Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis Medical Freedom

The godless Agenda of Those promoting the Covid-19 Crisis: Article

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Let’s tie all the pieces and dots together about this current, supposed crisis for the Chinese Covid-19 disease. 

So the people who are bringing you, so to speak, the Chinese corona virus, or Covid-19 virus are the very same ones who brought you the brutal suppression of the people of Wuhan China and the very same ones who took away the religious rights of people in California and New York, and are trying to do that in New Jersey, and are working on doing it in other places. These are the same people who are gung ho on this response to the Chinese corona virus.

So there are a lot of strange “coincidences” going on and I’d like to go through them and show you why what is going on is godless.

The last simulation for preparedness was Event 201 a rehearsal of a corona virus pandemic organized on October 18, 2910, in New York by Johns Hopkins University, the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. The article goes on to explain that the Global Health Security Agency was formed in 2014, just after whistleblower William Thompson raised concerns that the CDC Centers for Disease Control was committing fraud in their MMR vaccine safety study.

So, since there was distrust in vaccination US Health and Human Service Department, World Health Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Alliance for Vaccination and immunization and health officials from dozens of countries decided to create a healthy security agenda for the world. They agreed on a priority to achieve 90% measles vaccination coverage around the globe, so soon after that we had the big measles scare, so called in Disneyland in 2014, the Vaxxed movie came out, but unfortunately, the Vaccine Safety Commission which was to be led by Robert F. Kennedy never happened.”

And right now there’s attack on vaccine freedom and freedom in all, basically all 50 states and the District of Columbia.


The Emperor Has No Clothes On; Stop the Madness & Lock Downs-Article

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Good and evil is defined by whether an action leads towards fulfilling God’s Purpose of Creation or not.  Let’s look at three points about the current Covid-19 crisis.

1. Does the decisions or do the decisions that are being made allow freedom of conscience?  Because we know that God created each of us, we must honor freedom of conscience.  If we don’t recognize that God is our Creator, then we were lost.  

2. Secondly, are those making the calls or decisions honest or are they involved in corruption and obfuscation.  We talked in the last video about the H1N1 pandemic in 2009, and how there was misreporting, obfuscation, and lying regarding the statistics about that pandemic.
Another example is that no vaccine has ever been proven to be more safe then deadly. We see that the Pharmaceutical industry never tests any vaccines.  There have also been many, many corruption scandals involving Big Pharma, like the Vioxx scandal and the opioid addiction crisis that was caused by the pharmaceutical industry.
Big Pharma and the US government have colluded together at the detriment of the health of all citizens.

3. Thirdly, do those making these decisions rely on a fear-based model? Yes they do.  Death statistics are promoted without giving the proper context of similar types of deaths in the past and at present.  Where did this whole thing start? It started in communist China, and there it is, a godless state clearly. And we’re relying a lot on their information, but can it be trusted? No. ABC have you been over there to fact check the Chinese Communists to see if their numbers are right?

Government officials have created a completely false narrative.

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Covid-19 Crisis Medical Freedom Vaccine Choice

The CDC and the World Health Organization Cannot Be Trused on Covid-19-Article

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Evidence from the DTP Vaccine and H1N1 “pandemic”

  There has been a lot of fear-based hype regarding the Covid-19 disease caused by the SARS COV-2 virus.  The organization entrusted with overseeing Public Health in the United States is the Centers for Disease Control or CDC, and on the world level, we have the World Health Organization.

But can we trust these organizations based on their previous record?

One very concerning set of evidence comes from Dr. Peter Aaby, a world-renowned researcher who’s worked with vaccines for 40 years.  Dr. Aaby found that children in Guinea Bissau who receive the DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis) vaccine were 2.3 times more likely to die than children who did not.  The effect for girls was even greater, with five times more girls dying than boys.  This data was collected in 2003.  Yet the World Health Organization manipulated the data and said that his meticulously researched data was wrong.  Children in Africa are still receiving this vaccine, with thousand being killed by it.  Yet the World Health Organization, coopted by Big Pharma, twists the data and keeps giving the vaccine.

