Christianity Rev. Sun Myung Moon Sexual Ethics

#93-Seek First the Kingdom

Many churches closed during the COVID-19 situation in the past year. What good can come of this? What is the role of Rev. Sun Myung Moon? What is absolute sexual ethics? Why has Christianity weakened?
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Read Seek First His Kingdom

Referenced in the show:
The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, Which Is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal and the Global Kingdom

Principle Two Hour Diagrammed Lecture Manual

Exposition of the Divine Principle-3 Color

Christianity Rev. Sun Myung Moon Sexual Ethics

Seek First His Kingdom

I will give a perspective of how God is working, in spite of the seemingly negative events that have been happening throughout the world in the past one and one half years. 

Let’s start with a scripture reading from Rev. Sun Myung Moon from the Cheon Seong Gyeong, the collected works of Rev. Sun Myung Moon:

Established Christian churches are making a big fuss because I said that Jesus is my disciple, but they will see everything when they go to the spirit world. Why do I say such things, when I know clearly that doing so will cause me to be inundated with curses?
    How about the established Christian churches? Through Unification Church members, I will clean up anything that is unclean in their back rooms and hold worship services transcending all denominations. After this, I will go to the spirit world. I will go there after completing that trans-denominational worship. You may not know this, but there are already a large number of ministers using our Principle. Some of them read the Divine Principle on a blanket and when a deacon or elder comes in, they quickly hide it underneath the blanket, and then take it out again when they leave, and read it all night. They memorize it and diligently use it.
    Autumn leaves do not fall all at once. Do they fall all at once? They do not. They fall one by one, rather than as a whole bunch. Although they fall one by one, before long the tree, once clothed with green, is left with no leaves. Whether they know it or not, I am dealing with things in that way. (213-34, 1991.1.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong (original) p. 291

Rev. Moon also stated in the Universal Peace Inaugural Speech in Washington, DC on September 23, 2005:

Christianity in general will become weaker and weaker unless they go with God’s Truth which is given in these Last Days.  This is New Truth.  They have to be reformed.  The New Age came.  All the religions have to be united now.  I am appealing to all of the religions and all of the religious leaders to work  together  to  complete  the  Bering  Strait  Project,  which  I  will  explain  later.    They probably have to, they maybe have to chip in together, from every religion, all the religious leaders, because this project will be for the sake of the well being of the entire humanity.

A lot of people, including many Christian ministers, did not pay attention to what Rev. Moon said.  Then, they are seemingly blindsided by the sudden assault on the freedom to worship during the COVID “crisis”.

Many churches have lost focus on what is truly important, which is seeking first God’s Kingdom and His righteous (Mt. 6: 33).  Instead, there is more of a selfish focus on church growth, prosperity, etc.  The Exposition of the Divine Principle, the teaching of the Rev. Moon, explains:

The Soviet Union, a nation on Satan’s side, participated in the Second World War on God’s side. How was it possible? When medieval society could not fulfill its providential purpose, it became a hindrance to both God’s side and Satan’s side, which then divided and began developing along paths leading to the maturation of the democratic world and the communist world. The Cain-type and Abel-type views of life worked in tandem to break down medieval feudal society and later, absolute monarchy and imperialism. Just as God’s providence progresses while riding on the currents of its time, Satan’s effort to build an unprincipled imitation of the ideal world is also bound to the currents of its time. When the prevailing social order obstructs the formation of new societies, including those furthering Satan’s goals, Satan joins in the fight to destroy it.

In a similar fashion, fascism had become an obstacle to both Satan’s side and God’s side. Because the providence of restoration through indemnity required that God temporarily permit Satan’s side to form the communist world, the Soviet Union in the Second World War was allowed to join forces with the nations on God’s side to destroy fascism, in order that it might quickly build up its communist state. Nevertheless, as soon as the Second World War was over, the communist world and the democratic world separated like oil and water. 

Exposition of the Divine Principle pp 373-374

Many churches closed during the COVID lockdowns.  Some never re-opened.  Others, however, had their faith strengthened.  So, a pruning of churches has occurred, where Satan’s work can be used in the larger providence.

