Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis

Bill Gates is for Vaccinating Every Child and Depopulating the World

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Bill Gates has basically bought the World Health Organization which actually is an agency of the United Nations. Bill Gates is a supporter of Planned Parenthood, of abortion. He’s a supporter of depopulation, reducing population. He says that the reason he wants everyone vaccinated, especially in poor countries, is, all the children vaccinated, is so that by increasing child health, then mothers will be more confident in their children living, and therefore they’ll have less children. Does that make sense?

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Medical Freedom Vaccine Choice

Bill Gates Does Not Want Anyone to Resist His COVID-19 Rules

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On the Daily Show with Trevor Noah on April 2, 2020, Bill Gates said:

Sadly, at some level of wealth, there’ll be countries that no matter how hard they try, they will have a widespread epidemic, and so again, sadly, the richer countries that do contain the epidemic will not allow people from those countries to come in unless they are quarantined, or tested or prove they are immune. And so this is gonna stop people going across borders, very dramatically these next few years, till we get to that full vaccination. Within the United States is different because we’re not gonna partition the country, and so therefore, we are all in it together, we can’t do what we’re gonna do with foreign nationals, which is reduce the numbers a lot and have very strict screening there. We’re not gonna have it at every state border, some complex quarantine center, and so the whole country needs, even when you have small numbers, because those can exponentiate to big numbers so quickly, the doubling time is like three days when you’re still behaving in the pre-epidemic way. So each country has to get the entire populous, even some who initially resisted, maybe for very good reasons, because the economic effect on them is strong. So this is powerful medicine, but if you take a big dose of it earlier, you don’t have to take it for nearly as long.

Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now

Bill Gates Wants to Shut Down the Whole County for Three Months

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On the Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Apirl 2, 2020, Bill Gates said:

There isn’t a choice, where you get to say to people ‘Don’t pay attention to this epidemic’. Most people, they have older relatives, they’re worried about getting sick. The idea of a normal economy, it’s not there as a choice. About 80% of people are going to change their activities. If you get the other 20% to go along with that, nation-wide, then the disease numbers will flatten, hopefully in the next month, and start to go down, hopefully, in the month after that. And then when they’ve gone down a lot, then in a tasteful way, using prioritized testing, you can start to re-open a lot of things like schools and work; probably not sports events because the chance of mass bread, there is, is quite large.

And so, to get back, economically taking the pain extremely now, and telling those who wouldn’t curb their activities, no, you must go along with the rest of society, and not associate in a way that we have exponential increase in these cases.

That is the right thing even though it’s extremely painful; it’s unheard of, and there are particular businesses that it’s catastrophic for. That’s the only way. So you can feel like you can say to the entire population, ideally in the early summer if things go well, yes, now please do resume. And we are, through testing, making sure that it won’t spread in some very, very big ways.

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis Medical Freedom Vaccine Choice

Bill Gates Wants to Vaccinate Every Person on Earth Against COVID-19

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On the Daily Show with Trevor Noah on April 2, 2020, Bill Gates said:

Well, the main tools we have right now are the behavioral change, the social distancing, which often means staying at home most of the time and the testing capacity to identify who in particular needs to get isolated and then testing their contacts to make sure that we can catch it so early that a lot of people who get sick don’t infect anyone else. So our foundation is engaged in projecting what’s going to go on the modeling. Our partner IHME is telling each state what they should think about in terms of ventilators and capacity. Further on out, the work we’re doing now to find a therapeutic, a drug to reduce the disease, to cut the deaths down, we’re hopeful that even in six months, some of those will have been approved, but the ultimate solution, the only thing that really lets us go back completely to normal, and feel good about sitting in a stadium with lots of other people, is to create a vaccine and not just take care of our country but take that vaccine out to the global population and so that we have vast immunity and this thing, no matter what, isn’t going to spread in large numbers.

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis Medical Freedom Open the Country Now Vaccine Choice

The Gates Foundation is the Second Largest Funder of the World Health Organization

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On January 16th, 2019, the World Health Organization issued a report ranking vaccine hesitancy as one of the top 10 threats to global health in 2019. You didn’t know that vaccine hesitancy was one of the top 12 threats? Well, that’s what the World Health Organization says. The World Health Organization and US government are founding partners of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. In 2000, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided $750 million in seed money to spearhead the creation of Gavi, which is a public private partnership and multilateral funding mechanism involving the WHO, the governments, the vaccine industry, the World Bank, philanthropic foundations and civil society groups to improve access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world’s poorest countries.

Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now

The Great Fraud-The Covid-19 Agenda-Part 2: What Are the Real Number of Deaths-Article?

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A Jama Research Paper published March 23 says that in Italy a review paper on co-morbidity factors with a Sub-sample of 355 patients shows a:
                Mean age:  79.5
                2.7 existing conditions
                Only 3 patients had no pre-existing conditions (less than 1%)
If someone died, and tested positive for corona virus, it was counted as corona virus death

In Spain-All deaths outside of hospital counted as Covid-19 deaths.

In Britain-also, without testing- they are counting many (all?) deaths outside of hospital as Covid 19 related.

In the United States-most people are 70 or older and have underlying conditions.

Flu mortality vs Covid-19 mortality

                2017-18 season-79,000 cases

This flu season 23,000 deaths

                139 child deaths

38,000,000 cases

In 2017-18 some hospitals set up clinics in the parking lot:

West Virginia-449 were killed in 2017 from influenza or pneumonia; 69% were 75 years of age or older.

We now have 2 deaths in West Virginia; an 88 year old woman, and another person with several underlying health conditions and our state is locked down-does that make any sense?

No evidence of excess mortality or hospitals being excessively busy at this time

In Tennesse there are about 966 empty hospital beds in Memphis and 338 empty beds in region 1.

