Presidential Politics Rev. Sun Myung Moon

#131-Make Love, Not War; Rev. Moon’s Solution to the War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine can be described as Biden’s war. Victoria Nuland was involved in encouraging and facilitating the coup that overthrew the legitimately elected president of Ukraine. In 2014, 97% of the residents in Crimea voted to be a part of Russia, yet the US and Europe did not recognize that referendum. Biden’s family is deeply embedded in Ukraine, receiving 100’s of thousands of dollars through various Ukrainian entities.
Yet, Rev. Sun Myung Moon many years ago, proposed a unique solution to this conflict. Listen to find out what it is.

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Rev. Moon speaking in Kyiv, Ukraine

Rev. Sun Myung Moon-Peace Message 10

Big Pharma-Conflicts of Interest Civil Liberties Vaccine Choice

#130-COVID Crimes-Never Forget

We must never forget the devastation, death and suffering caused by the unholy alliance of Big Pharma and government agencies. President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about this in his farewell address in 1961.
President Trump needs to come clean on this issue, or he will lose many independent and Republican supporters in 2024.

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Family Family Breakdown Marriage Rev. Sun Myung Moon

#129-Sliding IS Deciding

Many are on the fence, undecided, as to the merit of the work done by Rev. Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012). His biggest legacy is the Blessing of Marriage institution and ceremonies, plus his teaching about absolute sexual ethics; giving great clarity to the need for abstinence before marriage and faithful, Blessed marriage.
If you have heard about his work, and are not deciding to support this movement, then that stance itself is a decision that needs to be reevaluated.
Watch this show to find out why.

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