Vaccine Choice West Virginia Politics

Vaccine Choice for West Virginia

West Virginia is one of only three states that does not allow parents to opt out of mandatory vaccinations for children attending school.

When there is a danger of injury, there must be freedom of choice.  Would you be comfortable with your doctor if he or she made it mandatory for you to accept their suggestions for any medicine, test, or procedure that he or she recommended?  In the same light, parents must be free to make informed choices based on the potential risks versus the benefits of any given vaccine.

Vaccines are not held to the same standards as other drugs that are on the market.  There are no tests done versus placebos. Testing is often done by the same companies that make the vaccines.  Why is this allowed? Vaccines are recommended for age groups for which they have never been tested.

Religious Freedom West Virginia Politics

Tom Takubo Does Not Care about the Health and Well Being of West Virginia Children and Adults

Tom Takubo is a West Virginia State Senator representing District 17, which includes Kanawha County and Charleston, WV.  He was electied in 2014 and is currently Chair of the Health and Human Resources Committee.  Due to his lack of concern for the well-being of West Virginia youth and adults, he needs to be ejected from his position by the voters on November 6th, 2018.

According to committee staff, Senator Takubo thinks that the current vaccine mandate, requring 45 doses of 14 different vaccines for school attendance is a good system and does not need to be changed.   This is in spite of the fact that only West Virginia, Mississippi and California do not allow religious or conscientious exemptions for vaccinations.  This is also in spite of the fact that there have been thousands of serious adverse reactions requiring hospitaliztion and hundreds of deaths from vaccines:  The number of serious injuries and deaths from vaccines is generally many times more than the numbers of serious injuries and deaths before the vaccines were introduced.   West Virginia is a cash cow for big pharmaceutical companies, as there is no need to advertise for vaccines, as the state does all of the dirty work for the pharmaceutical companies by mandating 45 does of 14 different vaccines.  These vaccines are recognized as “inherently unsafe” by the vaccine court set up under the 1986 vaccine safety law.

Although my wife and I were in Charleston for three days during the legislative session, we could not schedule an appointment with Senator Takubo.  In fact, we were not even able to intercept him in the hallways of the State Capitol.  As a doctor and member of the American Medical Association (AMA), Senator Takubo has a severe conflict of interest when it comes to vaccine choice.  The AMA does not support the right of parents to opt out of any vaccination for religious or conscientious reasons.  As such, it is extremely callous and conflicted of Senator Takubo to block vaccine choice legislation as head of the Health Committee, as he has done in both the 2017 and 2018 legislative sessions.

Recently, Senator Takubo has claimed that he would allow vaccine choice legislation to come to the Senate floor for a vote.  This is a vacuous and calculated ploy.  If that is the case, why did he assiduously block just exactly that legislation in the 2017 and 2018 sessions?

Furthermore, Takubo claims that West Virginia is healthier than other states due to the vaccine mandates.   That is false.  In overall health, West Virgina ranks 46th.  For instance, in infant mortality, West Virgina ranks 41st (

Clearly, Tom Takubo needs to be shown the exit door by the voters of Kanawha County.  Hopefully, in the future, a more freedom and liberty minded Republican Senator will be elected from Kanawha county in District 17.  In the meantime, I would urge voters to choose the lesser of two evils and vote for his opponent, Terrell Ellis.



What is Church?

I wrote this editorial five years ago, but it is till very applicable today, as well, and applies equally to the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary where I used to affiliate.
Fundamentally, we need to look at “Church” in a new way.

Blessed Central Families are the core of the Providence

I believe that this is the era for Tribal Messiahs to take the lead.  The substantial work of the providence cannot be done by the Family Church or Family Federation.  It is done by individual Blessed Central Families and small groups of Blessed Central Families who do ministry in their local communities.  So, in essence, the purpose of the Family Federation is to raise up and support Tribal Messiahs who will carry out the mission of teaching and helping individuals and families move toward the goal of being Blessed Central Families.

