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“When Did We Visit You While You Were Sick or in Jail?”

January 6th US Capitol False Flag Entrapment Operation Needs to be Investigated

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Matthew 25:
33 He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 34 Then the king will say to those on his right, “My father has blessed you! Come and receive the kingdom that was prepared for you before the world was created. 35 When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me, 36 and when I was naked, you gave me clothes to wear. When I was sick, you took care of me, and when I was in jail, you visited me.”

37 Then the ones who pleased the Lord will ask, “When did we give you something to eat or drink? 38 When did we welcome you as a stranger or give you clothes to wear 39 or visit you while you were sick or in jail?”

40 The king will answer, “Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.”

41 Then the king will say to those on his left, “Get away from me! You are under God’s curse. Go into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels! 42 I was hungry, but you did not give me anything to eat, and I was thirsty, but you did not give me anything to drink. 43 I was a stranger, but you did not welcome me, and I was naked, but you did not give me any clothes to wear. I was sick and in jail, but you did not take care of me.”

44 Then the people will ask, “Lord, when did we fail to help you when you were hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in jail?”

45 The king will say to them, “Whenever you failed to help any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you failed to do it for me.”

46 Then Jesus said, “Those people will be punished forever. But the ones who pleased God will have eternal life.”
Matthew 25

Dozens of January 6th 2021 US Capitol False Flag Entrapment Operation Detainees are still being held in the Washington DC Detention Center/Jail. What terrible and dangerous crimes did these falsely called “insurrectionists” commit? Let’s review a few facts:

  1. Not one person has been charged with bringing a firearm into the US Capitol. The only person injured or killed by a firearm was United States veteran Ashley Babbitt, who was murdered by a still unnamed US Capitol Police officer.
  2. These prisoners are being held as political prisoners of the Biden Administration. Julie Kelly at American Justice shared on the Mark Levin show: “The US government, Joe Biden’s Justice Department, is holding political prisoners in a jail in Washington DC opened up to house January 6th defendants awaiting trial. They’ve been denied bail. They’re living in harsh, almost solitary confinement conditions in this jail….This is a political persecution against Trump supporters.”
    Regarding Black Lives matter protestors in places like Portland Oregano she says “They’re not only not being rounded up, their cases are being dropped; their records are being expunged.”
  3. Most of those arrested were simply walking around in the US Capitol building. They were not destroying anything or committing any altercations. Over 600 people have been charged as of August 4th, 2021 The most common charge is “Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted; building or grounds without lawful authority; disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly or disruptive conduct on Capitol grounds; parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.” In other words, the supposedly riotous insurrectionists were walking around the US Capitol Building, even being directed by Capitol Police officers. The prosecutor in charge, Michael Sherwin, called this a “Shock and Awe” operation. In other words it is political persecution of Donald Trump supporters by the Biden Administration.
  4. Capitol Police let protestors into the US Capitol. For example, Michael Curzio was arrested and detained for more than six months. He has now been released. Curzio stated on Dinesh D’Souza’s show: “I walked through a door where there was approximately six officers standing 20 feet away from it, that we’re just letting people walk in. And nobody told us to stop. Nobody told us to leave…”
    Since the Capitol Police let the protestors in, as seen in numerous videos, and as would be seen on the so far unreleased Capitol security videos, why are protestors being charged with trespassing? This is clear entrapment.
  5. The US Capitol Police and the FBI knew there would be trouble, and they decided not to prepare properly. Why? Who told the US Capitol Police to effectively stand down?

Recently, US Representatives Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Louie Gohmert were denied entrance to the DC Jail. What are the DC jailors hiding?

This entire investigation is backwards. The still unnamed officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt should be investigated and his name revealed. The FBI informants who are unindicted coconspirators should be investigated for possible charges of entrapment. Whoever issued the stand down order at the US Capitol, such as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi should be investigated. In addition to the officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, the Capitol Police should be investigated for possible collusion in the false flag entrapment operation, such as letting in protestors and allowing them to visit various areas of the US Capitol building. Show us the US Capitol security footage to prove that this is not true.

