 of the United States Constitution says

2. Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in The Congress…”

There is no requirement in the Constitution to use the popular vote in a state as the basis for assigning electors.

There is a precedent for legislatures in contested states to appoint electors, too.  In the contested Presidential Election of 1876, three states sent their own slate of electors to Washington.  Eventually, the race was decided in favor of the seeming loser, President Rutherford B. Hayes.  The reason for the contested states to send their own electors was voting fraud.

In fact, if the contested states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and possibly North Carolina and Arizona, don’t send their own slate of electors loyal to President Donald J. Trump, they are disenfranchising all of the legitimate votes cast by their state’s residents.

Again, everyone should want only legitimate votes counted.  If ballot observers were not allowed to observe, which a fact is, then those ballots must not be counted.  Why would any honest person want those ballots to be counted?  What were election officials trying to hide?  And this happened in not just one location, but multiple locations. 

It is each state’s legislature’s responsibility to ensure the integrity of their state’s ballots.  The Democratic Party Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, made unilateral changes to election procedures days before election, allowing late ballots to be counted.  Only the legislature can make such changes.  Since this has already occurred, the State Legislature of Pennsylvania must take corrective action for this, plus the denial of access to poll watchers.

Just as Bill Gates’ foundation donated $50 million to the World Health Organization before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife donated $50 million to the Center for Election Innovation & Research.  $10 million went to the city of Philadelphia to quadruple the number of voting locations.  According to Just the News

“also In justifying one item for which funds were sought, the grant application stated that “a full, 5-member Election Board (Judge of Elections, two Inspectors of  Election, one Clerk, and one Machine Inspector) will require recruiting, training, and assigning up to 8,515 poll workers (1,703 divisions x 5 Election Board members).”

So Mark Zuckerberg is literally funding election judges and workers.  The very same Mark Zuckerberg who censors right-leaning discussion on Facebook.  This is a complete outrage.

Another concerning issue is why there were delays in vote counting in many locations, such as Fulton County, Georgia and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

In conclusion, the legislatures of the states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and possibly North Carolina and Arizona, must call emergency sessions to select a slate of electors loyal to the person that the voters chose before fraudulent ballots were counted, President Donald J. Trump.

Presidential Politics

#67-Who Can Be Trusted on Voting Integrity, President Trump or Joe Biden?

With the 2020 Presidential Election still Undecided, should we trust the system and trust Joe Biden?

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