The Family church in each community should be looking at how to support the ministries of the Blessed Central Families.  Ideally, each Blessed Central Family should have its own ministry.  Then the Family Church should ask each family how it can assist and support in that family’s ministry.

The Family Federation should look to find projects that educate and raise people up towards the Blessing.  These may not always be Family Federation projects.  For instance, they could be nonprofits or businesses that support the mission of the Family Federation.  Donations and education can flow toward the Blessed Central Families doing the work, not just from them.  If a Blessed Central Family is holding meetings or programs that help people move toward the Blessing, why not encourage and even financially assist that work?

When models are found that work, then they should be made available locally and nationwide. Blessed Central families can give their testimony of what is working at Sunday service.   The national Family Federation can support by brining successful Blessed Central Families to Regions other than their own.  In this way, these models can be duplicated and nominal funding given to those families willing to try these models.

So rather than only getting those we know to come to Sunday Service, we can assist with the education of their children toward abstinence before marriage and successful family formation

True Father says in the Cheon Sung Gyung p. 1505:

In the future, the Sunday service of the Unification Church should be in the format of a report, not a sermon. The contents of the report should be about something a family can be proud of. Therefore, the whole family would need to attend the service. In this way, the other families can model themselves after the exemplary families and be guided by them to the right path. In such a manner we can establish the heavenly kingdom for the family, on earth. You should bear in mind that before this is done God’s Kingdom on earth cannot be established. (23-63, 1969.5.11)


The reason I’m not currently constructing any church buildings is because I have plans of my own. The number of people in the church is not important. The Kingdom of Heaven does not begin from the church; it originates from the family, that is, the bride and groom.

Woman was born to meet man, and vice versa. When a baby wakes up, it looks for its “mama.” The husband should call his wife more than the baby calls its mother. A person who fails to do so is truly pitiable. The wife should also call her husband more than he does her. They should become such a couple. As husband and wife enjoying the happiness of conjugal harmony, they should call out to each other all the time. If they can live in such a manner forever, they would not envy the young even when they grow old. In the future, I will arrange a world tour for those blessed couples that reach the age of eighty. (23-55, 1969.5.11).


So True Father relates the loving relationship of Blessed husbands and wives to church growth.  One way to grow is to learn from exemplary couples at Sunday Service.  Another way is through the loving example of Blessed Central Families.


I suggest that an excellent way to help families in our communities is to promote abstinence-centered sexual health education.  Furthermore, by teaching about absolutely good sex, we can further help families in our communities, as well as our own families.  I don’t know why every family would not want to assist young people at their local middle or high school by providing Relationship Intelligence abstinence-centered education.  Furthermore, meetings with both parents and their children can be held for further education.  I would like to see many testimonies about families helping other families in their community in this way, including their children.


Richard Urban




John Unger Is Doing A Bad Job and Needs to be Replaced in the West Virginia State Senate

Update; March, 2020.  I was able to meet with Senator Unger in December 2019, which was a definite improvement from the situation described below.  He indicated that he may be ready to vote for vaccine choice, as well, but this has not yet been tested by any Senate vote or co-sponsorship of a vaccine choice bill.

John Unger, Democrat, is the current West Virginia State Senator representing all of Jefferson County and part of Berkeley County.  He was first elected in 2010.

When I contacted Senator Unger by email multiple times int he fall of 2017, he never bothered to respond.  When I tried to schedule an appointment with his office in January, 2018, while my wife and I were visiting Charleston during the legislative session, I was told that he does not make appointments with constituents.  When I tried to contact Senator Unger by telephone, I could never reach him.

I had to hunt like a detective to find him at the State Capital building, and was able to find him on the floor of the State Senate before the session began.  I asked him if he supports the right of a parent to choose not to vaccinate their child for a certain vaccine for either conscientious or religious reasons.  He did not answer that question.  However, during an education committee meeting on that topic one March 18, 2017, Senator Unger wondered if those seeking religious exemptions were sincere in their religious beliefs.

