School Boards Sexual Ethics

School Board Resolution for Abstinence and Character Based Sexual Health Education

Whereas parents are the primary teachers of their children and whereas virtually all parents want their children to abstain from sexual activity while of school age; and being that the purpose of sexual health education is to help youth succeed in life, and whereas premature sexual activity is correlated with increased use of alcohol and drugs, poor academic performance, emotional stress, increased risk of suicide, infection with sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy;

Be it hereby resolved by (fill in name of the Board of Education) that:

The primary purpose of all sexual education curricula in (fill in jurisdiction) will be to teach the benefits of abstaining from all types of sexual activity and physical sexual contact while of school age.
Marriage will be presented as an attainable goal and the appropriate and morally acceptable place for sexual activity when we become legal adults, and also as the most beneficial arrangement for the children that may be born to married parents.

Since the discussion of same-sex attraction and gender identity is not conducive to these goals and same-sex attraction cannot be confirmed without physical sexual contact, these topics will not be included in the sexual education curriculum.
Further, the prevention of child abuse, through affirming each child’s agency, is an important goal of sexual health education.
Therefore, young children will be taught that no one should touch them in the area covered by their bathing suit.  Older children will be taught that no one should touch their sexual organs or other body parts in any way inappropriately.

For more information, contact Richard Urban


First presented at the National School Boards Leadership Council Summit on July 30th, 2022.

Originally posted at

School Boards

#109-Dr. Kelly Kohls-How to Fix Boards of Education-Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

Dr. Kelly Kohls, founder of the National School Boards Leadership Council, explains her personal story of being a board of education member.
She describes how most board of education members are “Feckless Bobbleheads”, only doing the bidding of the school superintendent and other officials.
Board of education members are elected to represent parents, students and the community.  Kelly explains why boards of education are failing our students, parents and community.

Slides in the Presentation

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Civil Liberties Freedom of Speech Politics Presidential Politics

FBI Raid of President Trump’s Home an Outrage

The August 8th raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate is a blatant politicization of the FBI, and a continuation of that effort since President Trump’s election in 2016.

All freedom loving Americans, and in fact, world citizens, should condemn this action, whether they are on the left, right or in between.

The previous, so-called Russia Collusion investigation of the FBI and US Congress was a complete, politicallty motivated hoax, and has been proven so. The two impeachment efforts were a complete political charade and outrage. Hello, if anyone should be impeached, it is the man in the White House. The January 6th, so called insurrection involves clear collusion of the FBI, and is also a politcal action. This is true both for the event itself, where hundreds have been prosecuted for the crime of entering their Capitol Building when Capitol Police officers stood by and let them in. It is also true for the political escapade of the so-called Congressional investigation.

Just in case you did not notice, a coup has already literally occurred in the United States. We have a rogue administration that is carrying out political actions, such as the attemped forced vaccination of all US citizens, including all US military personnell.

Add to this the serious and highly documented instances of election fraud in all of the key states that supposedly voted for the man in the White House, and you can see what is happening if you have your eyes open

Add to this that the man in the White House is happy that we now will have more than 87,000 new IRS agents. As if the IRS does not already have enough enforcement personell.

Since President Trump’s home was raided, my home or your home can be raided. We must all band together to oppose and speak out against this outrage!

Family Family Breakdown Marriage Sexual Ethics

#108-Strengthening Families & Communities Forum-April Gallart

April gives many statistics plus helpful information to help youth and young adults achieve the goal of successful marriage and family life.  Abstinence from sex before marriage is a big part of forming a happy and successful family.

Listen to the Podcast

Link for research cited in the podcast:

Family Family Breakdown Marriage Sexual Ethics

#107-Strengthening Families & Communities Forum: Richard Urban

Richard explains how we can break the continually escalating cycle of out-of-wedlock birth and resultant negative consequences that manifest for the individuals involved as well as for society.

Listen to the Podcast

Family Family Breakdown Sexual Abuse

#106-Strengthening Families & Communities Forum: Stephanie Mann

Stephanie Mann, a lifelong community crime and violence prevention advocate brings her understanding about the nature and causes of family breakdown and what we can do about it.

Listen to the podcast


Empowerment Parenting: How to raise resilient children who become happy, self-reliant adults:

Family Family Breakdown Rev. Sun Myung Moon

#105-Strengthening Families & Communities Forum-Michael Marshall

UPI Editor Emeritus Michael Marshall speaks on the importance of family structure for societal stability, and, especially, for the welfare of children.  He decries the change from a “we” culture to a “me” culture.  The current 41% outside of marriage childbearing rate is one of the many informative statistics shared.

Listen to the podcast

West Virginia Politics WV Elections 2022

Interview with Renee Wibly-Republican Candidate for WV State Senator-16th Senatorial District

Learn about Renee Wibly, one of two Republican candidates for WV State Senator in the 16th Senatorial District. There are no Democratic Primary candidates, so the winner in the Republican Primary will be the only person on the ballot in November.

Listen to the Podcast

West Virginia Politics WV Elections 2022

Interview with Jennifer Krouse-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Jefferson County WV

Learn about Jennifer Krouse, one of two candidates for County Commissioner, Shepherdstown District, in the Republican Primary in Jefferson County WV, May 10, 2022.

Listen to the podcast

West Virginia Politics WV Elections 2022

Interview with Rhonda Hercules-Republican Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives-WV 2nd Congressional District

Learn about Rhonda Hercules, one of five Republican Candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives-WV 2nd Congressional District.

Candidate website:

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