Law Enforcement Today wrote:

However, a “secret history” of the 2020 campaign reveals that radical organizations, major corporations, and party operatives assessed that there would likely be a riot if Trump lost and they could blame the president for “inciting it.”
Speaker Pelosi’s role in calling the shots on Congressional security was confirmed by the now-resigned House Sergeant at Arms. It is clear that the Democrats knew that there would be an explosive situation outside the Electoral College as early as March of 2020.
It is not indisputable that the Capitol Police and National Guard were told not to do their jobs effectively by being issued “stand down” orders from their leaders.

Law Enforcement Today

There are also reports that Capitol Police fired incendiary tear gas canisters and possibly committed other abuses while protestors were gathering and before any kind of altercation occurred. Show us the US Capitol security footage if this is not true. What are the Capitol Police hiding?

All prisoners in custody at the DC Jail should be released immediately. Any abuse by DC corrections official needs to be investigated. Enough is enough. Say NO! To the taking of political prisoners by the Biden Administration, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and their minions

Civil Liberties Politics Presidential Politics

#97-Why is the Truth about the January 6th US Capitol Protest Being Obfuscated?

1) Why did Capitol Police let protestors into the building, as evidenced by video and reports?
2. Why have none of the the thousands of hours of video recorded by US Capitol security cameras not been released? What is being covered up?
3. Why has the name of the officer who murdered Ashley Babbitt not been released?
We discuss these and many more questions about January 6th.

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Civil Liberties Freedom of Speech Politics Presidential Politics

Why is the Truth about the January 6th US Capitol Protest Being Obfuscated?

Watch: #97-Why is the Truth about the January 6th US Capitol Protest Being Obfuscated? – VisionRoot

Scripture Quote:

That is why your conscience knows and perceives not only every action you have performed but also every thought you have entertained. Your conscience is aware of these things before your teachers, parents or even God are. Hence, if you were to live in absolute obedience to the commands of your conscience, which is your teacher for eternity, you would be absolutely guaranteed to have eternal life. Such is the way of God’s creation…..

A world governed by the heavenly way and heavenly laws is a natural world, an unobstructed world of truth and pure reason. It is a world at the “high noon” of absolute values, where there are no dark shadows.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon  The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, which Is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom

According to Miriam-Webster, obfuscate means “to throw into shadow DARKEN”.  What we need in all areas of life is transparency.  First we had the COVID-19 narratiave, with wildly inflated models of death, wildly inaccurate case counts, and grossly wrong and inaccurate, from a traditional medical point of view claims about the need for quarantines, lockdowns and mask wearing.  That led into the obfuscation and lack of transparency in the 2020 election process.  Finally the January 6th protest was planned as an operation to squelch opposition to the fraudulent election results.  I spoke about this already in my January 9th, 2020 Richard Urban Show.

More and more evidence is coming out that the January 6th Capitol Protest event was, indeed, a False Flag operation.  Consider the following Questions;

1) Why did Capitol Police let protestors into the building, as evidenced by video and reports?

2. Why have virtually none of the the thousands of hours of video recorded by US Capitol security cameras been released?  What is being covered up?

3. Why has the name of the officer who murdered Ashley Babbitt not been released?

Regarding Ashley Babbitt, this is certainly not the first time Capitol Police have been involved in questionable shootings.  On October 3rd, 2013, the vehicle driven by Miriam Carey and her infant child was shot at 26 times by Capitol Police and Secret Service officers.  No one was ever prosecuted for or even disciplined for this quite obvious over use of deadly force.

Revolver News has reported that there are many “unindicted co-conspirators” in the cases filed against groups such as Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters.  Who are these “unindicted co-conspirators”?  Many times their actions as outlined in the charging documents indicate that they were active participants, or even instigators of the alleged criminal activity.  Clearly the narrative that there was an intelligence failure is a false one.  The FBI not only knew about the protests, but actively participated and encouraged those activities.  This borders on, if not actually meeting the standard of entrapment, which is illegal.

Transparency will go a long way to dispelling the questions raised above.  Yet, rather than being transparent, the Capitol Police, Secret Service, FBI and the US Congress use obfuscation or just downright stonewalling.  Notice in this clip from 2015, the Miriam Carey’s sister, Valerie Carey, who is herself a former NYPD officer wants to know the names of the Capitol Police officers who murdered her sister:

VALARIE CAREY: I, along with my mother, would like to see justice, would like to have some transparency. We still to this day do not know the names of the officers involved in the incident. There are a lot of questions that are still surrounding. And the previous initial reports that came out about my sister ramming a White House gate or breaching the White House, which were false, it would be nice if those publications did a follow-up to actually tell the truth.