Why is Senator Unger running for reelection when he does not even respond to his constituents phone calls or correspondence? Furthermore, in the 2018 session, Senator Unger only sponsored two bills, while most senators sponsored around 20 bills.

Furthermore, why does Senator Unger not support the right of a parent to choose not to vaccinate their child for conscientious or religious reasons?  A total of 47 other state have conscientious or reliaghous exemptions, or both.

A much better choice for State Senator in the 16th District in West Virginia is the Republican candidate, Michael Folk ( a current West Virginia State Representative who was first elected n 2012.   Mr. Folk is  a clear advocate for personal freedom, including the right to choose not to vaccinate your child, second amendment rights, and constitutional freedoms, in general.

Often, state and local elections are decided by a small number of votes.  I urge you to not sit this one out and to get our and vote for Michael Folk for West Virginia State Senate on November 6, 2018.

2nd Amendment Rightrs Uncategorized

Rod of Iron Kingdom Book Review

Rod of Iron Kingdom by Hyung Jin Sean Moon helped me to better understand the meaning of the essential three elements of the Nation of God, or Cheon il Guk that Rev. Sun Myung Moon Teaches about.  Those elements are people, land and sovereignty.

The first nine chapters outline a clear apologetic for why the ownership of firearms is a basic human right, the responsibility of Christians and an essential ingredient of a free society.  The book introduces the Feb. 28th, 2018 Book of Life Blessing at the Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania.  This marriage blessing caused a firestorm of interest from the media, on the heals of the Parkland Florida school shooting.

The dangers of Facism and Political Islam are outlined.  The clear view of the Founding Fathers about the importance of the right to bear arms, and of the danger of a standing army are delineated.  We learn that the confiscation of firearms has preceded all of the democides (killings by the government) of the 20th Century.

We also learn that gun contral started as a way to keep guns out of the hands of blacks.  Furthermore, we learn that areas where citizens are armed are much safer.

For me, as a Unificationist who has been a member of Rev. Moon’s Unification movement for 43 years, the last two chapters are the most revealing.

I have undertood that God wants a nation, but yet that cherished hope has not yet come to fruition.  Could it be that God is devolving the idea of a nation to a more local level?  Every nation must be able to protect the sovereignty of its territory.  Let’s consider that the people of God’s nation, or Cheon Il Guk are families who have received the Blessing of marriage from Rev. Moon and his appointed inheritors, the land being land owned by these couples.

In this case, what would the sovereignty of God’s nation be?  The sovereignty is determined by the ability of these couples individually and corporately to defend their land.  So the Crowns and Rods of Iron (AR-15 Rifles) that these couples brought to the February 28th Tree of Life Blessing symbolically and substantially represent the sovereignty of God’s nation.  Furthermore, these couples become good citizens, ready to defend their neighbors.

To understand the Rod of Iron Ministry I think that you have to understand the importance of the Bundy Ranch standoff, covered in Chapter 10 of the book.  Pastor Moon interviewed Larry Pratt and covered this in that interview, as well.(see the link below).  This was a crucial turning point where armed citizens were ready to defend land unjustly being taken by overreach of an overzealous Federal Government.  Many mostly armed citizens came to support the Bundys.  This was an important point in United States history.  After all, the right to bear arms is ultimately to protect against tyrannical government, as the Founding Fathers were well aware.  It is not only about the right to self defense or sportsmanship.

With the crucial understanding of sovereignty as protected by the Second Amendment that is explained in Rod of Iron Kingdom, we can see the way forward for protecting God’s children and protecting His Kingdom in the future.  I recommend Rod of Iron Kingdom as an essential read for all of those who cherish freedom and want to understand more about the debate about gun ownership and the Second Amendment

I also recommend viewing Pastor Sean Moon’s three interviews with Larry Pratt, President Emeritus of Gun Owners of America to better undersand about the Rod of Iron Kingdom.