In San Miguel County, CO there are 8 positive tests,  most never had any symptoms. Less than 1% infected

Mild illness, no children died-no reports of distress in children

All of these things point to massive fraud by medical authorities and the media

Open the country now!

Report real data morbidity this year vs last year

Report only those dieing of Covid-19, not all  those who happen to have the virus

Report how many hospital beds are empty (or if all are full).

It appears that there is an agenda going on here.

Covid-19 Crisis Open the Country Now Religious Freedom Vaccine Choice

The Great Fraud: the Covid-19 Agenda- Part 1 Introduction-Article

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We are in a state of spiritual emergency

Will we have the wherewithal to overcome the current onslaught?

Churches have been Shut Down.

A threat to permanently close churches has been made by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Surveillance and enforcement has been used to force people to stay in their homes.

In this series we will look at the following topics:

2. What are the real statistics of deaths and Covid-19 cases; which data can be trusted?

3. What are the real number of deaths?

4. What are the reasons or motivations for mis-reporting fatalities in each country or state?

5. What is the connection to conflicts of interest w big Pharma, Bill Gates and other elites?

6. What are other similar examples of false narratives, such as the measles outbreaks in California and New York State?

7. What is the significance of the timeline of Covid-19 in the United States?

8. What is the role of spiritual revival and Rev. Sun Myung Moon?

Call to Action:

1. Open the Country Now; immediately rescind the stay at home recommendation
2. Use real data on morbidity ad hospital usage vs the data from the last two years
3. Expose conflicts of interest; bring in independent voices like Jon Ioannidis.  Remove Dr. Fauci; he has huge conflicts of interest with donations from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation
4. Include spiritual leaders.  This crisis has not only an external but a spiritual dimension.  Stay at home orders curtail freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis Medical Freedom

The godless Agenda of Those promoting the Covid-19 Crisis: Article

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Let’s tie all the pieces and dots together about this current, supposed crisis for the Chinese Covid-19 disease. 

So the people who are bringing you, so to speak, the Chinese corona virus, or Covid-19 virus are the very same ones who brought you the brutal suppression of the people of Wuhan China and the very same ones who took away the religious rights of people in California and New York, and are trying to do that in New Jersey, and are working on doing it in other places. These are the same people who are gung ho on this response to the Chinese corona virus.

So there are a lot of strange “coincidences” going on and I’d like to go through them and show you why what is going on is godless.

The last simulation for preparedness was Event 201 a rehearsal of a corona virus pandemic organized on October 18, 2910, in New York by Johns Hopkins University, the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. The article goes on to explain that the Global Health Security Agency was formed in 2014, just after whistleblower William Thompson raised concerns that the CDC Centers for Disease Control was committing fraud in their MMR vaccine safety study.

So, since there was distrust in vaccination US Health and Human Service Department, World Health Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Alliance for Vaccination and immunization and health officials from dozens of countries decided to create a healthy security agenda for the world. They agreed on a priority to achieve 90% measles vaccination coverage around the globe, so soon after that we had the big measles scare, so called in Disneyland in 2014, the Vaxxed movie came out, but unfortunately, the Vaccine Safety Commission which was to be led by Robert F. Kennedy never happened.”

And right now there’s attack on vaccine freedom and freedom in all, basically all 50 states and the District of Columbia.


The Emperor Has No Clothes On; Stop the Madness & Lock Downs-Article

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Good and evil is defined by whether an action leads towards fulfilling God’s Purpose of Creation or not.  Let’s look at three points about the current Covid-19 crisis.

1. Does the decisions or do the decisions that are being made allow freedom of conscience?  Because we know that God created each of us, we must honor freedom of conscience.  If we don’t recognize that God is our Creator, then we were lost.  

2. Secondly, are those making the calls or decisions honest or are they involved in corruption and obfuscation.  We talked in the last video about the H1N1 pandemic in 2009, and how there was misreporting, obfuscation, and lying regarding the statistics about that pandemic.
Another example is that no vaccine has ever been proven to be more safe then deadly. We see that the Pharmaceutical industry never tests any vaccines.  There have also been many, many corruption scandals involving Big Pharma, like the Vioxx scandal and the opioid addiction crisis that was caused by the pharmaceutical industry.
Big Pharma and the US government have colluded together at the detriment of the health of all citizens.

3. Thirdly, do those making these decisions rely on a fear-based model? Yes they do.  Death statistics are promoted without giving the proper context of similar types of deaths in the past and at present.  Where did this whole thing start? It started in communist China, and there it is, a godless state clearly. And we’re relying a lot on their information, but can it be trusted? No. ABC have you been over there to fact check the Chinese Communists to see if their numbers are right?

Government officials have created a completely false narrative.

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis Medical Freedom Vaccine Choice

The CDC and the World Health Organization Cannot Be Trused on Covid-19-Article

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Evidence from the DTP Vaccine and H1N1 “pandemic”

  There has been a lot of fear-based hype regarding the Covid-19 disease caused by the SARS COV-2 virus.  The organization entrusted with overseeing Public Health in the United States is the Centers for Disease Control or CDC, and on the world level, we have the World Health Organization.

But can we trust these organizations based on their previous record?

One very concerning set of evidence comes from Dr. Peter Aaby, a world-renowned researcher who’s worked with vaccines for 40 years.  Dr. Aaby found that children in Guinea Bissau who receive the DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis) vaccine were 2.3 times more likely to die than children who did not.  The effect for girls was even greater, with five times more girls dying than boys.  This data was collected in 2003.  Yet the World Health Organization manipulated the data and said that his meticulously researched data was wrong.  Children in Africa are still receiving this vaccine, with thousand being killed by it.  Yet the World Health Organization, coopted by Big Pharma, twists the data and keeps giving the vaccine.