Presidential Politics

#78-Is Mob Rule Taking Over the United States?

Threats of violence or death are playing a major role in the dynamics of the coverage of election fraud. Many Republican elected officials are complicit or silent. At the same time, there is a mainstream media blackout of factual information. None the less, we the people, and President Trump, will prevail.

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Presidential Politics

#77-This Coup Will Not Succeed

The only real deadline in the current election for US President is noon, January 20, 2021. State legislators can still send a slate of electors for President Donald J. Trump. We will never accept the results of a fraudulent election.

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Marriage Sexual Abstinence

#76-The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 10 with Roy Ramey

What is the proper relationship between religion and politics? Are we living in the era after the coming of heaven? What is the foundation for a peaceful and ethical society and world? Read Peace Message 10:

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Civil Liberties Covid-19 Crisis Presidential Politics

#75-Biden Supports Voter Suppression and Intimidation

State Legislators are the Constitutional arbiters of electoral votes. Hundreds of testimonies and sworn statements of poll challenger intimidation and suppression of legitimate votes by promotion of false votes cannot be ignored. State legislators must step up and appoint electors for the actual winner, Donald J. Trump.

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Marriage Sexual Abstinence

#74-The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 9 with Yun-a Johnson

Learn about the World Peace King Bridge-Tunnel that will link the Russian and North American land masses. The new heaven and new earth has already arrived. What is the basis of this Kingdom, and how can we live in it?

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Presidential Politics

#73-State Legislators Do Your Job!

The United States Constitution gives state legislators the sole authority to select electors for the President of the United States. State Legislators in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada need to step up and do their job.

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Marriage Sexual Abstinence

#72-The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics Part 8- with Leila Johnson

Learn about cross cultural, international and interracial marriage, the Marriage Blessing and seeking first the Kingdom and His righteousness.

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Presidential Politics

#71-Do Not Concede or Consent

Only Godism can bring the nation together. Massive fraud must be condemned by those on all sides. Christianity needs the New Truth to resurrect itself.

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Homosexuality Marriage

#70-The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 7 with Philip Sharp

What is the Kingdom of Heaven like? Why is the God-centered family the root of the Kingdom of Heaven. Is there marriage in Heaven? Join us for this important Discussion

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Presidential Politics

#69-Constitutional Crisis-Massive Voting Fraud Rocks Nation

Why is Joe Biden silent on massive voting fraud? Does he not want people to believe that he was elected fair and square? State legislatures in contested states should send electors that support the will of the voters in their states to Washington to vote for Donald J. Trump.

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