Interview November 14, 2017:

Interview December 28, 2017:

Interview February 6, 2108:
The Bundys are discussed at 31:35.

Purchase Rod of Iron Kingdom:

Ethical Business Salvation

Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Practical Vision to Save America

I was fortunate to work in a key project that Rev. Sun Myung Moon founded in 1987 to save America from its moral and spiritual and physical decline.  In his wisdom, Rev. Moon founded a business with the salvation of America at its heart.  The logo embodies the heart behind this ministry

It was originally named the Happy Mind Home Shopping Club.  However, due to complaints from the Home Shopping Network, the name was changed to the Happy Mind Shop at Home Service.

The service was launched in September, 1987 from a warehouse on V St. NE in Washington, DC.  Initially there were about 1000 non perishable products stocked that could be delivered to customers’ homes.  Later, this was expanded to a selection of about 6000 products, including perishable items.  At that time, there was only one other home delivery service in Metro Washington DC, Telegrocer (no longer in business).  As usual, Rev. Moon was way ahead of his time.

I became one of the first delivery agents for the company.  My delivery area was in the Brookland area and vicinity of Washington, DC.  The company did direct mail advertising, and I began delivering to a few customers.  My wife Stacey and I promoted the service door to door in our neighborhood, too.

According to Rev. Moon, who visited the business location on June 30 1990 (I’m not 100% sure of the year), the Happy Mind Shop at Home Service has three main purposes:

  • To facilitate the accomplishment of Home Church (more about this later).
  • To facilitate the promotion of the Washington Times Newspaper.
  • To allow those doing the business to make money.

In 1989 I moved to the Capitol Hill area of Washington DC.  Renee Corley was the Happy Mind delivery agent in that area at the time.  She had just moved out of the area, so I took over her area, which we served continuously until May, 2016.

According to Larry Moffit, at a meeting at the Washington Times building, Rev. Moon stated when asked what his most important legacy in the United States would be, he answered, “The Happy Mind Shop at Home Service”.  I think that this tells us a lot about the heart of Rev. Moon.  He was and still is a man on a mission to save all of the people in the United States, and the world.  But, practically speaking, how?  How will every home in the United States be reached?

We can understand something of Rev. Moon’s heart when we look at this excerpt from a speech given on January 8th, 1976 at Jacob House in Tarrytown, NY:

In this religion each person is so important as to correspond to thousands of members. You and all under you will collapse. Know how many people are in the church. Find out how many of the world’s population must be taken care of by each of you.  You are responsible for the eternal life of so many people.

On January 1st, 1979, Rev. Moon launched “Home Church”.  Home church is a practical ministry to serve and educate families in a 360 home area or multiple thereof, such as 720 homes, 1080 homes, or a 3.6 mile radius area.  Going back to Rev. Moon’s words above, if there are 1000 people who understand this imperative, and 327 million people and the average household size is 3.6 people, then each person would be responsible for about 91,000 homes.

In September 2004 Rev. Moon conducted his last Hoon Dok Hae before leaving America for an extended time.  The meeting was held at the Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, Virginia.  At that time, he instructed that the section on Home Church and Tong Ban Breakthrough be read (Cheon Seong Gyeong pp. 2021 to 2078).  So these were the instruction that he left America with as he returned to Korea for an extended period.  As such, we should study and pay close attention to these words.

But how, practically, could you take care of a specific geographic area with thousands of homes.

In the Cheon Seong Gyeong on p. 2056 Rev. Moon explains

I created a company named, Happy Mind, which in Korean is Haeng bok eui
Ma-eum. It is a company I have developed and invested in continually for sev-
en years. What does this company do?  It is for the organization of the Home
Church. This organization should be connected to the tong ban breakthrough
activities and should try to win over the families. Once you win them over,
then everything will be possible. There is no better foundation that exists for
the mobilization of the masses. (213-299,1991.1.21)

Enter the Urban Grocery Delivery System.  Unfortunately, the Happy Mind Home Shopping Service closed in June, 1994.  Fortunately, Urban Grocery took the foundation started with the Happy Mind Shop at Home Service and beginning on July 5th, 1994, developed it into what is now the Urban Grocery Delivery System.