Additionally there is a new wave of Christianity that I believe represents the real spirit of Jesus.  That is a kingdom building movement.  Examples of this type of movement include the Health and Freedom Summit organized by Clay Clark in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and available on  Other Christian leaders like Alana Newman and Patrick Coffin have organized health freedom summits.  Others, such as Lance Walnau, promote a disposition of Christianity where we engage and influence the world actively in all of its aspects from a Christian perspective.  Others, such as myself (VisionRoot) also actively work to engage, educate and change the culture, with a Kingdom building mentality.

Although the fundamental issue of God-given freedoms addressed in the above mentioned conferences are key, there is another key element of being human.

According to Rev. Sun Myung Moon, that is the key element of absolute sexual ethics:

Yet, at this time there is an absolute requirement that people must fulfill, no matter who they are. This is the requirement of maintaining their purity, which is the model of absolute sexual morality for human beings. God gave it to His children as their destined responsibility and duty, to be carried out in order to fulfill the ideal of creation. This heavenly path is thus the way toward perfecting the model of absoluteness in conjugal love.

What was the single word, the one and only commandment God gave to Adam and Eve, the first ancestors, upon their creation? It was the commandment and blessing to maintain an absolute standard of sexual purity until God’s approval of their marriage. We find the basis for this in the Bible passage that indicates that Adam and Eve would surely die on the day they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. If they had refrained from eating and observed Heaven’s commandment, they would have perfected their character and, as co-creators, stood with God, the Creator, as His equals. Furthermore, they would have taken dominion over the creation and become the lords of the universe enjoying eternal and ideal happiness.

It was God’s blessing that He told them to preserve their purity so that they could wed as His true children through His Marriage Blessing, become true husband and wife, become true parents and give birth to true children. This knowledge deepens our understanding of this commandment. It is connected with the principle of absoluteness in conjugal love, which is a principle of God’s creation. The profound truth within God’s commandment has lain hidden throughout history: human beings must inherit and live by a model absolute sexual purity that is intrinsic to God’s ideal for creation. This is so that they might perfect their individuality as God’s children and establish themselves as lords of creation.

The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, which is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom: Rev. Sun Myung Moon

An example of God’s move in this providential area is the exposure of the dark area of sexual misconduct.  Both within the church and in society at large, sexual exploitation and misconduct is becoming more exposed.  To understand why this is key to the Kingdom Building movement, it is necessary to study Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s teachings on absolute sexual ethics.

A good place to start is to read The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, which is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom, and to study The Principle Two Hour Diagrammed Lecture Manual booklet.

Covid-19 Crisis

#92-The Great Fraud-The Covid 19 Agenda-One Year Later

We need to be aware of and speak out about the continuing fraud. We must vigorously resist the push for vaccine passports. Richard discusses three key filters to determine if what is being said is correct or not.
Original Eight Part Series: The Great Fraud-the COVID 19 Agenda

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Abortion Movie Reviews

Movie Review-Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer

By Richard Urban

Gosnell is a must see movie about Dr. Kermit Gosnell, a sociopathic Philadelphia doctor who performed thousands of abortions at a sub-standard clinic in inner city Philadelphia.  Gosnell stars Dean Cain as detective James Wood, Sarah Jane Morris as DA Alexis ‘Lexy’ McGuire and Earl Billings as Kermit Gosnell.

Because the local and statewide government considered a woman’s “right” to an abortion to be sacrosanct, the abominable conditions at the clinic were never revealed.  The clinic was not inspected for 17 years, in spite of numerous complaints. 

Finally, an investigation into illegal prescriptions written by Dr. Gosnell let to a raid on the clinic at which time police and detectives found unbelievable conditions, like babies and baby parts in trash bags and babies’ feet in jars.  Gosnell routinely delivered babies alive and then cut their necks with scissors to kill them.

The movie is riveting and very moving.  It is not an anti-abortion movie, although that is the ultimate effect.  It is telling the truth about what abortion really is and what goes on during abortions, both legal and illegal.

