Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis Ethical Business Medical Freedom Vaccine Choice

#121 – Stop the COVID Bioweapon Shots Now!

Up to Feb 17, 2023, VAERS reports 34,478 deaths and 282,890 serious injuries requiring hospitalization from COVID shots.  At a modest 5 times underreporting rate, that is 172,390 deaths and 1,414,450 serious adverse reactions.  What!
Data released from Pfizer that Pfizer wanted to hide for 75 years shows that of the 32 pregnancies they knew the outcome of among women in the jab trials, 87.5% resulted in the death of the fetus or neonate.
Incredibly, no outcome was provided for 238 other pregnancies in the bioweapon shot trials.  Why not?  Reference here.
For children, a hospital in Canada reports a 100 times increase in myocarditis, from 2 cases per year to 27 cases in 6 weeks.  Reference here.


Hold those accountable, from Fauci and the developers of the bioweapon, to those that created the shots, to all those profiting from and distributing the shots.

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Christianity Family Family Breakdown Homosexuality Marriage Rev. Sun Myung Moon Salvation Sexual Abstinence

Why Is Society in Such a Mess?

Family breakdown is the factor driving all other problems in society. But why has rapid family breakdown and gender confusion occurred, especially in the last 15 years? Richard dives deeper into this critical issue.

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Freedom of Speech School Boards Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

#119-Kelly Kohls-We Have a Parent Problem & Concluding Discussion

We have to teach our children to not be bullied by both children and adults who say that their feelings are offended.
Presentation given at the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum.

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Family Breakdown Sexual Ethics Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

#118-Jamal Johnson-He Who Controls the Narrative Controls Society

Jamal Johnson discusses how the core issues of society revolve around the sexual relationship of men and women. The archangel, the Devil started a false narrative. False narratives persist today in the narratives of the homosexual alphabet crowd. Those asserting these false narratives have become dominant in society, and we need to be aware of how this happened and to define the narrative ourselves.
Featuring: Andy Wells

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Christianity Politics Rev. Sun Myung Moon

We Need God-Fearing Leadership

True Father Sun Myung Moon explains the type of leadership that we need.

A true leader is one who wants, on behalf of God, to establish God’s Will and heavenly law on this earth. (11:172, July 9, 1961)

We should be like God’s shadow. Only when we become completely one with God as His object partner, like His shadow, can we lead others in any situation. Only then can we lift our heads and speak with authority. (237:144, November 13, 1992)

It is difficult to maintain order in the world and protect public prosperity and peace as long as political leaders conduct affairs while ignoring moral and spiritual values. No political power or earthly authority should stand above God and the heavenly law. (359:323, November 8, 2001)

Ideally, the president and representatives in Congress should all have Christian values. They should all pass that test. Does God approve of the separation of religion from politics? Is God only the God of religion? If the Christian nations continue to separate religion from politics, in the future they will face certain doom. Yet even now it is not too late for a movement to break down the barriers between denominations, in order that Christians may speak as one strong voice to the political leadership. Then the world will have a path to a bright future. The United Nations and the United States should be governed with the support of people with Christian values. Christians should also be at the forefront of the movement for world unity. (93:81-82, May 15, 1977)

Now the time has come for religious people to demonstrate their leadership. It cannot be leadership from blind faith, narrow-mindedness, arrogance, or self-righteousness. True leadership is altruistic and based upon God’s Will. We religious people should reflect deeply and recognize that we are responsible for many of the absurdities and problems in this age. We have not become exemplary in practicing love. We need to repent that we have not exerted ourselves for world salvation because we have been preoccupied with saving ourselves or benefiting our tribe. Now, truly, not only should we have faith, we also need to practice love. (234:273, August 26, 1992)

Who decides whether a policy is good or bad? What standard can you use to assess it? It is not for the leader of the free world or the leader of the communist world to make that judgment. It can only be made by the Owner who rules history and moves heaven and earth—by whatever name you call Him. (104:206, May 6, 1979)
World Scipture and the Teachings of Sun Myung Moon pp 1040-1041

This is exactly the problem in government and leadership today.  God is not sovereign in our government.  Many ungodly people exert their (evil) will and try to lord it over all people.  What God says is paramount.  And, by the way, how do we know what God says?  God has given a clear expression of His truth in the Exposition of the Divine Principle and the teachings of True Father Sun Myung Moon, and particularly in the teaching about absolute sexual ethics.  If we ignore or reject this teaching (ignoring is the same as rejecting), then we will reap the fruits of our intransigence.

Politics Presidential Politics

#117 – An Analysis of President Biden’s Soul of the Nation Speech

In arguably one of the most divisive political speeches ever given by a United States president, on September 1st, 2022, in front of Independence Hall, President Biden called for unity, while at the same time denigrating one half of the nation as “MAGA Republicans” who “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic”.  
Furthermore, he also said “[MAGA Republicans] refuse to accept the results of a free election”, and “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards – backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.”

Richard analyzes what President Biden said and if it is truthful and makes sense.  He reveals the extreme demagoguery and many false statements, one by one.

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Family Family Breakdown Homosexuality Marriage Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

#116 – Michael Marshall – The Radical Change in Family Relationships and Marriage from being Centered on Child Welfare to being Centered on Self Pleasure

Michael Marshall, Editor Emeritus of UPI explains how progressives routinely ignore the numerous benefits for child welfare of marriage between a man and a woman.  Instead, they focus on whatever makes the two partners of whatever type happy.
Children are the losers in this new paradigm.
Resources mentioned in the video:
International Federation for Family Development:
Family Research Council:
Heritage Foundation:

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#115-Neighborhood Economics

Should big government handle the social welfare “safety net”, or should neighbors work together to handle the welfare of all of those in their neighborhood themselves?

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Family Breakdown School Boards Sexual Abstinence Sexual Ethics

#114 – Richard Urban – We Must Create a Culture Where Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage is the Standard in Order to Preserve the Future of Society

Richard Urban, the founder of VisonRoot and Urban Life Training, explains how we can return our communities, society and nation to health.  He features news about the conviction of former Jefferson County, WV health teacher Edward Belmonte, who has been convicted of 13 felonies for having sex with a student.  The same teacher responded to Jefferson County Board of Education Testimony by Richard Urban, saying that abstinence education does not work.  That testimony is included in the show.  Three months later, Belmonte was having sex with a student.

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Family Family Breakdown Marriage School Boards Sexual Ethics

#113: Join Us Nov. 25 to Nov 27; Peaceful Families Make a Peaceful World

The key to solving today’s problems is to find God. Only a comprehensive understanding of God’s Will and Providence can illuminate the solution to the crisis we are facing today.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon, July 26, 1994

Family breakdown and the disintegration of family values is the number one issue facing society.  Join us from Nov. 25 to Nov. 27 as we address solutions for this issue.
Join us live in Harpers Ferry, WV, or online. 

November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE
Kelly Kohls: National School Boards Leadership Council
Michael Marshall: Editor Emeritus, United Press International
Andy Wells: Missouri Director, No Left Turn in Education
Jamal Johnson: Abstinence Educator
Richard Urban: Co-founder, Vision Root and Urban Life Training.

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