This is exactly the same thing that is happening in the case of Ashley Babbitt.  The Capitol Police are accountable to no one, save Congress.  They are not bound to the rules that apply to all other police departments.  Again, a lack of transparency exists.  Why does Congress allow this?

As of now, more than 535 individuals have been charged in the Capitol Protest January 6th incident.  Many are in jail with no bail set.  Why is that? 

The investigation now needs to switch gears.  Investigators must demand transparency.  We must know what role the FBI played in the January 6th incident.  Disturbingly, the very FBI director who oversaw the highly questionalble operation that supposedly inderdicted an assassination attempt on Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has been transferred and now oversees the prosecution of those accused of crimes for the January 6th US Capitol incident.  Yet, three of five of the people who rode in the van to carry out the supposed Whitmer assassination attempt were actually FBI informants!  We are seeing the same pattern in the January 6th indictments that are being brought forth.

We see a similar lack of transparency going on at the NSA, the National Security Agency.  The NSA has been caught spying on Fox news reporter Tucker Carlson, which is illegal.  See here and here.

The investigation needs to focus on whether the FBI and other government agencies are carrying out illegal surveillance and conducting false flag operations to entrap and persecute and prosecute innocent United States citizens.

All US Capitol Surveillance video needs to be released.  What are they hiding?  Possible misconduct by Capitol Police officers, such as documented here by the World Tribune?  The fact that protestors were actually let into the US Capitol by Capitol police officers?

We are nowhere near getting to the bottom of the January 6th incident.  The real intention was to derail the legitimate questions being posed about the integrity of the November 3rd 2020 election.  That operation was successful, as evidenced by even President Trump apologizing for the supposed violence occurring at the US Capitol.

But the larger attempt to use the force of the US Government to carry out an operation against patriotic United States citizens will not and cannot succeed.  As I mentioned in the beginning scripture, this is not the age of darkness, but of light.  The light will illuminate the darkness.  Congressmen who are serious about serving their constituents and keeping their jobs should ask the hard questions to reveal who was really behind the January 6th incident.

Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Presidential Politics

#75-Biden Supports Voter Suppression and Intimidation

State Legislators are the Constitutional arbiters of electoral votes. Hundreds of testimonies and sworn statements of poll challenger intimidation and suppression of legitimate votes by promotion of false votes cannot be ignored. State legislators must step up and appoint electors for the actual winner, Donald J. Trump.

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Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now

Holding Our Children Hostage

Baylie Hoffman, a West Virginia high school senior writes:

The fact that I am starting my senior year of high school on a laptop is absolutely mind boggling. Let me explain a few reasons why. This just scratches the surface.

There are 75 active cases in my county of approximately 56,450 people. READ. THAT. AGAIN!!!! Okay, maybe that didn’t sink in. Let me put it into perspective.

75 is .13% of 56,450. So a TENTH of a percent of the population of my county, has Covid right now. Yet, the people in charge have decided that it’s unsafe to attend school, sporting events, and social activities? WHAT?!

I agree.  Why are we not letting all West Virginia students get back to school?

Viruses spread, run their course and then decline.  No evidence shows that any of the interventions that have taken place, such as lockdowns, social distancing, or face masks are effective at containing the spread of the virus.  The fatality rate for those under age 44 is 0.01%, the same as the fatality rate for automobile accidents.  Children are not known to be a significant transmitter of COVID-19. For ages 45 to 54 the fatality rate is 0.14%.  For those up to age 55 to 64, there is a higher fatality rate of 0.48%.

So why all the hysteria.  Virologists understand that viruses can and will spread, and that after a period of time, many will have been infected, and then herd immunity will take effect.  So it is not the number of cases that we should be concerned about, but rather excess mortality.  That number for the United States appears to be declining, and will become more clear in the coming weeks. 

So yes, open all of the schools.  If any staff member is immune compromised, then they should be excused from coming to the school.  Teachers and staff would do well to turn off the main stream media and base their decisions on the facts mentioned here.

Consider also that only 6% of all the fatalities reported as COVID-19 fatalities involved only COVID-19.  All the rest involved comorbidities.  Some may be closely related to COVID-19 infection, so the diagnoses may be reasonable.  But others are not so clear, such as heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure   and “other medical conditions”.  (See a description here).