In Gosnell’s clinic, untrained 15 year olds gave pre-abortion women anesthesia!  Cats ran around the clinic.  There were turtles, which Gosnell fed during the raid on the clinic.

Yet, there are stories of hope and redemption, such as that seen in the last scene of the movie.

I also really liked the character named Molly Mullaney.  She is a blogger who is only interested in the truth and who perseveres in her quest to find the truth.  She is a stand in in real life for Calkins Media columnist J. D. Mullane.

This movie is a must see for everyone, whether for or against abortion.  Apparently, some don’t want people to see this movie, as only Fandango Now carries the movie on Roku.  Why not Vudu or others?  The movie is listed on Vudu, but you can’t rent or purchase it. 

For more ways to see the movie, released in October 2018, go to  I purchased the movie for $10.00 on Fandango Now, and suggest you do the same.

Also, see this revealing interview at The Daily Signal:  The True Story of Kermit Gosnell and His Victims (


Plan for Election Integrity

In light of the many irregularities and outright fraud, nationwide in the 2020 elections, it is essential that West Virginia moves to protect the integrity of elections in West Virginia.  Here are some key points:

•             Eliminate early voting.  All voting will be on Election Day.

•               Mail in voting should not be allowed at all, unless a citizen lives outside of the United States.  That is what the great majority of other countries do.  See this analysis of other countries:    For those living outside the county, a Photo ID must be submitted with the request for a ballot.

•               Eliminate using electronic voting machines.  Use paper ballots.

•             Do not use Clarity voting or any other third party reporting system.  All counting and reporting must remain in the state.

•             In case of a challenge of the election results, failure to follow rules will automatically invalidate any contested election and a new election must be called i.e. if observers are not allowed to view ballot processing, or if ballots are destroyed or voting machine audit records erased.  An additional approach is to make violations a felony, as Arizona is moving to do.

•               Use paper ballots to speed up voting and eliminate fraud.

•             Tabulate votes, when not done manually, using two machines from different manufacturers.  Results must match.  Results will be recorded by each county and records will be retained on local servers and backed up by physical records of ballot counts.  No third-party processing of election results is allowed.

West Virginia Legislative Session West Virginia Legislature West Virginia Politics

No Income Tax Reform; Focus on Constitutional Rights Instead

Governor, or “King” Justice, as some call him, wants to jack up sales and other taxes and give taxpayers government handouts, while proposing to eliminate personal income taxes.  While this might seem laudable at first glance, it is a smoke and mirrors game.

Our state has been severely hampered by unnecessary and burdensome, and unconstitutional mask mandates, business closure mandates and by limiting the capacity of businesses.  Even today, Jefferson County WV high schools are closed this week due to bogus COVID 19 statistics.  Children are at virtually zero risk from COVID 19.  Staff are not at risk either.  In fact, with proper treatment 99.9 % of those with COVID will recover.  COVID 19 is much less fatal for children than the flu.  Following this rationale, why did we not close schools periodically due to cases of the flu?

The best way to help our state is to remove unnecessary mandates.  HB 2003 will require legislative review for any mandates over 60 days and has passed the WV House of Delegates unanimously.  This bill needs to be brought to the floor of the Senate ASAP and amended to make it clear that the bill’s provisions apply to not only future mandates plus the current one.  Mask mandates discourage business.  And, of course, closing restaurants and making up random rules for their operation, as well as for other businesses’ operation, adversely affects businesses, including causing many small businesses to go out of business permanently.  Yet Governor Justice does not want to deal with these core issues, but rather wants to distract us with other, peripheral issues.

So, Governor Justice, stop the social posturing BS.  People will decide on their own whether or not they want to wear a mask.  Children need to be in school.  People need to interact in person without unnecessary and harmful government mandates.  By the way, why can eighth grade students be in school, but not ninth grade students?  What is the magical “scientific” formula behind that?