Watch this video to see why every community servant should be utilizing the Urban Grocery Delivery System:

Presidential Politics

Is Hillary Clinton Really a Woman of Integrity and the “Lesser of Two Evils”

Hillary Clinton is not a woman of integrity. You could only believe that she has integrity and is the “lesser of two evils” if you think that there is no difference between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker , the protagonists of the Star Wars movies, or if you believe there is no difference between Jesus and Satan.

Webster’s New World Dictionary defines “integrity” as “the quality or state of being of sound moral principle; uprighness, honesty, and sincerity.”  Hillary Clinton’s words and actions regarding her personal email accounts used while Secretary of State are byzantine enough to make your eyes glaze over, but please bear with me, as these words and actions indicate a lot about what kind of person she is.

In 2013 it became known that Clinton was using her private email server at her home, rather than a secure one at the department of state.  Prior to that, Freedom of Information requests for Clinton’s emails, which are public information that is supposed to be recorded, by law, where ignored for four years by the State Department.  No wonder, since the emails archives were not kept at the State Department, as required by law.  Clinton was certainly well aware of the fact that all business emails that she sent had to be archived.  She simply ignored this requirement, which is typical of her arrogant attitude, feeling that she is above the law.

Later, when it became imperative, she turned over paper copies of emails.  Yet, she deleted the entire contents of her email server, after being directed to turn over all of her emails.  Only half of the emails were saved on a thumb drive.  It is still unknown if any of these deleted emails could be recovered from the server.  She claims the 30,000 deleted emails were all personal,  Consiering her extreme lack of candor and evasiveness about here email server, this claim is highly suspect, to say the least.

Clinton has made conflicting claims regarding her knowledge of classified information sent through her email account.  First she said there was no classified information on her server.  Then she said she did not know it was classified.  Now it turns out that officials had asked for some emails to receive a lower classification rating.  Of course, this conflicts with the argument that there was no classified information to begin with.  Oh, and did I mention that it is rather hard to know if the 30,000 deleted emails contained classified information or not.  Dozens of emails regarding official State Department business not released by Clinton have turned up recently.

So why is all this important.  It says a lot about who Hillary Clinton is.  She wants us to believe that she is fit to be President of the United States.  Yet she carelessly handled sensitive classified information, flaunted laws to archive the communications of public officials, and lied about here wrongdoings repeatedly.  Furthermore, it is plausible that her husband, Bill Clinton, discussed the matter with the Attorney General of the United States, Loretta Lynch, during a private meeting on the tarmac of Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix.  Incredibly, although FBI director Comey said she violated the law, no charges were filed.  Former US Attorney Joseph “DiGenova says “people both currently in the FBI and with the FBI consider Comey to be a dirty cop. Wherever you turn, wherever you go, you find that Comey blocked the legitimate investigation.”

So here is the message for us.  If you are Hillary Clinton, you can ignore the law, flaunt the law and break the law and get away with it.  You can lie about it and hope that people will be foolish enough to believe you.

This behavior is reminiscent of her involvement with the Whitewater Scandal 20 years ago in Arkansas.

Remember that this is by no means the first controversy involving  a lack of integrity and lying by Hillary Clinton.  This type of lying and obfuscation is reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s involvemnet in the Whitewater Scandal, the Travelgate Scandal at the White House, plus the Filegate Scandal at the White House.  All of these scandals involved Hillary Clinton during her husband’s two terms at the White House.

New York Times columnist William Safire, who had endorsed Bill Clinton in the previous election, wrote that many Americans were coming to the “sad realization that our First Lady—a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation—is a congenital liar.”