Religious Freedom West Virginia Politics

Tom Takubo Does Not Care about the Health and Well Being of West Virginia Children and Adults

Tom Takubo is a West Virginia State Senator representing District 17, which includes Kanawha County and Charleston, WV.  He was electied in 2014 and is currently Chair of the Health and Human Resources Committee.  Due to his lack of concern for the well-being of West Virginia youth and adults, he needs to be ejected from his position by the voters on November 6th, 2018.

According to committee staff, Senator Takubo thinks that the current vaccine mandate, requring 45 doses of 14 different vaccines for school attendance is a good system and does not need to be changed.   This is in spite of the fact that only West Virginia, Mississippi and California do not allow religious or conscientious exemptions for vaccinations.  This is also in spite of the fact that there have been thousands of serious adverse reactions requiring hospitaliztion and hundreds of deaths from vaccines:  The number of serious injuries and deaths from vaccines is generally many times more than the numbers of serious injuries and deaths before the vaccines were introduced.   West Virginia is a cash cow for big pharmaceutical companies, as there is no need to advertise for vaccines, as the state does all of the dirty work for the pharmaceutical companies by mandating 45 does of 14 different vaccines.  These vaccines are recognized as “inherently unsafe” by the vaccine court set up under the 1986 vaccine safety law.

Although my wife and I were in Charleston for three days during the legislative session, we could not schedule an appointment with Senator Takubo.  In fact, we were not even able to intercept him in the hallways of the State Capitol.  As a doctor and member of the American Medical Association (AMA), Senator Takubo has a severe conflict of interest when it comes to vaccine choice.  The AMA does not support the right of parents to opt out of any vaccination for religious or conscientious reasons.  As such, it is extremely callous and conflicted of Senator Takubo to block vaccine choice legislation as head of the Health Committee, as he has done in both the 2017 and 2018 legislative sessions.

Recently, Senator Takubo has claimed that he would allow vaccine choice legislation to come to the Senate floor for a vote.  This is a vacuous and calculated ploy.  If that is the case, why did he assiduously block just exactly that legislation in the 2017 and 2018 sessions?

Furthermore, Takubo claims that West Virginia is healthier than other states due to the vaccine mandates.   That is false.  In overall health, West Virgina ranks 46th.  For instance, in infant mortality, West Virgina ranks 41st (

Clearly, Tom Takubo needs to be shown the exit door by the voters of Kanawha County.  Hopefully, in the future, a more freedom and liberty minded Republican Senator will be elected from Kanawha county in District 17.  In the meantime, I would urge voters to choose the lesser of two evils and vote for his opponent, Terrell Ellis.



What is Church?

I wrote this editorial five years ago, but it is till very applicable today, as well, and applies equally to the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary where I used to affiliate.
Fundamentally, we need to look at “Church” in a new way.

Blessed Central Families are the core of the Providence

I believe that this is the era for Tribal Messiahs to take the lead.  The substantial work of the providence cannot be done by the Family Church or Family Federation.  It is done by individual Blessed Central Families and small groups of Blessed Central Families who do ministry in their local communities.  So, in essence, the purpose of the Family Federation is to raise up and support Tribal Messiahs who will carry out the mission of teaching and helping individuals and families move toward the goal of being Blessed Central Families.

The Family church in each community should be looking at how to support the ministries of the Blessed Central Families.  Ideally, each Blessed Central Family should have its own ministry.  Then the Family Church should ask each family how it can assist and support in that family’s ministry.

The Family Federation should look to find projects that educate and raise people up towards the Blessing.  These may not always be Family Federation projects.  For instance, they could be nonprofits or businesses that support the mission of the Family Federation.  Donations and education can flow toward the Blessed Central Families doing the work, not just from them.  If a Blessed Central Family is holding meetings or programs that help people move toward the Blessing, why not encourage and even financially assist that work?

When models are found that work, then they should be made available locally and nationwide. Blessed Central families can give their testimony of what is working at Sunday service.   The national Family Federation can support by brining successful Blessed Central Families to Regions other than their own.  In this way, these models can be duplicated and nominal funding given to those families willing to try these models.