Specifically regarding the income tax proposal, many small businesses would not benefit in any case.  Schedule C income is not included.  Food grocery items will become taxable again, at 7.9%, after having just been removed from being taxable in 2013.  Food had also been added and removed from being taxed in West Virginia previously in 1981 and then taxed again in 1989.  Tax on food drives West Virginians to shop in neighboring states with no food tax. 

Governor Justice should focus on helping West Virginians to exercise their God-given freedoms, and not on dubious plans that increase taxes on essential items like food purchased at grocery stores.  Leave the income tax alone.  There are many more pressing issues, like restoring our Constitutional freedoms and ensuring voting integrity.

West Virginia Legislative Session West Virginia Legislature West Virginia Politics

Vaccine Choice Bills in the WV Legislature-2021

There are seven bills dealing with vaccination choice that have been introduced in the WV House or Senate.  All of them will provide some welcome relief from West Virginia’s authoritarian, one size fits all approach to immunizations. 

As a start, I suggest you contact your senators in support of SB 406, and contact your delegate in support of HB 2881.  Both remove the requirement to provide the harmful and unnecessary Hepatitus B vaccination to children before attending any West Virginia school, public or private.  Typically, this vaccination is given to newborn babies.  Mind you that the vaccination is for a sexually transmitted disease, and that this disease is nonexistent among those who are not having sexual intercourse or using IV drugs.  HB 2881 is in the House Health and Human Resources Committee chaired by Jeffrey Pack.

HB 2728 clarifies that the commissioner of Public Health shall not expand compulsory immunization requirements for school children without explicit Legislative authority, including the chair of the Health Committee.  Vaccination by administrative ruling added 11 to 13 doses of four vaccines to the West Virginia required vaccine schedule from 2008 to 2017. These vaccines alone have caused between 1740 to 17,400 serious adverse reactions requiring hospitalization and 290 to 2900 deaths in West Virginia. Current administrative rulings specify that all vaccines recommend by the ACIP panel are also recommended for West Virginia children. Furthermore, from 2008 to 2017 parents enrolling children in state licensed daycare were required to get HIB, pneumococcal (Prevnar), rotavirus and Hepatitus A vaccinations under penalty of law. These vaccinations were added by an administrative rule, were subsequently removed, but could be added again.  This bill is in the House Education Committee, chaired by Joe Ellington.

HB 2783 grants a physician to grant a child a medical exemption from the required immunizations for entering a school or a state-regulated child care center.  The position of Immunization Officer (added in 2015) is eliminated.  This bill is in the House Health and Human Resources Committee, chaired by Jeffrey Pack.

See all of the Vaccine Choice bills here.

Delegate Paul Espinosa (Shannondale):  Capitol:  (304) 340-3310  Cell:  (304) 268-4266

Delegate Wayne Clark (Charles Town)  Capitol:   (304) 340-3366  Cell:  (703) 786-7114

Delegate John Doyle (Shepherdstown)  Capitol:  (304) 340-3248 Hm:  (304) 876-1648

Delegate Joe Ellington (House Education Chair) (304) 340-3265

Delegate Jeff Pack (House Health Chair)

(304) 340-3269

Senator John Unger (Shepherdstown)  Capitol:  (304) 357-7933  Cell:  (304) 389-1866

Senator Patricia Rucker (Shannondale)  Capitol:  (304) 357-7957  Cell:  (304) 279-1619

Senator Mike Maroney (Senate Health and Human Resources Chair) (304) 357-7902

Originall posted at Vaccine Choice Bills in WV Legislature-2021 – Urban Life Training