Also, let’s consider the real damage to the social and psychological well-being of our children by forcing them to distance themselves from one another, wear masks, or, in Baylie’s case, stay at home altogether. 

The West Virginia legislature should convene immediately and put an end to Governor Justice’s unjustified mandates.  It should fall to each individual and family, in the case of minors, to decide what actions are appropriate.  If those who deem themselves at high risk wish to wear a face mask, fine.  But it is not the role of the government to mandate “protective measures” based on dubious assumptions of effectiveness.  The numbers bandied about since the beginning of this “pandemic” have been highly inflated, and continue to be inaccurate.

Abortion Civil Liberties

Planned Parenthood’s Black Genocide



Each week, over 5700 Black babies are aborted in the United States.  Since abortion became legal in 1973, 18,647,000 plus black children have been aborted (murdered), out of a total of 62,157,000 plus abortions since 1973.

At least thirty per cent of all abortions are performed on blacks, who represent 13.4 % of the population.  Planned Parenthood, formerly the American Birth Control League, is a major provider of abortions in black neighborhoods, providing a disproportionate number of services in those neighborhoods vs. other neighborhoods.

The founder of Planned Parenthood is Margaret Sanger (1879-1966).  She is a eugenicist who said in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble:

 “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Today that mission is alive and well.  Sanger craftily promoted “women’s health” to black intellectuals and pastors.   W. E. B. Dubois  wrote

“the mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than the increase among whites, is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.”

Dr. Adam Clayton Powell Sr. allowed Margaret Sanger to speak at a mass meeting at the Abyssinian Baptist Church  and Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. served on the Board of the American Birth Control League, now Planned Parenthood.

Margaret Sanger dreamed of a magic birth control pill, and secured funding for Gregory Pincus to develop birth control pills in the early 1950’s.  Before that, birth control devices consisted of condoms, intrauterine devices and diaphragms and the like.  However, a little known effect of using birth control pills is the decline in fertility for women using the pill for many years.  This accounts in part for the vast rise in the infertility business.

Not surprisingly, considering her value set, Margaret Sanger separated from her first husband and embraced the idea of “free” love, having multiple affairs.  Later, they divorced.  She later remarried.  Sanger was a member of the Women’s committee of the New York Socialist Party.

Interestingly,  Dr. Marie Stopes (1880-1958), Sanger’s contemporary in Great Britain was also a eugenicist, who said

“…to counteract the steady evil which has been growing for a good many years of the reduction of the birth rate just on the part of the thrifty, wise, well-contented, and the generally sound members of our community, and the reckless breeding from the C.3 end, and the semi-feebleminded, the careless, who are proportionately increasing in our community because of the slowing of the birth rate at the other end of the social scale. Statistics show that every year the birth rate from the worst end of our community is increasing in proportion to the birth rate at the better end, and it was in order to try to right that grave social danger that I embarked upon this work.”

What is badly needed is a God-centered view of marriage that uplifts the dignity of marriage and underscores the importance of sexual abstinence before marriage.  Such a view is found in the scriptural teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon who explains clearly the purpose of marriage as creating the very image of God.  Real liberation and freedom can only come when we follow God’s plan.  Anything else will bring false “liberation”, just like Margaret Sanger’s shrill promise of a better life for black people.  Instead, we have today’s black genocide, still being promoted as “women’s health” and something that is helping and liberating black women and black communities.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.


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Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now

Unmasking the COVID-19 Hysteria in West Virginia and the United States

Unmasking the Covid-19 Hysteria in West Virginia and the United States.

                COVID-19 is what I would call the first political disease.  Decisions are not being made based on sound scientific principles, but rather on a mix of ignorance, political agendas and corporate greed and conflicts of interest.

In West Virginia, there have supposedly been 5480 cases and 102 deaths as of July 23rd, 2020.  I say supposedly, because Covid-19 may be listed as the cause of death when, likely, there were two or more other serious underlying conditions.  In the case of seasonal flu, that is not considered a reportable disease.  But Covid-19 was made a reportable disease.  In fact, Covid-19 had to be listed on the death certificate, even when it may not have been the actual cause of death.

