Christianity Marriage Politics Rev. Sun Myung Moon Sexual Abstinence Sexual Ethics Unificationism

#124-Richard Urban-Solving Today’s Problems with a God-centered and Abstinence-Centered Worldview

    God must come first for any solution to the world’s problems to happen.  Furthermore, Richard discusses how the Unification Principle, revealed by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, presents a Biblical worldview with additional insight and understanding.  
    A core understanding is that The Human Fall involved a premature sexual relationship.  This understanding helps us to understand the world’s problems, and specifically the rampant sexual confusion and corruption.

See also:  Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution.

The Strengthening Families and Communities Forum is part of the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, sponsored by Visionroot.

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Family Family Breakdown Politics Racism School Boards

#123 – Patti Hidalgo Menders-Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

Patti details her journey from March 2020 until now as she has fought to bring children back to in person learning, expose and root out Critical Race Theory and protect children from explicit sexual indoctrination.

Patti’s greatest accomplishment is as a Loudoun Mom of Six Sons, a Daughter to parents who escaped communist Cuba and a Loudoun Advocate that continues to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.
She is the Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
She is the Founder/Director of the Loudoun Conservatives Care state PAC, which puts on events for conservatives and raises money for local charities, Republican Candidates, and Conservative organizations.

The Strengthening Families and Communities Forum is sponsored by VisionRoot, and is part of the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop.

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Politics Presidential Politics

#122 – Impeach Biden Now Over Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipelines

President Biden said in February of 2022, that if Russia attached Ukraine, the Nord Stream pipeline(s) would be no more.  On September 26th, 2022, Nord Stream one (2 pipelines) and Nord Stream 2 (2 pipelines) were covertly blown up by US Navy Seals. This was done without the required approval of Congress for commitment of US troops in acts of war.
President Biden needs to be impeached now.
Seymour Hersh article on how the United States blew up Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2:

Scott Ritter on blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines:  

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Christianity Critical Race Theory Homosexuality Marriage Politics Sexual Abstinence Sexual Abuse Sexual Ethics

Join Patti Hidalgo Menders & Richard Urban at the Family & Community Strengthening Forum

With family breakdown and sexual confusion accelerating, causing harm to our children, what can be done?
 Patti Hidalgo Menders is as a Loudoun Mom of Six Sons, a Daughter to parents who escaped communist Cuba and a Loudoun Advocate that continues to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.
She is the Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.

Richard Urban is Co-founder, VisionRoot, Urban Life Training and Urban Grocery.  Richard has been teaching abstinence-centered curricula and organizing clubs for middle and high school youth in Washington DC and elsewhere since 2002.

Christianity Politics Rev. Sun Myung Moon

We Need God-Fearing Leadership

True Father Sun Myung Moon explains the type of leadership that we need.

A true leader is one who wants, on behalf of God, to establish God’s Will and heavenly law on this earth. (11:172, July 9, 1961)

We should be like God’s shadow. Only when we become completely one with God as His object partner, like His shadow, can we lead others in any situation. Only then can we lift our heads and speak with authority. (237:144, November 13, 1992)

It is difficult to maintain order in the world and protect public prosperity and peace as long as political leaders conduct affairs while ignoring moral and spiritual values. No political power or earthly authority should stand above God and the heavenly law. (359:323, November 8, 2001)

Ideally, the president and representatives in Congress should all have Christian values. They should all pass that test. Does God approve of the separation of religion from politics? Is God only the God of religion? If the Christian nations continue to separate religion from politics, in the future they will face certain doom. Yet even now it is not too late for a movement to break down the barriers between denominations, in order that Christians may speak as one strong voice to the political leadership. Then the world will have a path to a bright future. The United Nations and the United States should be governed with the support of people with Christian values. Christians should also be at the forefront of the movement for world unity. (93:81-82, May 15, 1977)

Now the time has come for religious people to demonstrate their leadership. It cannot be leadership from blind faith, narrow-mindedness, arrogance, or self-righteousness. True leadership is altruistic and based upon God’s Will. We religious people should reflect deeply and recognize that we are responsible for many of the absurdities and problems in this age. We have not become exemplary in practicing love. We need to repent that we have not exerted ourselves for world salvation because we have been preoccupied with saving ourselves or benefiting our tribe. Now, truly, not only should we have faith, we also need to practice love. (234:273, August 26, 1992)

Who decides whether a policy is good or bad? What standard can you use to assess it? It is not for the leader of the free world or the leader of the communist world to make that judgment. It can only be made by the Owner who rules history and moves heaven and earth—by whatever name you call Him. (104:206, May 6, 1979)
World Scipture and the Teachings of Sun Myung Moon pp 1040-1041

This is exactly the problem in government and leadership today.  God is not sovereign in our government.  Many ungodly people exert their (evil) will and try to lord it over all people.  What God says is paramount.  And, by the way, how do we know what God says?  God has given a clear expression of His truth in the Exposition of the Divine Principle and the teachings of True Father Sun Myung Moon, and particularly in the teaching about absolute sexual ethics.  If we ignore or reject this teaching (ignoring is the same as rejecting), then we will reap the fruits of our intransigence.

