Seeking First God’s Kingdom

Mission: We promote a world where the culture of sexual abstinence in preparation for marriage is honored and where the welfare of children comes before the pleasure of adults. We uplift God’s plan for the family; a loving, God-centered husband and wife and the children that their union creates.

God’s desire is that, beginning from the year 2000, in every corner of the globe, Blessed Families
united with the Parents of heaven and earth will initiate a new family revolution and worldwide moral
, centering on true love, and build His eternal, ideal kingdom on earth as well as in heaven.
Rev. Sun Myung Moon Everybody Wants True Love

The key to solving today’s problems is to find God. Only a comprehensive understanding of God’s Will and Providence can illuminate the solution to the crisis we are facing today.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon, July 26, 1994

The ultimate goal of God’s Kingdom is the perfection of true families. Within true families, there must be the ideal of a true nation and world. The term absolute sex emerges here as the tradition of true love that can influence a true world and nation. Absolute sex refers to that which is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal. Everything that has to do with being harmonized in love with a reciprocal partner to whom you are linked through love – an attribute of God – is bound together in sexual relations. (281-282, 1997.3.9)

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Cheon Seong Gyeong p. 2268

The Five Points Needed to Build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth: View the points here

Find Your Eternal Match

The most important factor in finding your eternal marriage partner is preparing yourself, including your mind, your heart and your relationship with and knowledge about God and why He created you.
Sexual abstinence before marriage and becoming unselfish are keys to this preparation. invites those who have kept their sexual purity, meaning that they are abstaining from all types of sexual relationships in preparation for marriage and those who have returned to sexual abstinence in preparation for marriage to become a member, find their eternal match and receive the Blessing of marriage.
Married couples will also strengthen their marriage and give their marriage eternality by studying the Blessing Preparation Course and receiving the Marriage Blessing that was initiated by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife.

Daily Inspiration Scripture Ministry

We provide Daily Inspiration Scripture Readings from the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon six days per week.
Sign up here

The Richard Urban Show

We present news and views from the Unification Principle Point of View

The Peace Kingdom Center

The Peace Kingdom Center

is the perfect place for your next corporate, nonprofit or church small conference or retreat. The Center is located on the Shenandoah Mountain and features a beautiful view of the Shenandoah valley. There are comfortable sleeping accommodations for eight. The main conference area can seat 25 for day guests. There is a parking area for 10 plus cars.


Shannondale Social Network

Join the decentralized worldwide social network.  This node is hosted by VisionRoot.  All Patriots and freedom loving people of good will are welcome.

Home Church

Home Church is the Kingdom building ministry initiated by Rev. Sun Myung Moon.  All people of good will in a contiguous geographic area of 360 or more homes are invited to work together to build God’s Kingdom on earth.  The “home church” is the community of 360 families.  Each family is invited to center on the absolutely good love of husband and wife and to become a Blessed family.
Events     About Home Church

Abstinence-Centered Character Education

We raise youth leaders to develop good character and to model and teach about the benefits of sexual abstinence, in preparation for marriage and successful family formation


Online Grocery Delivery Software for Stores and Independent Delivery Services

Allows affiliates to set up their own grocery delivery business, including an online and printed catalog, telephone ordering, packing lists, customer re-order forms, and more.

New Tribal Messiah Association

Purpose:   to provide a forum for Tribal Messiahs to discuss concerns and advance activities that work toward the fulfillment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, as described in the Eight Sacred Textbooks of holy scripture delineated by Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

To join, Register Here.
View the New Tribal Messiah Association Blog by clicking here.

Watch Announcing a  New Tribal Messiah Association.

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Discussion on Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities Movie