West Virginia Legislature West Virginia Politics

West Virginia Legislative Session-2021 Priorities

Four Priorities for 2021 WV Legislative Session
by Richard Urban

  1. Protect our constitutional freedoms from encroachment by government mandates. 
    Reform the Governor’s emergency powers authority, requiring the legislature to authorize extensions after 60 days.  HB 2003 does this, but lacks clear language indicating that it applies to the current decrees of Governor Justice, not just future ones.  It passed the House and is currently in the Senate, submitted to the Government Organization committee, chaired by Senator Maynard but they have not acted on it since receiving it February 22nd.
    HB 2014 specifies that emergency funds received from the Federal Government over $150 million must be appropriated by the legislature.  It has passed the House and is currently in the Senate, submitted to the Finance committee chaired by Senator Eric Tarr.
    Action Steps:  Contact our Senators to express support for both bills, and to request an amendment clarifying that HB 2003 applies to mandates currently in place.
    Also contact the chair of the respective committees to request that the bill be put on the agenda and passed out of the committee.
  2. Protect the integrity of elections in West Virginia.  Eliminate early voting.  All voting will be on Election Day.  Mail in voting should not be allowed at all, unless a citizen lives outside of the United States.  That is what the great majority of other countries do.  See this analysis of other countries:    For those living outside the county, a Photo ID must be submitted with the request for a ballot.  Eliminate using electronic voting machines.  Use paper ballots.  Do not use Clarity voting or any other third party reporting system.  All counting and reporting must remain in the state.

In case of a challenge of the election results, failure to follow rules will automatically invalidate any contested election and a new election must be called i.e. if observers are not allowed to view ballot processing, or if ballots are destroyed or voting machine audit records erased.  Use paper ballots to speed up voting and eliminate fraud.  Tabulate votes, when not done manually, using two machines from different manufacturers.  Results must match.  Results will be recorded by each county and records will be retained on local servers and backed up by physical records of ballot counts.  No third-party processing of election results is allowed.

Action step:  Contact our legislators and let them know that you oppose HB 2814, sponsored by Jefferson County’s own Shepherdstown delegate, John Doyle.  Tell our legislators that you want actual election reform that insures the integrity of our elections based on the above points.

3. Protect personal and religious freedom by eliminating vaccine mandates in West Virginia.  This includes not allowing employers to mandate vaccines.  See this fact sheet.
Action step.  Contact our legislators and let them know that you support SB 406 and SB 2881, which both remove the dangerous and unnecessary Hepatitus B vaccine from the vaccination schedule.  We have gone literally decades without any progress on this issue.  This is a modest step in the right direction
Also let them know that you support HB 2728 to clarify that the commissioner of Public Health cannot add any immunizations not specifically authorized by the legislature and HB 2783 that allows a physician to write a medical exemption and eliminates the state Immunization Officer.  See all of the health freedom bills hereJoin the West Virginians for health freedom local group on Telegram to keep updated.
Action Step:  Contact House Education Chair Ellington to ask that HB 2728 be put on the agenda and why it is important to you.
Contact House Health Chair Pack to tell him why you support HB 2783 and HB 2881 and ask that they both be put on the agenda.
4. Fund a road that exits to the south from Shannondale.
Action Steps:  Contact our legislators to ask and demand that such a road be funded, as it is a safety issue.

Contact Information:

Delegate Paul Espinosa (Shannondale):  Capitol:  (304) 340-3310  Cell:  (304) 268-4266

Delegate Wayne Clark (Charles Town)  Capitol:   (304) 340-3366  Cell:  (703) 786-7114

Delegate John Doyle (Shepherdstown)  Capitol:  (304) 340-3248 Hm:  (304) 876-1648

Delegate Joe Ellington (House Education Chair) (304) 340-3265

Delegate Jeff Pack (House Health Chair)

(304) 340-3269

Senator John Unger (Shepherdstown)  Capitol:  (304) 357-7933  Cell:  (304) 389-1866

Senator Patricia Rucker (Shannondale)  Capitol:  (304) 357-7957  Cell:  (304) 279-1619

Senator Mark Maynard-Chair of Government Organization Committee  Capitol:  (304)357-7808

Cell:  (304) 360-6272

Senator Eric Tarr-Chari of Finance Committee  Capitol:  (304) 357-7901

media Politics

#91-Seth Rich Murder and Cover-Up: New Evidence

Seth Rich was murdered after leaking DNC emails to WikiLeaks. New evidence shows that Rod Rosenstein was the key figure responsible for his murder.

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