Politics Presidential Politics

#117 – An Analysis of President Biden’s Soul of the Nation Speech

In arguably one of the most divisive political speeches ever given by a United States president, on September 1st, 2022, in front of Independence Hall, President Biden called for unity, while at the same time denigrating one half of the nation as “MAGA Republicans” who “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic”.  
Furthermore, he also said “[MAGA Republicans] refuse to accept the results of a free election”, and “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards – backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.”

Richard analyzes what President Biden said and if it is truthful and makes sense.  He reveals the extreme demagoguery and many false statements, one by one.

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After Joe Biden’s “Speech from Hell”, a Major Escalation of Persecution of Trump Supporters and those Alleging Election Fraud

In a startling escalation, some 50 MAGA/Trump allies were served subpoenas within the past couple of weeks.  They have been summoned before a grand jury for the ‘crime’ of questioning whether or not fraud occurred in the 2020 election.  Some have had their phones seized.  The FBI has been pounding on the subjects’ doors as early as 6 a.m.

The subpoena includes a request for any communication that questions the 2020 election or any communication about alternate electors.  Communication with a list of freedom fighters, including Sidney Powell and Ruddy Giuliani plus many more, are requested.

Subpoenas were served on Amy and Kylie Kremer the organizers of the Save America Rally where President Trump spoke to 250,000 people on January 6, 2021.

 Steve Bannon, host of War Room on Real America’s Voice is among those being targeted and persecuted.  He was indicted and arrested on September 8th on charges concerning the “We Build the Wall” effort by the New York Attorney General’s office.

These subpoenas and raids are just as and more outrageous than the raid conducted on President Trumps Mar-a Lago home.

These subpoenas are an obvious abrogation of the first amendment, which reads

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

We have literally descended into fascist repression, where corrupt government officials and entities, including the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, team up with corrupt media, which, for the most part, fails to report these egregious violations of our rights.

Where are our elected leaders of all parties???  Are they speaking out in defense of freedom of speech?  Or are they complicit?  Any Federal, or for that matter, state elected official should speak out now about this egregious situation.  This is a bald-faced attempt to intimidate those who support Donald Trump.  But it is also an attempt to intimidate anyone who would question the US government’s narrative.

Some ¼ of a million people rallied on January 6th, 2021 to support President Trump.  I was there at his speech myself.  Many also walked to the Capitol to express legitimate concerns over election integrity.  As I have previously pointed out, those who are corrupt and want to keep their positions of power on both sides of the aisle, have misconstrued what happened on January 6th, 2021.  A trap was set at the US Capitol.  FBI collaborators incited violence.  The Capitol police opened the doors and let protesters inside the Capitol.  Later, they were rounded up and arrested for trespassing.

Mitch McConnell famously said he would run a vendetta against anyone who participated by searching for them and making sure that they pay for their ‘crimes’, and he certainly has made good on that, along with his Democrat and Republican cohorts.

There is a lot of credible evidence that fraud occurred in the 2020 elections. Just watch the 2000 Mules movie, or even the testimony of both Democrats and Republicans who were poll watchers in the contested states.

Everyone should contact their elected Federal officials and ask them what they are doing about the obviously political abuse of power by our Federal agencies.

Civil Liberties Freedom of Speech Politics Presidential Politics

FBI Raid of President Trump’s Home an Outrage

The August 8th raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate is a blatant politicization of the FBI, and a continuation of that effort since President Trump’s election in 2016.

All freedom loving Americans, and in fact, world citizens, should condemn this action, whether they are on the left, right or in between.

The previous, so-called Russia Collusion investigation of the FBI and US Congress was a complete, politicallty motivated hoax, and has been proven so. The two impeachment efforts were a complete political charade and outrage. Hello, if anyone should be impeached, it is the man in the White House. The January 6th, so called insurrection involves clear collusion of the FBI, and is also a politcal action. This is true both for the event itself, where hundreds have been prosecuted for the crime of entering their Capitol Building when Capitol Police officers stood by and let them in. It is also true for the political escapade of the so-called Congressional investigation.

Just in case you did not notice, a coup has already literally occurred in the United States. We have a rogue administration that is carrying out political actions, such as the attemped forced vaccination of all US citizens, including all US military personnell.

Add to this the serious and highly documented instances of election fraud in all of the key states that supposedly voted for the man in the White House, and you can see what is happening if you have your eyes open

Add to this that the man in the White House is happy that we now will have more than 87,000 new IRS agents. As if the IRS does not already have enough enforcement personell.

Since President Trump’s home was raided, my home or your home can be raided. We must all band together to oppose and speak out against this outrage!

Critical Race Theory Politics Sexual Ethics

New Movie Exposes the Harmful Agenda In America’s Schools

WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.

Watch Trailer:

See it in a theatre near you on March 14th.

Find Theatres and Purchase Tickets

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis Medical Freedom Politics Religious Freedom Sexual Ethics Vaccine Choice West Virginia Politics

#102-Overcoming Mass Formation Psychosis with the Truth

Why are one third of Americans hypnotized with Big Pharma’s false narrative of vaccine mandates and the supposed effectiveness of mRNA COVID vaccines? In this segment we also hear from Dr. Robert Malone appearing on the Joe Rogan show.

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Defeat the Mandates Rally-Washington DC, January 23, 2022