So rather than only getting those we know to come to Sunday Service, we can assist with the education of their children toward abstinence before marriage and successful family formation

True Father says in the Cheon Sung Gyung p. 1505:

In the future, the Sunday service of the Unification Church should be in the format of a report, not a sermon. The contents of the report should be about something a family can be proud of. Therefore, the whole family would need to attend the service. In this way, the other families can model themselves after the exemplary families and be guided by them to the right path. In such a manner we can establish the heavenly kingdom for the family, on earth. You should bear in mind that before this is done God’s Kingdom on earth cannot be established. (23-63, 1969.5.11)


The reason I’m not currently constructing any church buildings is because I have plans of my own. The number of people in the church is not important. The Kingdom of Heaven does not begin from the church; it originates from the family, that is, the bride and groom.

Woman was born to meet man, and vice versa. When a baby wakes up, it looks for its “mama.” The husband should call his wife more than the baby calls its mother. A person who fails to do so is truly pitiable. The wife should also call her husband more than he does her. They should become such a couple. As husband and wife enjoying the happiness of conjugal harmony, they should call out to each other all the time. If they can live in such a manner forever, they would not envy the young even when they grow old. In the future, I will arrange a world tour for those blessed couples that reach the age of eighty. (23-55, 1969.5.11).


So True Father relates the loving relationship of Blessed husbands and wives to church growth.  One way to grow is to learn from exemplary couples at Sunday Service.  Another way is through the loving example of Blessed Central Families.


I suggest that an excellent way to help families in our communities is to promote abstinence-centered sexual health education.  Furthermore, by teaching about absolutely good sex, we can further help families in our communities, as well as our own families.  I don’t know why every family would not want to assist young people at their local middle or high school by providing Relationship Intelligence abstinence-centered education.  Furthermore, meetings with both parents and their children can be held for further education.  I would like to see many testimonies about families helping other families in their community in this way, including their children.


Richard Urban




John Unger Is Doing A Bad Job and Needs to be Replaced in the West Virginia State Senate

Update; March, 2020.  I was able to meet with Senator Unger in December 2019, which was a definite improvement from the situation described below.  He indicated that he may be ready to vote for vaccine choice, as well, but this has not yet been tested by any Senate vote or co-sponsorship of a vaccine choice bill.

John Unger, Democrat, is the current West Virginia State Senator representing all of Jefferson County and part of Berkeley County.  He was first elected in 2010.

When I contacted Senator Unger by email multiple times int he fall of 2017, he never bothered to respond.  When I tried to schedule an appointment with his office in January, 2018, while my wife and I were visiting Charleston during the legislative session, I was told that he does not make appointments with constituents.  When I tried to contact Senator Unger by telephone, I could never reach him.

I had to hunt like a detective to find him at the State Capital building, and was able to find him on the floor of the State Senate before the session began.  I asked him if he supports the right of a parent to choose not to vaccinate their child for a certain vaccine for either conscientious or religious reasons.  He did not answer that question.  However, during an education committee meeting on that topic one March 18, 2017, Senator Unger wondered if those seeking religious exemptions were sincere in their religious beliefs.

Why is Senator Unger running for reelection when he does not even respond to his constituents phone calls or correspondence? Furthermore, in the 2018 session, Senator Unger only sponsored two bills, while most senators sponsored around 20 bills.

Furthermore, why does Senator Unger not support the right of a parent to choose not to vaccinate their child for conscientious or religious reasons?  A total of 47 other state have conscientious or reliaghous exemptions, or both.

A much better choice for State Senator in the 16th District in West Virginia is the Republican candidate, Michael Folk ( a current West Virginia State Representative who was first elected n 2012.   Mr. Folk is  a clear advocate for personal freedom, including the right to choose not to vaccinate your child, second amendment rights, and constitutional freedoms, in general.

Often, state and local elections are decided by a small number of votes.  I urge you to not sit this one out and to get our and vote for Michael Folk for West Virginia State Senate on November 6, 2018.