Right now, according to the official West Virginia Department of Health website 78 people are hospitalized and 33 are in the ICU.  Underlying conditions are not listed.  Age is not listed.

The daily deaths in West Virginia are between 0 and 1 person.  78 people are hospitalized for COVID-19 (or with COVID-19, and other confounding illnesses?) and 33 are in the Intensive Care Unit.

Is this a state of emergency?  First of all, we don’t know the age or other illnesses that those affected have.  Secondly, let’s compare this to deaths from influenza and pneumonia, which are usually grouped together, in West Virginia.  That number is about 450 deaths per year.  If the death rate continued at about one person every two days, then some 200 people would (supposedly) die from COVID-19, although in the great majority of cases, well over 90 %, there is some other illness present as well.

So why all the hype.  Why mask mandates which have no precedence, and no studies to show they are effective.  Why social distancing, with no studies either to show effectiveness.  These are political moves to make people fearful.  And who would want to make people fearful.  Could it be pharmaceutical companies, who will make billions if a vaccine, which is likely to do more harm than good, is released.  Could it be politicians, both on the right and left, who don’t want to see the United States be prosperous under the leadership of President Trump?  Could they have an agenda of not wanting President Trump to be reelected?

And why aren’t the media outlets focusing on the real suffering of many who have lost their businesses and are struggling to make ends meet.  Could it be that they don’t want people to think about these things, but only about how it is necessary to follow the (random) dictates of governors or others who wish to exceed their authority? 

What about going back to school.  Data shows that COVID-19 has an almost zero fatality rate among children, and that children are not a significant vector for transmitting the SARS-CO-V2 virus to adults.  So, again, is the refusal of teachers unions to go back to work based on what is best for society, or on another agenda?  In fact, when children are infected, with no symptoms, they can develop immunity, which will help the whole society move toward herd immunity.  So a greater number of cases is not bad.  Respiratory viruses move through the community, and people develop immunity.  Especially for those under 65 years of age, this virus is less lethal than influenza.  So, again, a larger number of cases is part of the inevitable progression of the disease. 

And since studies show that healthy asymptomatic people are not a primary transmission source of SARS CO-V2, why the mask mandates?  Is it in the best interests of society, and respecting of personal rights and freedoms, or is there another agenda.

What about (un)social distancing.  Why is six feet the magic number?  Why not 3 ft. or 8 ft?  What studies have shown that mask and (un)social distancing mandates are an effective strategy for preventing the spread of SARS-COv2?  Answer: None.  Masking and (un)social distancing are based on hypotheses and political agendas, not facts.

And why aren’t there studies being done emphasizing the huge damage to health of delayed treatment for cancer, or diabetes, or a host of other illnesses.  How about depression, suicide and lost years of life?

Finally, the “protests” and riots following Memorial Day weekend lay to rest any thought that the COVID-19 “crisis” is not a political disease.  Suddenly, lock downs in places like Washington DC and Chicago were shattered with nary an arrest of the marauding “protesters” for violating mask and/or social distancing mandates.  Yet, before that, the mayors of these cities and many other jurisdictions had threatened that anyone who went out without a mask could face fines and arrests.  Yet that was not enforced among protesters.  In fact, Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington DC rebuffed and kicked out the National Guard, but was more than happy to let looters run rampant without being arrested.

Yes, COVID-19 is a political disease.  Governor Jim Justice of West Virginia who has promoted a false narrative that has caused the loss of God-given personal freedoms while parroting the false narrative of an “emergency” needs to be removed from office in November.  President Trump seems to be awakening more in recent days to this false narrative and the bad advice given by Anthony Fauci.  I hope that he continues to awaken to the real nature of this political disease.

Civil Liberties

A True Movement of Peace Starts with God-Centered Families

A true world of peace can only be formed based on God-Centered families.

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Civil Liberties Sexual Abstinence Vaccine Choice

Will We Seek Blessing and Love or Anarchy and Chaos?

President Trump did the right thing by going to St. Johns’ Episcopal Church with a Bible. Terrance Floyd told people not to riot and destroy their communities, yet protests and riots continue. What is behind this chaos?

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Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis

Will the Boston Tea Party Happen This Memorial Day Weekend?

Enough is enough. Go to the beach. Open your business. Go to the gym. Go outside. Live your life. Governors who do not respect basic human rights and freedoms will not be reelected.

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