In my last blog, Seek First His Kingdom, I outlined the role of Rev. Sun Myung Moon in the evolution of our current world situation. Continuing in the same vein, I will explain how God is working right now to bring a decisive victory.
In Peace Message 10, The Family Rooted In Absolute Sexual Ethics, which Is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom, Rev. Moon states:
Therefore, I am now leading all tribal and national messiahs to unite and bring to a final end the improper relationship between the political sphere, representing the Cain realm, and the religious sphere, representing the Abel realm.
The Mongolian Peoples’ Federation, representing 74 percent of the world’s population, should bear in mind that the providential age is now upon us in which it should fulfill its duties by restoring the world through the Marriage Blessing on the national level. This will bring to a close the conflict between Cain and Abel, which began in humankind’s first family.
The religious sphere, particularly centered on the absolute sexual ethics of abstinence before marriage and fidelity within Blessed families, must take the Abel role. Politics must take the Cain position, following the lead of those who understand about true families and Blessed marriage. President Trump had the right idea, when after the Washington DC riots, on June 1st, 2020, he held up the Bible in front of the partially burned out St. John’s Episcopal Church parish house, across from Lafayette Square in Washington, DC.
Before his death on September 3rd, 2012, Rev. Moon declared that January 13th 2013 (by the Heavenly, lunar-based calendar) would be Foundation Day.
It is my opinion, that due primarily to the disunity of Mrs. Moon with her husband’s words and vision, especially after his death, this date was postponed until January 13th, 2020, seven years later.
What events happened on January 13th, 2020 that would bear out this supposition?
- The first case of COVID-19 was reported in the United States
- The delayed articles of Impeachment for President Donald J Trump were transmitted to the Senate by Nancy Pelosi
- Citizens and mothers in particular were successful in New Jersey in beating back a blatant attempt to strip New Jersey residents of religious vaccination exemptions for school children.
Let’s consider this scripture from the Daily Inspiration of April 27th, 2021:
Revelation 11
9 For three and a half days the people of every nation, tribe, language, and race will stare at the bodies of these two witnesses and refuse to let them be buried. 10 Everyone on earth will celebrate and be happy. They will give gifts to each other, because of what happened to the two prophets who caused them so much trouble. 11 But three and a half days later, God will breathe life into their bodies. They will stand up, and everyone who sees them will be terrified.
How are we to understand these two prophets, who are so reviled, appear dead for three days, and then are revived? They are those who represent the Abel and Cain realms that Rev. Moon speaks about in the previous reading. Abel is the religious realm, so one prophet is Christianity, which has taken a seemingly fatal blow due to moral and family decay and additionally the suppression of Christians by the government during the COVID-19 situation.
The other prophet represents the Cain-type realm, or the political realm. This prophet is none other than the movement of those who support President Donald J. Trump. This does not mean only President Trump himself, but the movement he led that respects the role and value of Christianity in society.
Notice in the scripture from Revelation 11 that “everyone on earth will celebrate and be happy”. I think that this means the euphoria of the fake news media and false, godless technocracy over the fraudulent election where President Trump was seemingly defeated.
Earlier in the same passage in Revelation, the two witnesses are seen preaching for 1260 days, or almost three and a half years, so three and a half days means three and a half years. Additionally, 40 is a number of separation from Satan in the Bible, such as the 40 day flood judgement at the time of Noah. Therefore, I predict that around the time between 40 and 42 months after January 13th, 2020, there will be a resurrection of the proper role of Christianity and also of the political realm that has been represented by Donald J. Trump.
Last time I introduced how the new Kingdom Building movement of Christianity is exemplified by socially and politically engaged Christians of various faiths and denominations, such as the health freedom movement and the seven mountains of culture movement. This is the very movement that is emerging now and will emerge more and more over the next two years.
Furthermore, the Trump movement, whether exemplified by Trump himself or up and coming leaders like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, is rising. Look for a substantial rising of both of these movements and a correction of the false Presidential election of 2020 by about July to September, 2023.